Chapter 7:" Psychology"

Arnold chuckled, "Don't tell me you forgot! Must I repeat myself again?"

She pursed her lips in a kind of friendly yet disgusted fashion, "No."

Turning aside, she sadly sat at a long beach chair that catches the view of 2 lovebirds singing with other neighborhood lovebirds. It was quite an excellently performed chorus and shall we say- romantic as well?

"What's wrong? I thought you were willing to be the 'real' Helga," he said as he sat beside her. "I wouldn't mind it if you made a suggestion or two for yourself."

When he didn't get an answer, he turned to the other side, inhaled slowly and said lowly, "It's not that I want to control life Helga. What I said back there was all suggestions. I'm sorry to force something like that all down to you. In this situation, nobody can control you...I'm only trying to help. Don't be angry-"

"The thing is Arnold, I'm not angry at you. To be honest, I appreciate those suggestions and am willing to do every right to show you who I am," she sighed lovingly, "There is no point of saying you're sorry because I'm grateful for everything you've done to me. Do you think that doing those cartwheels expressed anger?"

He smiled and faced her, "Now, you know I'm not that dumb to see how you feel. But you seem doubtful about the deal. I had this thought that you were angry at me for pushing you into this-"

"Never," she said, "Yes, I was doubtful but I actually wanted to do this sort of thing but it's hard. People wouldn't understand." Placing a hand in her forehead, she rubbed the ache, "There'll be some strange things happening to me and I know it. Change is hard for me."

"But this change is for the better," Arnold replied as he placed his hand upon her shoulder, "We all aren't used to the changes in life however, it's worth the risk. And if there are any problems, I'll help you handle them. Trust me, people will get used to you. Maybe not at the start but in the end, people would think that the old Helga didn't even exist! Just give it a chance, please? For me..."

He softened her heart and somehow, she didn't even notice herself drop to his shoulders (imagine a taller Arnold). "I'll try. What have I got to loose?"

By that, Arnold nudged her and whispered the words with the sound of the wind, "A wish of a lifetime." Once she looked up into his spell-bounding eyes, she discovered perched in his other shoulder was a bluish-green lovebird. Slowly, she turned to her opposite shoulder and saw the other pinkish-red lovebird in which the other bird desired.

"Gerald, it's practically nothing to be done about this okay," she insisted as they began to walk their route.

"Why? He isn't too smart to understand you? I know there are guys that can be too immature. I get what you mean," he replied.

That brought her to a halt, "He's quite smart Gerald and isn't those type of guys who breaks your heart once you find out that he was only interested for attractiveness."

"Then, why can't you tell him? You seem to say he's mature enough to understand- right?"

"Gerald, I ask you again. Please stop invading my personal life. There are just some reasons that should be kept okay?" The truth of the matter, she desperately desired to tell him every single secret she has but NOT this one until the time is right.

He mocked her with chuckles, "Sometimes, your mind isn't in place when it comes to love. It amazes me to see this."

This made her furious. "ARE YOU INSULTING ME?"

"Actually, if I'm right. I was complimenting you. Gee Phoebe, you really have to think things like love differently than treating this as something not so important," he bragged incisively. Mild chuckles came and he added, "I thought you were smart enough to know this!"

Forward she stomped, pointed her finger at him, and said menacingly, "Listen here. I know what I'm doing and I don't need someone like you to tell me how I run my life! Only my parents can run my decisions but not you. Even if I'm smart does not mean I don't take some of my thoughts critically. Its hurts me to know a friend like you can insult me in a way that I never thought you would. Tell me, what's the purpose of friend like you?" When there was no reply, she whispered warningly close to him that their noses touched, "Basically a braggart who doesn't think before he speaks. Goodbye Gerald and goodbye for as long as I exceptionally live without seeing your face!"

In the end, Gerald was left in his position. She left him without a glance or any doubtfulness in her running out of there. His entire throat was dry, his eyes sparkled more as he was in the verge of those tears. He clamped his fists tighter and tighter until his fingernails dug into his palm painfully- painful of a heart to broken- possibly for a lifetime.

What if he told her the truth before this? Would it save their friendship? Was there a chance of going back in the past to change the wrong he'd done?

"When I thought I could have her closer in my life; I only pushed her far down the highest cliff," he whispered with soreness. Heavy and uncontrollable aches vibrated throughout his weak body. Then, he couldn't manage to hold himself in a standing position of greatness and victory. Instead, he dropped to his knees in the deserted cement, and sobbed endlessly. This was his emotion of premonition- just a flow of tears- endless and overbearing- wishing he can drown with his excessive foolishness. Now, he realized that he was one of those immature guys too...

In my mind I couldn't help thinking that I- Arnold, was holding Helga. She easily let her guard down to me- something that she's never done every so often. Truth is, I'm relieved. But, it's just so...strange. Oh, god.

"Arnold, you're turning hot," said Helga with concern. "Are you okay?"

She then, placed her hand on my forehead and rapidly, my temperature rose higher and higher by the minute. Looking at the reflection in her window, I was red as Snow White's apple. Don't you think it's bizarre that I look like I'm turning ill, yet there doesn't seem to be any feeling of dizziness or nausea?

"Let me get you something to drink," she insisted. Without haste, she dashed into the house. I sigh and whisper frantically, "God. What is it with me?" I soon try to breathe calmly. Then, I get out of my seat and laid my back against a huge tree clutching the coolest shade. "This is better than standing out in the sun," I muttered lazily.

"Arnold! " In her hands held two iced, cold lemonades. I couldn't help blind myself with the bright sun's rays that shone behind her and grasping her powerful posture. Two clouds seemingly rendered on each side of her body as if she was an angel descending from the heavens. Not to mention, the concern in her eyes. I've never seen the intense concern in them before.

"Here," she said as she handed over the glass. "I brought a thermometer too- you know- just to check it out." She fumbled in her pocket and handed that as well. "You should put that in your mouth first." I was so close into drinking the coolness of a blissful drink. Man, do you know how darn hot it is out here?

Sighing, "Helga. I'm not sick."

She looked at me as if I was a crazy bum who didn't know the difference of being sick and being healthy.

Accidentally, I bit my tongue and slowly said truthfully, "I'm not heating up as you think I am. It's something else." Even if I said the truth (well not specifically) my face and body was burning like apple pie from the oven. Somehow, I couldn't even bring myself to look at her eye to eye.

A strange instinct came to me that she had her eyes penetrating to see my own. Concealed though. A swift breeze approached and instantly, I was cooler, and with a wave of relief, my heat vanished. At last, I managed to look at her.

She was busy stroking a gold object with a sweet smile in her face. At that time, it seemed as if I've glimpsed back in time in remembrance. "Pink girl," I whispered with an easy smile. Pink girl still lived... lived inside of her, I thought.

When I looked up, the object was gone and this time, she was looking at me with less concern this time. "Hmm... It seems that my blushing Arnold has recovered," she said in a dignified manner.

My mouth hung in awe, stuttering I say, "H-how?"

She turned her head aside holding that smile, and pronounced, "I used a method called psychology. For the most part, it wasn't that difficult because I know you all too well."

"I've never heard of that." I grabbed the cool lemonade and drank the contents quickly as a quick rush of heat almost returned.

She knelt more comfortingly in the grass, scooting closer to me, and weakly spoke, "Psychology is the science of the mind or of mental states and processes. In plainer terms, it's the study of what a person thinks and in a way; it's a cool little puzzle. Especially when it's about you." Next thing I know she gripped my hand and her eyes began to droop. Here, I could imagine how tired she was with her talking about her past until now.

Looking up to the skies, it was close to the sunset. And a deep chilling breeze caught my spine.

"Wake up Helga." When she didn't, I wasn't at all embarrassed to carry her to the sofa and tucking her in.

To be continued...