I have decided. This story will be rewritten. So don't be surprised if a chapter goes missing. They will be back up, better then before.


'I wonder how long they will continue to run around here. By sunrise they have to be gone if they don't want the humans after them'

Bass listened to the sounds of the robot masters that were looking for him. He had taken cover under the roots of a large tree that created a small cave in the forest outside the town where he had lived during the time he had acted as a human. The forest was usually quiet during the night, but now it was filled by the sounds of shouts and footsteps.


The black bot looked down at the small bundle in his arms. The bundle was warped up in his shirt, bloody and dirty from when he had fled from the apartment and getting under the root system. He had been badly injured, but not by the robot masters. Thankfully, his auto repair had fixed most of the wound but it was still hurting and seeping oilish blood.

The Wily bot was lucky that the night hid his small entrance well, but let in a little light, just enough to let his see his surroundings. He didn't have much space to move around, but then again, he didn't need to move just yet.

He opened the front of the shirt just slightly and frowned. "Shush you. If you want to see your first sunrise you better shut it. They are robots you know, they can hear you better then any human ever can" he said and pressed the bundle closer to him to hopefully get it to shut up. "Treble sacrificed himself for both of us, don't you dare make his efforts in vain!" he hissed.

Blood red orbs looked up at the black bot above. It could feel the danger of the situation at hand and was scary and the small being just wanted to cry out loud… but something stopped it from doing so. Crying… that would be showing a weakness and that would be more dangerous. It settled down and sighed as the warmth of it's 'mother' warped around it.

Bass relaxed a little when he realised that the kid wouldn't ruin his cover. But he stiffened when a shadow blocked the little light that shone into the small cave.

"Found him yet?" a voice was heard.

'Shadow Man. No doubt' Bass thought.

"No, Shadow, not a single trace. You sure he came this way?"

'Slash Man… this is not good…'

"Yes… he is around here somewhere. Can't you smell him, Slash? You are after all the one with the gifted nose"

Bass knew this. He knew the robot masters like the back of his hand. Slash could trace a drop of blood in a field filled with flowers. He would never get away if Slash decided to sniff him out. After all, he was covered in blood.

Looking around himself, Bass found a small hole amongst the roots. He carefully moved to kneel, tensing as his wound protested with the movement. He gently placed the bundle inside the hole and covered it up the entrance with a little dirt so it wouldn't be seen. "Now be a good and stay quiet. Am not doing this for nothing, you hear me? Someone will find you eventually. I'm sure of that. Wouldn't surprise me if Mega man or his red moron for a brother are the ones who finds you" he said and turned around to face the exit. He called for his armour and shifted a little as the said armour closed around him. He hadn't worn it for ages and it felt a little odd at the moment.

"You are right, Shadow. I can smell him. He's near…"

Bass smirked and took a deep breath. "Take care of yourself, kid" he whispered mostly to himself as he braced himself. With a mighty war cry Bass got out from his hiding and attacked the followers.


Rock shielded his eyes as the morning sun blinded him. He was tired… so tired. He had been looking for any traces of Bass' whereabouts after he and Blues had found Treble dead.

He had given up on searching the city. If Wily hadn't given up the robot masters would have been seen in town, looking for the black bot. He had heard a few people talking about a group of robots heading for the forest… but they might have been mistaken.

Rush sniffed the ground as he walked before his blue master. He could smell the Wily bots faintly but just enough to lead his master the right way. He assumed that the scents were about a night old since they were fading. He stopped in a small clearing. The smells were stronger here. No wonder…

Rock stopped in mid stride as Rush stopped before him. the site that greeted him chilled him to the core, just like when they had forum Treble.

The clearing was stained with dark blood. The ground showed lots of marks, indicating that there had been a struggle not to long ago. 'Oh no… Bass…'

Rush saw his master go 'pale'. He whined and pushed his nose into Rock's hand, showing his master that he was there for him.

"Oh, Rush… we are too late. They have him… I lost…" he mumbled as he sagged down to his knees. Horrible images flashed past his mind… "No"

The red dog didn't know how to cheer his master up. He had no idea what was going on but he knew there must be something he could do.


Rush's ears perked at the small sound. His master seemed not to have heard it. He quickly located the source of the noise and growled. He barked twice and growled louder.

Rock looked at Rush. "What is it boy? You hear something?" he asked. He got up and called for his buster. There was someone still in the clearing, he was sure of that.

Whimper... whimper….

"What is that? Whimpering?" Rock asked himself as he got closer to the tree. He looked around himself but didn't see anyone around… well except Rush of course…


The blue bomber looked down and spotted a small entrance. It looked large enough for a human to crawl into. He kneeled down beside the hole. "Well I got nothing to loose. Rush, keep an eye out" he told his red companion.

Rush barked and panted happily.

Rock smiled. Rush could cheer anyone up. He slid his feet into the hole and let his body slide down into the small root cave. There wasn't anything special down the…

Whimper… gnnnnnyuu…

Rock stiffened. There WAS something down there. But where? There was no place to hide. He called off his blaster and used his hands to trace the walls. He blinked as his hand 'fell' through a spot in the wall. "What the… ?"


The blue bomber jerked back in shock as a sharp wail priced the air. He took a deep breath and got back up next to the hole. Reaching inside he pulled out a small bundle from the hole. The carefully peeled away the bloody shirt and gasped at what he found.

In the hero's arms lay a small male baby robot. He was wailing, probably scared out of his little mind. The baby had tousled jet black hair just like his father, blood red eyes like his 'mother' and creamy skin. On his small right cheek he had what looked like one of Bass' war marks but it was blue instead of purple. The baby was a little dirty, but that probably came from being warped up in the bloody… shirt…

Rock held up a piece of the shirt close to his nose and smelled it. He knew that sent. "Bass… But if this is his shirt then you must be…!"

Then it hit him. Who else would leave a new born baby in the middle of a forest? And in a cave under ground? Bass must have… and then he had… and this…

"So… you are the one who caused all this, hu?" Rock asked as the child started to settle down.

The small robot looked up at the big robot above him with huge red eyes. This guy wasn't all that scary as he had originally thought. And he smelled nice to. Almost like 'mother'… where did he go again? He had been a good boy, just as 'mother' had said.

Rock slowly climbed out from the hole and sat on the ground. He still couldn't believe it.


'I hope you are safe, kid. I really do…'


Another chappi. Happy now?