Disclaimer: I don't own Rurouni Kenshin or Gundam Wing/Endless Waltz! Kisses!

It was the first day of summer vacation and Mariemaia danced around her room in her

school uniform, an manga book in one hand and her mp3 player in the other. It had been almost

9 years since the 'incident', as Anne and the rest of the Preventers so annoyingly called it and

almost 6 years since Mariemaia's surgery. It had been a long surgery, but in the end, it had been

worth it.

She lived in the compound attached to the Preventers HQ with Anne. She had her own

room and it was VERY obvious that she was nothing like her old 7 year old self. In fact it had

come to the point where Anne and Relena started using reverse psychology on the girl just to get

her up in the morning.

Her room was rebellion in its entirety. Every surface of her room was plastered with

posters of bands ranging from obscure indie concert posters to cut out pictures of Hendrix and

No Doubt. A red electric guitar and amp leaned against her wall next to forgotten schoolbooks.

Her dust covered abandoned violin sat under the bed. Her skateboard lay at the foot of her bed

next to her cell-phone. The floor was cluttered with various cds, manga books, articales of

clothing and drawings. Her bed was chronically unmade and her laptop was flopped open,

screen flashing with instant messages from her friends at school.

As the young girl whirled around her room to the tune of The Vines, her short braids and

died pink braids whipping around her, she was blissfully unaware what was going on in the head

quarters and her glowing manga book.

Lady Une brushed a strand of thick brown hair from her eyes. She typed away hurriedly on her computer as her eyes darted from so call urgent email to email. Outside her

office phones rang and papers shuffled. Suddenly, there was a loud


Lady Une jumped from her seat and rushed outside. The pilots were standing behind their

desks, craning their necks to see what was going on. In the far corner, was a mound of people

with Wufei under it mumbling something. Lady Une walked over, her elegant ice queen side

taking over her. She picked up a broom near one of the desks and gave the pile a sharp jab. It

was greeted by a loud "ORO?!"

Ooooorrr! reviewreviewreviewreview or DEATH TO YOU ALL! I'm smiting and takin names.