-I do not own Naruto or Hiko, some else who is rich does. I'm a poor college student who needs to pay back his loans so if you sue me you might just find out that your are going to get negative dollars. This is an AU fic in which I wrote and thought would be funny and idiotic. Hiko, from Kenshin, is in it and the first chapter is about him.

-Hiko inner thoughs- "talking" some one els thoughts - italics

Naruto X

Chapter 1: How it came to Konoha

By Suuiren

-It has been a while now. How long have I been stuck in this place for? A month, no, less than that, two weeks perhaps, no matter, this place in no different from where I came from anyways. Yeah, no difference in this world and my world, they even smell the same . . . like blood.-
At least, that was what the Master of Hiten Mitsuruugi thought when he was sipping a bit of sake from the small cup in his hand while walking down the desolate road by himself. He had been walking for several days on a road in which he finally found after that "incident" incident happened to him. A sudden vein pops in his head and as he suddenly clenches his fist and starts bellowing out.
"Damn you, you old witch! How dare you treat me a master of the Art of Hiten Mitsuruugi like that! No one and I mean no one treats me like that and gets away with it! I'll get you if it is the last thing I can do! You hear me you old crone! YOU HEAR ME!" he spat out aloud for the world to hear.
Though it was more of his fault as he thought back to that "incident" that happened a few weeks prior to his current predicament.


"Heh," smirked Hiko arrogantly," Take responsibility? Take responsibility for what, say you? Can you say it a bit clearer!?"
"You heard me clearly," said an old Lady that stood just a bit over two foot tall. "You have defiled the maidenly virtue of my grand daughter and the virtue of our clan. The only way that you can fix this is to marry my grand daughter. NOW! You will have no choice in the matter or else you will suffer a fate worse than any other. You will do it or else!" finished the old Lady with a bit of anger and finality.
"Hah," retorted Hiko," it's not my fault that your grand daughter can't resist such a fine specimen of man like me. Besides I don't have time to settle down with just any girl from whatever clan your from. I'm Hiko Seijuro the 13th Master of Hiten Mitsuruugi. I don't have time to just marry off! I'm still too young (Hiko is about 40 years old) and there are too many women out there for me to meet." He finished it of with very arrogant "Hn."
"Why you pig of a man!" Said the Old woman disgustedly," I don't see what all women see in you at all that makes them come to you and how dare you just call the Yuuna clan just "any" clan. You don't even deserve to be forcefully married my grand daughter. She's too good for the likes of you!"
"The likes of me! It wasn't my fault that your grand daughter couldn't keep me from bed chambers. Besides it probably wasn't her first time that something like this had happened. Besides I've had better treatment from a geisha" stated Hiko triumphantly.
"Why you!" the anger apparent on her face now," not only do you take her bodily virtue you even compare her to a geisha! That's it! This punishment is fit for the likes of you!" she starts performing hand seals FAST and shouts out "Yuuna family ultimate technique -Sex Change no Jutsu!- "
Hiko was about to make a move, drawing out his sword to perform his sword technique," Ku Zu Ryuu --- Ahhhhhh!" he yelled in pain as swirls of charka start swirling around him and engulfing him. He couldn't move as he felt pain rush all over his body. This feeling was not only PAINFUL it felt as if his whole body was contorting from the jutsu as he yelled with in his charka prison.
It had been a few minutes before the jutsu was finally released and Hiko stood there. In his place stood a girl in her teens, with the large clothing and cloak(which all Hiten Mitsuruugi master wore) Hiko had on. She stood 5'10" long dark raven hair that drooped all the way down to her knees, large cute chest nut colored eyes, a beautiful slender body, and legs and hips that would make any woman jealous. There stood a Goddess of beauty but what came next wasn't.
"What did you do to me you WITCH! You, you ,you, you . . . what did you DO!" yelled Hiko in an angry ecstatic tone. "And why is my voice so soft and, and, and, why . . ." he saw as he saw two protruding buds from his chest and he suddenly felt a bit shorter than usual "What!" he asked as he looked at the two protruding bulges on his chest," it can't be . . . "
Laughter could be heard from the old lady as she wickedly said" Yes! It is as you think! Meet the ultimate technique of Yuuna Ryuu Family Clan the Sex Change no Jutsu! Not only is their no reverse for it but it is now permanent! You will live the rest of your life in the body of a 16 year old girl for the rest of your life! Ah ha ha ha ha, you should of married my grand daughter when you had the chance! Now live in the form of a woman, you have too long taken too many liberties on the female species. Now you shall see what it feels like to have dirty old men all over you!"
"NANI!? Did you just call me a DIRTY OLD MAN!" yelled Hiko with all his heart." I certainly was not a dirty old man and what you have done to me is unforgivable! I'm going to KILL you for this you OLD WITCH! Eat THIS technique! Amakakeryuu"- Oh Damn, the old lady thought as she saw the ULTIMATE technique of the Hiten Mitsuruugi school launch at her. "Oh no," she thought only one choice left if I am to survive through this-
She started chanting fast with hand seals forming at speeds faster than she had ever performed in her life. She then yelled," Come forth oh gate of Time, Come forth oh gate of the God of Time and Space, Come forth and launch this maniac(charging Hiko) in to a place of which he can not kill me!" she then ended with," PLEASE! I don't want to die! Open up! Gate of Pandora no Jutsu! Launcch this man in to the world of –she looked around and saw a ramen bowl, a Fish cakein the bowl to be exact,- NARUTO!
Just then as Hiko was about to finish his technique some thing or more like he (or she) was launched through a darkness that could not be seen nor heard. All he felt when he was falling through the darkness was nothing. 'What . . . what is going on?' was the only thought that flashed through Hiko's mind as he fell through the portal. That was when he woke up and found himself in this strange new world but it all seemed familiar.

=End Flashback=

It had been a few weeks since that "incident" had occurred. To his dismay he was still a she and it damn well felt bad too. Not only did he feel weaker but his physical overall strength had gone down too and to make it even worse he was in a world full of ninjas! Ninjas, everyhere he looked he saw some sort of ninja. It was really weird for he seemed like the only swordsman that was not deemed a ninja. Plus, he was broke and no one in this world seemed to have no pity at all. He REALLY wanted to hit someone. At times like he would of really appreciated that his Baka Dieshi was still around. He really needed some one to chew out but he rethought about it. 'On the other hand that tanuki girl of his was a REAL monster herself . . . he thought of it as his last visit to his baka deishi Kenshin was still fresh in his mind.


"Oh Kenshin," said Kaoru sweetly," We have a visitor. It's your master, Hiko-sama."
"Gulp," What was Master Hiko doing here in Tokyo! I thought that he always stayed on his mountain. What could have possibly make his master want to leave his mountain, Kenshin thought. "Um, um, um, We- welcome t- to ou- our house M- Master Hiko . . . "was all Kenshin was able to stammer out as his thoughts of why his master was doing here in the first place.
"Baka dieshi! Is that all you stammer out when I am here to grace you with my presence and here I even brought you some sake." Said Hiko slowly.
What he brought sake . . . for us! Something must be wrong, that it is. What can it possibly be but before Kenshin could of even start to say something all he heard was.
"Why Master Hiko, you must be tired from your journey. Please, come in and enjoy yourself. Would you like some tea or would you like something to eat?" asked Kaoru.
"Well, at least someone here has some etiquette." Smirked Hiko as he looked at his Baka diesha and heard one of his custom 'Oro?'. Hiko not wanting to waste more time walked in and slowly followed Kaoru in for some tea and food. Not only had he had to starve for three days to get to Tokyo he barely had anything to drink except sake. He was now going to enjoy some home cooked food and the thought appeased him that he never had the chance to eat Kaoru's home cooking before. No doubt it's better than that baka dieshi's smirked Hiko as he thought. He would later regret that statement as he was later sent to Megumi's hospital later due to severe food poisoning and severe dehydration . . . due to the diarjea the tea he drank caused. He almost died that day . . . almost.
He almost killed his baka dieshi that day too after he got out of the hospital but all he heard along the way was a lot of 'Oro?' and 'But master I tried to warn you'. His baka dieshi was lucky that the food had gotten to him on that day or else Kenshin would have been put six foot under. =End Flashback=

And now what was he to do or really she to do. Here he was stuck in the body of a super beautiful 16 year old female version of himself. Sure he was a fine specimen of a man when he was a man but now he was a woman. What to do now . . . he had also figured out that though he may have lost a lot of his strength he also gained a lot of speed more so than his baka dieshi.(Note to all: If you know Kenshin you know how fast he can go at, God-like speed. So imagine how much faster he can be. Yeah, much faster than Rock Lee or Gai without their weights on.) but the worst (or best) part was that he was sixteen again and he was also a growing woman . . . that was what he hated most. He was a girl and not to mention a SUPER BABE to put it. If he were a guy he would of gone out with himself (female him) if he knew he were this gorgeous and if that were even possible. It was what struck him the most too. When he was a guy he was around 40 years old now he was 16 all over again and he could again feel all those teenage emotions again. Oh no, he thought, teenage emotions. He remembered when he was 16 he had already mastered Hiten Mitsuruugi Ryuu and on his way to become a legend but now he was nothing once more as he had to re-establish everything he was and get back at that old bat who made him who he was. "Baka Hiko," he said to himself when he reached the gate of a large city. And on the city sign it read "KONOHA"
"Hmm, Konoha," Hiko thought to himself," This might be fun after all." He said as he walked in to Konoha not bothering to show any pass as the guard was too dazed with his (female) beauty to even realize anything. He simply just walked in and the guard stared too dumbfounded to have seen such a beautiful person in his life.