Disclaimer: Nothing is mine, save the plot.
Rating: PG
Author's Note: This story is a two-part vignette. I apologize for disappointing the many of you who were looking forward to a storyline. A longer story is coming soon.
Thank you to Shaan Lien, who reviewed Of Elflings and Adolescents! I love angst too, but sometimes light-hearted stories are good. ;) I appreciate how you reviewed all these stories that I moved on from!
Thank you also to Sy-wen for reviewing that story! It means much to me! ;)
To those who reviewed Trolls and Oliphaunts:
Gozilla: Thank you for reviewing the story even after I moved onto a new one! ;)
Leannan-S: You know, it's so funny and touching too, how you're too lazy to log in but still bother to leave me with a review! It means a lot to me! Thanks!
Unsung Heroine: Happy Birthday!! Wow, you're like, born in the same year as me! ::gasp:: hehehe, well, yeah, I was inspired by that oliphaunt-slaying scene, as you guessed. ::grin:: Thank you for reviewing!
Shaan Lien: Thank you!
LOTRFaith: Ooh, you are back! ::hugs:: Thank you for reviewing!
by Kasmi Kassim
In the Dark of the Night
Part 2
Pale blue eyes reflected the flash of light across the sky. Pallid strands of golden hair brushed gently against the motionless face, roused by the howling winds. A violent roar of thunder could be heard.
He stood motionless, his cold blue eyes glittering in the searing brightness across the sky, frozen still as a statue. He did not turn at the soft sound of footsteps behind him.
The call was soft, quiet. No accusation, no surprise. Not even curiosity. He knew. He knew why he was here. He pressed his lips into a thin line.
Slowly, he turned. Half-hidden in the darkness of the hall, Elladan stood, his warm dark eyes upon him.
"Why are you out here?" The quiet voice approached the elfling slowly, the gentle tone penetrating the roar of the gale. Unmoving, the elfling watched, his body a hair away from the edge of the portico, merciless rain pelting down within a breath away from his billowing tresses.
In smooth, graceful movements, Elladan slowly kneeled to face the expressionless child. He gently took the small hands in his own, and rubbed them together to summon back the warmth that had escaped long ago. "You are getting cold, Legolas."
The child did not answer. His azure eyes bore into the dark ones, flashing in accordance with the brilliant streaks of celestial light. Darkness wavered around them, threatening to swallow the child in its cavernous mouth. The rain danced around them maddeningly, lashing into the portico under the roof, grazing the elfling's marble skin. And the elfling remained motionless, silent.
Elladan lowered his gaze, away from the glassy reflection of himself in the child's eyes. His dark hair blew around his face, mingling with the pale strands of the elfling's hair. He gently squeezed the limp hands between his own, and brought them up to his bowed head. Warm lips brushed against them, caressed them, the moist breath melting the frostiness of the lifeless flesh.
"It is cold out here alone."
The murmur was soft, ever tender upon the frozen hands. The lips breathed out a gentle whisper, taking away the chill in exchange for the warmth that they showered upon the icy skin.
The wind tore at them with vicious claws. Pale and dark hair whipped the darkness of the night, sweeping the harsh air with wild, frenzy furor. Elladan raised his eyes once again to meet the piercing blue crystals of the young ones. So clear, transparent.
The elfling did not move.
"Come with me."
The whisper caressed the elfling softly, jolting him with a touch in the cheek. Thunder roared in the sky.
In the shadows of the darkness, the cold, empty room came rushing before the elfling's eyes. The air of emptiness, the silent chamber that echoed his breathing in the lonely dark. And he remained still, watching the dark-haired youth caress his skin. The warm eyes, embracing his own cold orbs welcomingly. The dark skies roared mercilessly, and streaks of lightning screamed across the howling winds. And his empty room was yet hushed, silent.
"Come with me."
Tender fingers left his cheek, and tightened around his cold hands. His hands were beginning to get warm. And the warmth from the larger fingers was beginning to drain. The figure slowly rose, the dark eyes never leaving his, and held out his hand.
The child moved.
And through the endless labyrinth of corridors and hallways, trod with the warm hand wrapped around his– at last a dark door loomed before him, and opened into further darkness; and he sucked in his breath, his hands becoming cold once again, as reassuring fingers squeezed his own. And he stepped into the room, fearfully, silently into the dark hushed room, to be greeted by a pair of familiar dark eyes that glowed warmly toward him in the occupied bed. They smiled upon him as the hand behind his back nudged him gently forward. And arms opened welcomingly before him.
Legolas climbed into bed, as Elrohir lifted up his blanket to welcome the cold body that snuggled close.
Tucked into the safety of warm arms that encircled him from front and back, the elfling sighed softly, and rested his head against Elladan's chest. The roar of thunder drowned in the soft sounds of synchronized breaths and heartbeats.
And embraced in the warmth of the darkness, the elfling slid into a sleep free of nightmares.
The End
Someone Reading: I absolutely agree. Homophobia is such an ugly mindset. It warps the purest displays of affection and makes it something it isn't. I am so for men who aren't afraid to hug and show affection. Thank you for your wonderful review as well as your new Sindarin phrase! I am definitely counting on you to be here again soon! ;)
Nikki1: Aw, thank you. I'm glad you liked Glorfindel and Erestor's dynamic!
Leannan-S: Sorry, this is more like a vignette, not a coherent storyline. Haha. I hope you weren't too disappointed!
farflung: I used to be never afraid of thunderstorms as a child, but I find myself being more and more afraid as I grow older. I guess knowledge of what things can happen makes adults more afraid. But I also like storms. I don't know why. Hehe. I'm glad you liked my scene with the twins getting comfort from Glorfindel. And I was so excited to read that you shared my vision of my Erestor holding Legolas so easily. That was one of the first visions I got when I laid down this story. And though I don't know Erestor and Glorfindel, I just like the idea of them being friends. ;) Thank you for another lovely review!
Unsung Heroine: Hehehe, I appreciate how you reviewed both parts of my writing, even after I moved on. Thanks a lot! Reviews make me so happy!
DJ(): I was so surprised to hear from you. Wow. Chile, South America? I am tremendously honored. Not only because you reviewed for me, but because you bothered to tell me about your location and the fact that your friends enjoy my fics too...it's such a joy to find that my writing can make others happy. You really over-compliment me ::blush:: Thank you so much! Ooh, what does the Spanish mean? (Is it Spanish? Forgive me if I got it wrong ;)
Celebdil-Galad and Tinlaure(): Wow, I appreciate that you were too lazy to log in but nonetheless stopped by to let me know! And I agree with you all the way; people are too sensitive with the 'gay' stuff. I want to see people who aren't afraid to share a bed and hug despite looks they get in the society today! It was, I guess you can call it, my way of breathing out of the box of conventions, like how you felt...I feel so stuffed sometimes with this radical homophobia. Thank you for your review!
Brazgirl: Your review made me laugh so hard, like most of your reviews! Hahaha! Thanks!
Shaan Lien: Er, I'm afraid I can't tell you, really – I have never read the books, so in truth I know nothing about the book characters. Sorry. But thank you for your review!
Coolio02: Really? I'm glad! Thank you much for your reviews!
Erestor: Wow, I was surprised to hear from you! Did I tell you that you're one of my favorite authors? ;) Anyway, Erestor's nightmares...I believe that everyone has a haunting nightmare or two that can surface at certain times, such as a storm. I mean everyone. ;) Sorry that this was not a coherent narrative of a story that you had expected – thank you so much for your review!
LOTRFaith: I think you don't need me to answer that question ;) Thank you for reviewing!