Disclaimer: Don't own FF X-2, so don't sue me

The slinky, silver-haired girl choked back tears.

"No. It's not true," she tried to convince herself.

He isn't dead, no, it cannot be, she reassuringly said to herself.

"Mother, NO! I will not accept this. It is not true," she snapped.

She couldn't proccess this. It was too difficult. Her mother's voice interrupted the blinding pain the girl was currently experiencing.

"Dearest Paine...your father...he died in a battle in the Maclania Woods," the mother's voice bended and bended, but eventually split in two. As Paine's long hair dangled over her face, she broke out into sobs and her happiness was killed.

Paine buried her face in her hands and her heart crushed.

"We have no remains if him. Except his sword...but the image of his face...it's slowly vanishing..."

She sobbed wildly as her heart plummeted amidst a pitch-black sea. She felt the urge to kill herself with the sword. She placed the cool steel on her creamy white neck. But she quickly drew the sword away. She just couldn't. Plunging her father's treasured sword into her skin would be...an insult to him. As if spitting on his tomb.

Paine suddenly wondered if there was anyone with memories of him that she could see. She mustered up some courage to ask her mother.

"Mother...is there anyone who has any of his remains..?" she quietly asked, with a tear-stained face.

"Actually, there is a woman I met...her name was Leblanc--"

Paine suddenly interrupted her mother.

"What?! What about Leblanc?! Tell me!!"

She shook her mother back and forth. She would do absolutely anything to see her father's face again.

"The woman, Leblanc...she said something about a movie sphere of him. I'm wondering if she's telling the truth?"

Paine's mind lit up. She beamed.

"Is there any way...of obtaining this sphere thing?"

Her mother solemnly nodded.

Excitement scurried throughout Paine.

"Then...I'm going on a mission far from home, mother."

Her mother looked at her bewildered.

Paine delightfully grinned.

She then reached for the sword and cut her slick, silvery hair, and said goodbye to the girl she used to be.

Paine was changing for him, and only him, no turning back.

She then clutched the sword in her hand.
