Second Place
Chapter 4
All chapter have been edited for better quality, however the story is still the same.-
Kikyou grinned happily. Kagome's mind was foggy. She couldn't think. So she did the logical and bolted.
She ran out of the room, holding back tears.
Kagome leaned against the lockers, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. One tear slipped down her cheek, causing more to fall.
God, Kagome thought. I just wanted the part of Elizabeth. Just one part and I can't even get that? She stayed there for a while, thinking and then decided to grow up and suck it in.
After cleaning herself up, she walked back into the room pretending nothing was wrong.
Kikyou glared at her. "Jeez, Kagome. We've been waiting for you the whole time. Hurry up."
Kagome ignored her.
"What?" Kikyou said, amused. "Are you afraid to talk to me?"
Kagome had enough. She had bottled up her feelings for so long and they needed to be released. They would probably explode anyway, whether she liked it or not. "No," Kagome spat bitterly. "I would tell you exactly what you are, except, whoops, I'm not allowed to swear."
Kagome spun on her heel, leaving a very shocked Kikyou behind.
Sango squinted at the list, making sure that she had read the name right. Yep, sure enough, Kikyou's name was written in big bold letters.
"And Jack Sparrow," Sango continued, "is Miroku. Miroku, please come up and read a sample line."
A grinning Miroku sauntered up. "Of course I know why you chose me as Jack Sparrow. Cuz I'm such a ladies' man, right, Sango?" he said, before reaching his hand out know.
Sango's eye twitched and she smacked him. Hard. In the face. "Shut up and read the line," she hissed at him.
He opened his mouth to read it but then stopped. "Do we have to practice with the slapping?"
Sango gritted her teeth. Stupid pervert. "Yes. But I suppose that you're well used to it by now."
"I'm only going to say the main parts. And for the rest of you, well, you can go check the list in the back," Sango continued, shoving Miroku back down the stage.
"Kouga, you're Barbossa," Sango said turning to look at another boy. He nodded. See? she thought to herself. At least someone here is normal-ish.
Sango continued. "Sesshomaru, you're the—" Sango choked before stifling her laughter. "You're the Commodore." She heard him give a disgusted groan.
A while later, Kagome realized her name hadn't been called. Not that it was a surprise or anything. She went to go check the list.
"Anamaria?" Kagome asked herself aloud. The random pirate girl with around five lines?
She sighed.
"Guys?" Sango yelled pleadingly. "Can we please just start our first rehearsal? Guys!"
Now I know why teachers are in such bad moods all the time.
Kagome rolled her eyes. "Try again."
Sango frowned. Then she roared at the top of her voice, "Listen to me, idiots!"
Everyone stopped to stare, wondering who was making such a fuss.
"Now that I have your attention," Sango huffed. "We will begin our rehearsal. We will start with scene one. Even though that is quite boring." She said the last sentence to herself. "Oh yes. Young Elizabeth and Will Turner are still Kikyou and Inuyasha."
Kikyou began with the song. Only she sang it like she was performing in an opera. She was strutting around the stage belting out the song as loud as she could. She wavered her voice so that each word become at least fifteen syllables.
AN: Don't you hate singing like that? Where people think they're good so they waver their voice way too much?)
Kagome smirked. All in all, she looked ridiculous.
"No!" Sango shouted. "Sing it quietly," A normal human being maybe? she grumbled.
"Like a kid," Kagome whispered to her.
"Like a kid!" Sango demanded, deciding that was more tactful.
Kikyou rolled her eyes. "Control freak," she muttered to herself, but she did as she was told. It sounded...a little better.
By the end of the rehearsal, Sango was so mad she couldn't see straight. Being with Kikyou and Inuyasha could do that to you. Kikyou was trying to get the attention even in scenes she wasn't in. Inuyasha spoke in a dull voice all the time and it took him about seven tries to get anything right, if it were right at all.
"Okay," Sango said, trying to remain calm. "Try it again." Deep breaths...deep breaths...
Inuyasha was acting as young Will Turner, only he wasn't really acting. He was just being Inuyasha. His usual bored self.
Inuyasha sighed. Kikyou began her line. "My name's Elizabeth Swann."
"Will Turnip." Inuyasha muttered monotonously.
Everyone groaned.
"Turner!" Sango shrieked. "Turner!"
"Again?" Kikyou groaned. Even she was beginning to get tired of this. There were only so many times you could introduce yourself to a complete moron.
Sango nodded, feeling like she was going to burst with anger.
"My name is Elizabeth Swann," Kikyou said.
Inuyasha blinked. "Will...Will...Turn...uh...line?"
"Will Turner! For this whole scene, you have had one line! One line! Is that so hard to remember? Will Turner!" Sango ranted, her temper taking over and her calmness flying out the window.
Kagome watched the clock, sighing.
The first rehearsal was over.