Funerals...what feelings are you suppose to have at a funerals? I've never been to one before. Even when mother died, father and I didn't have enough money to have one for her. We just threw flowers into her grave as she was lowered away into the ground in her coffin. I remember standing next to father, holding hands, watching mother go into the endless pit. The worst part was when they started to bury her. It was raining that day, the dirt was heavier than usual. I was so afraid that the weight of the soil would crush mother's body. So? Am I suppose to be sad this day? I don't think so...

The great hall was decorated in black. The beautiful drapers were all black. The enchanted sky was black. The twisted candles were dim and glowed an dark eerie shadow. All the long tables were removed, thousands of chairs replaced them. A beautiful gold crusted coffin was placed where the staff table would have stood. I feel so small, standing at the edge of the doors, peeking in. Nobody was insight yet. The ceremony was to start soon. I closed the doors.

Slowly, the female populations of students marched down the staircases and formed a little group in front of the doors. I went off to the side and hide behind a suit of amour. The girls were all dressed in black blouses, skirts and veils. I gingerly look down upon my untidy mixture of black garments and felt rather embrassed. The male portion of the school marched down as well. All were dressed in robes of black, holding a unlit candle. I scanned through the crowd of quiet students. All were sad and depressed. I spotted Lavender among the girls. She was crying silently to herself. I watch every bead of tear drip down the side of her veiled face. She seemed to be in her own state of mind now. We all knew that she had very close relationship with the dead. Parvait kept her arm around little Lavender as she continued to cry. A little over to the left was Hermione Granger. She was standing beside Ron whom seemed to be holding her hand tightly and whispering word of comfort to her. Ginny was at the far east side of Ronald Weasley. She saw me and nodded as a greeting. I nodded back. Draco Malfoy was among the people back of the group. He seemed less proud and sulky today, perhaps he finally knew the importance of respect. I continued to scan around the girls and the boys. I must have seen everyone I knew, except Harry Potter.

I knew he wasn't going to take part in this ceremony. He feared death. He hated mourning and sadness. I must find him...I don't know why though.

I quickly jumped out from behind the amour and crept through the students. I made my way slowly and respectfully, comforting some of the students as I went. I went through the main entrance, towards Hagrid's hut. I believe Harry was in the Shrieking Shack. I ran and ran towards the tree. I felt a stitch on the side of my ribs, but I continued. I skidded a halt when I got to the tree. It was fall now, the tree shedders its leaves already looking very cold. I wanted to wrap may arms around it to give it comfort, but I knew better. I picked a stick and probed the knot and in I went.

"Helo?" I said, as I climbed up stairs.

The stairs creaked and croaked as I place my weight on it. The railing was very dustily and disgusting. There seems to be ancient blood stains all over them. The crystal chandler was filthy and looked although it would disconnect and drop. I just notice, that their were blood stains on the floor too, which sent chills down my back.

"Hello?" I repeated, pushing open the door to the only bedroom of the shack.

There was nobody inside. My heart dropped and felt empty. I had not found Harry, only shadows. I looked down on my own shadow. I saw another shadow behind mine.

"Harry?" I said, turning around.

"I saw you come in, so I followed up here." Harry said, "I was just about to come here anyways."

"I though so." I said dreamily, "I didn't see you at the great hall, so I came."

Harry fell silent. It was odd moment because we were looking at each other. He blushed and looked down to his feet.

"Do you want to go back to the service?" I asked timidly, looking at the blood stains on the floor.

Harry nodded a little and lead the way.

The castle was in clear view now. It was beautiful, a little too beautiful for such a horrible night. Their was light winds that blew and caught the ends of my hair. I felt winter approach.

"So?" Harry said gently, as he lead on.

We arrived at the doors. The ceremony had started already. Harry lead me to the last row of chairs. We sat down carefully and observed.

"As you all know, he was a brave and selfless student. He would help his friends when ever help was needed. Seamus Finnigan, was so much more than what he seems." Dumbledore said sorrowfully to the students, "Now, we would like to invite some of his close friends to speak about him before his coffin closes forever."

Dumbledore stepped off of the stand next to the coffin. Lavender slowly made her way up to the stand. She got rid of her tears and stood there before all of us. I was so proud of her. She is truly a brave witch.

"I first meet Seamus on the Hogwarts Express. He was very funny and joked around with me. He teased me a lot, but I enjoyed it. I just wish I had remembered every single word he had said to me, then I would have memories of him to last me a life time." Lavender said slowly.

Harry was shaking and biting his lip. He had turned white and lost focus. I, myself, felt really bad, but he must have felt worst because Seamus was murdered by Lord Voldemort. I patted his hand to comfort him, as I tried to remove it; he held on and grasped it tightly in his.

"Seamus was my friend and buddy. He was very friendly and believed in many amazing things." Dean said sadly, "He would stand up for what ever he though was right, never giving up."

Harry's hand grasped tighter. My fingers were numb, but I continued to let him because he need my hand more and I.

"He stood firm against the dark and proved himself worthy of the light." Dean continued, "He was my bestest friend and I will miss him forever."

Dean had broken down and began to cry, many of the others below began to cry as well.

My fingers were purple and swollen.

I could tell that Harry was controlling his tears, so was I. I didn't want to cry out, I know death is terrible, but I want everyone to know that it is just another chapter of life. I want them all to know that your simply moving homes when you die. A home that is so much better than the one on earth.

"Here ends the ceremony of Seamus the brave." Dumbledore said in a very shaky voice.

Harry lifted my hand along with his and kissed the backside of it.

"Thanks." He whispered.

We walked down the aisle towards the coffin. We were to say goodbye, but he still hadn't let go of my hand. When we got there in front of Seamus's coffin, we bowed down together.

"Goodbye." I whispered, "I hope you like your new home."

We turned away and walked out of the grand hall. That was the last time I ever saw Seamus again.

Harry was still holding my hand. He led me around the place. He seemed so lost, which I suspect he was. We ended up outside again. We were near the lake. My whole body was cold, except my hand. He finally turned to me.

"Do you think I am insane?" Harry asked seriously.

"No." I answered truthfully.

"Do you think I am heartless?" He asked.


"What do you think I am then?" He said desperately.

"I think...that your very brave and courageous." I said dreamily.

Harry smiled and laughed, but I could tell that it wasn't deep.

"Isn't there anything that's wrong with me?" He joked.

"Your not confident enough, and you lack hope and faith. I know your trying, I could tell, but you need more practise." I said truthfully spilling out my heart.

Harry looked at me and smiled.

"Your right." Harry said foolishly, "I been so stupid. I understand now. I have to believe."

I beamed at him. I was so proud.

Harry looked up into the sky.

"Seamus!" Harry shouted, "I hope you like your new home!"

"Hey, that sounds familiar." I said curiosity

"That's because it belongs to you." Harry said.

"It does?" I asked, trying to remember.

We looked at each other for minutes. His eyes were green. The colour of envy and lust. The thin lightening bolt on his forehead was so beautiful. I wanted to touch it and perhaps I could feel the pain within him.

"Luna, thank you for saving me." Harry said.

"I didn't save you, you saved yourself." I said dreamily.

"Still, I owe you one." Harry said, "What can I do for you?"

"Um...just one little thing, may I have my hand back cause I can't feel it anymore." I said pleasantly.

Harry quickly let go and blushed.

"Sorry." He said absently.

"Did it help?" I asked.

"Yeah." Harry said with a nod, "It prevented me from crying my eyes out."

"Hey, the star." I shrilled.

"Where?" Harry said looking up.

"Right up. We're under it!" I said, dancing around, "The rider and belt."

"Cool! The rider and belt star thing really works." Harry said laughing as I did a summersault.

I loved dancing underneath the stars. It gave me connection. I believed I was dancing with them. I loved them. They were family to me.

"I believe so." I said, dropping down on the grass, exhausted from my dancing.

Harry followed suit.

"Can you tell me more about stars?" Harry asked eagerly.

"What do you want to know?" I asked, stretching out my legs on the damp earth.

"What are the purpose of stars?" Harry asked, stupidly looking up at the twinkling dark night.

I glance at Harry, smiling dreamily. The wind blew picking up bits of Harry's messy hair which I though suited him very nicely. It made him look very outgoing and easy. Ronald's hair made him look like an overgrown baboon which attracted my attention. I don't exactly remember why the image of a baboon came into my mind. I liked Ron's hair more than Harry's though, it is much more entertaining.

"Stars are guilders." I simply said.

I lifted my hands to the sky and laid back on to the grass. I tried to catch them with my hands. I wanted them to keep me company forever.

"That one points out the north for the lost." I said pointing at a very bright star towards the east.

" What about that one?" Harry asked, pointing at the one next to it.

" That's the guild of wealth." I said after thinking a bit.

The guild of wealth was a star that bough wealth and bad luck. I didn't want to tell Harry this. It would dampen his mood.

" What about that one?" He asked, pointing at the tiniest star in the sky

I looked closely at it. In astrology class, Professor Sinrate had told me that only people destined to be together will find that particular star under one sky. I couldn't believe it. Harry looked eagerly for and answer.

"That'" I said slowly.

Harry looked up upon that star although he was trying to scan it. I laughed and pushed the stars meaning to the back of my brain.

"What are you looking at?" Harry asked, "Is it me again?"

"Uh huh." I said with a deep smile.

He froze and looked back into my eyes with full focus. I was shaking inside because no one had ever looked at me like that before.

"Is there something?" I asked.

"It's nothing." Harry said.

I could tell it was a lie because his eyes twinkled in a special way which made my heart flutter and head spin. What was this feeling? Could it be something I had tried to ignore all my life? Was it a crush? Was it LOVE? No...I can't fall in love....

That's chap 4....hope you like it cause I was trying to make it more detail. This story ties in a bit with "A toast" by me, but it has a very different plot and only bits of it is related. Anyways...Happy reviewing...thanks to those that have reviewed...My goal is to accumulate to 40 reviews.