Title: Never Again
Summery: In the book we only got a brief view on what happened when Pony and Johnny took Two-Bit, Soda and Steve to the church. This is how I think it happened.
A/N: This only a one-shot fic.
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Ponyboy's POV
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It was a nice spring Sunday morning. The sun was shining and I vaguely remember thinking I was glad that the weeks worth of rain had stopped. There was never much to do on a Sunday. Most things were closed and most of the guys from our neighbourhood were too bust sleeping of hangovers from Saturday night. Like Dallas. He was crashed out on the couch, not even the loud blast from the TV had woken him up. It's a good thing too; he was always in a bitter mood after a hangover. Well a sourer mood than usual.
Darry was at work. Yes at work even on a Sunday. How he manages to work two jobs seven days a week I don't know. He's a lot tougher than I thought he was.
On Sundays Johnny and I normally headed out to church, sometimes we went on the weekdays when we had nothing better to do. We liked sitting there listening to the sermon and trying to comprehend what was being preached. I looked over at Soda who was trying to glue up a pair of old sneakers. I always wanted him to come to church with us; he stopped after mom and dad died.
"Hey, Sodapop, why don't you come to church with me and Johnny"
"Come on Soda," I whined.
"Church gets boring… No action," that was Soda, he only liked action, and he thrived on it. That's why he was always getting into trouble.
"Come on Soda, it might knock some sense into you."
Soda cocked a brow as I grinned sheepishly "well alright, but only if Steve comes too."
"Comes where?" Steve asked walking into the house, with Two-Bit dawdling along behind. I thought the loud slam would wake up Dally for sure, but it didn't. He didn't even twitch, just carried on snoring loudly.
"Church?" he grunted
"Ponyboy and Johnny want to go," Steve gave me a meaningful glare, probably thinking I was some kind of pansy, but agreed.
"Church?" Two-Bit questioned "Thinking of becoming a alter boy, Pony?"
"Naw, I just go because...It kills time." I lied as I felt my ears burn. Two- Bit laughed.
"Well I'm gonna tag along, don't wanna be here when ol' grumpy wakes up," he said nodding over to Dally. I stifled a giggle.
When we got there the sermon had already started. Most of the people were all nicely dressed and were intently listening to the priest. I slid into the pew that was right at the back. Johnny and I always sat down right at the back because our clothes weren't as sharp as everybody else's. But nobody ever minded and I don't think they cared either.
After a while I heard a faint sniggering, I looked towards the sound and saw Soda and Steve throwing paper wads at each other. They were ripping pieces out of the hymn book; I was hoping that wouldn't get them rebuked. Two-Bit was humming and it was getting louder and louder. I felt ears start to burn again and I knew they were turning red.
The people in front of us were getting annoyed and kept turning around to glare. That didn't make us feel so hot. Well I don't think Two-Bit, Soda or Steve cared. Steve and Soda didn't even seem to notice.
Suddenly there was a loud bang. Steve had accidentally dropped a hymn book. He looked up, embarrassed and trying hard to hold in laughter. The whole church had turned around to look at us. By then my whole face was burning. Johnny and I slowly sunk into the pews.
Two-Bit grinned "Howdy all!" he waved. I groaned and slid further down under the pew, Johnny was right beside me. I could see Soda and Steve trying to hide their laughter and the irritated faces of the other people.
Never again was I gonna come back.
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