A Stolen Love
Summary: A thief queen named Ariel has been careless in her actions and does not realize the repercussions until too late. The elves of Lothlorien, with an alliance with Gondor on the line, agree to help rid the forest near the White City of its supposed rebel occupants. Circumstances seem to look fatal as the Marchwarden, Haldir, makes his way to the forest with his company of elite elves. What will happen when Ariel and Haldir clash?
Category: Romance/Action/Adventure/With some humor, because life is just not good if you can't laugh a little.
Rating: PG-13, for romantic situations and mild swearing
Hey! This is my first fanfic, but I have been reading them for years. I have a passion for writing and I hope that I have expressed that through my story. Comments, critiques, and ideas are certainly welcome. Flames, however, will be used to set the Flamer's house on fire. Ah, burn baby burn! Mwhahaha hahaha...cough...ha! PLEASE REVIEW!
Disclaimer: The usual applies. I don't own this amazing world of Middle Earth, that belongs to Tolkien, so don't sue! You might get a jacked up computer and a couple dvds. I do, however, own Ariel and her friends. Mine mine mine!
Thanks for reading this note...thing...yeah...
On with the story!
A Stolen Love
Chapter 1- Be Very Afraid
A wagon rolled slowly along the dirt path, as if cautious of the trees themselves. Warily looking about into the darkness of the woods, the driver increased the pace of the horses, hoping they wouldn't spook too easily. This part of Gondor was believed to be inhabited by savages, men who were exiled from the White City and had apparently lost their minds. Of course, this information was only partially true, as the driver soon found out. Streams of moonlight fought their way through the tumultuous foliage, finding a resting place of the beaten path that was the only trail through the forest. The man was glad for this false sense of security. Light, in no matter how menial amount it came in, always brought comforting thoughts.
Suddenly, the horses stopped dead in their tracks. The driver tried to no avail to get them to proceed.
"Come on, you stubborn beasts, move!" he yelled, too scared to do much else. A low hooting noise echoed throughout the trees, giving the scene an eerie tone. Shallow breathing could now be heard coming from the man.
"It's the savages! Coming to grind my bones and drink my blood!" the man spoke loudly to himself. As if in answer to his statement, a hooded figure stopped out of the forest and onto the path.
"You have entered this wood without permission, and as such will have to pay the price," spoke a low feminine voice. This surprised the driver.
"A-a woman? How can this be?" he whispered. A bad dream, yes, this was all just a bad dream. How cruel was fate, that he should be killed by a crazy woman? Not even a man!?
The figure pulled back her hood and the man stopped all thoughts. Her eyes those dark brown orbs, sparkled menacingly in the moonlight, enough to make the driver shrink back in fear. Her hair, reaching a little past the shoulders, was cut like almost like a man's, and from what he could tell, eyes and hair seemed to match each other. The rest of her was a mystery, shrouded in a midnight cloak.
She took one step forward and the man whimpered with ample fear. The woman, for the moment, seemed to take pity on him.
"Fear not, traveler, I do not wish for your life," she spoke in a clear voice. "But rather, your coin purse would be a nice substitute." She glanced at his money bad greedily. "You have entered amd must pay the toll."
The man fought for breath. "And, if-if I choose not-not to pay?" he stuttered. The woman made a gesture of drawing a dagger across her throat and the man winced. He put a hand to his purse of coins and tossed it to the stranger. He was getting agrier by the minute, starting to remember the role woman played in the world.
"May I at least have the name of the fair lady that would so willingly rob a stranger such as myself?" he ground out, eyes flashing with malice.
"Sure, my good sir, my name is Ariel, queen of the Gondorian Thieves. We steal from the rich and provide for the poor. Remember my name well and do not seek to come back through my forest," she growled.
"Theif! The poor need no help! Let them starve!" he yelled. "What do you think you're doing?!"
"I consider it one of the many services I offer, and the poor are only dispositioned that way because of greedy monsters like you! Now be gone!" she ordered, giving a shrill whistle. Out of nowhere, ten more hooded figures appeared, each brandishing bows.
The driver glared at them all. "The steward shall hear of this great injustice!" screeched the man. In the next instance, he was off, exiting the forest as fast as his horses would take him.
One of the figures lowered their hood. "You know Ariel, we really should have shot him. Middle Earth would be a better place with his absence."
The queen of thieves laughed. "No, no Dialan, I believe we shall wait for his own greed to consume him. It's much more enjoyable to watch that way," she said. Another woman stepped from the shadows.
"And the steward? Surely he will not make light of this situation. I have heard rumors of alliances forming with elves. Perhaps he will send them for us? We have robbed over two hundred people Ariel, we should not have been so foolish," admonished Tiera, keeping her hood positioned perfectly on her head.
An unladylike snort filled the wood as Ariel replied, "Like the elves would come after little old us? We've come too far and help too many people. Plus, I can take the elves on with my bare hands." The entire company of woman rolled their eyes and started to depart for their camp.
"Sometimes, I wonder about our leader," said Tiera. Dialan simply nodded her head and the pair jogged to catch up with their company.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-End of Chapter 1
Next chapter: Haldir comes into play! This story will have a plot, so don't worry. Also, next chapter will be longer! Sorry for it being kind of short now.
Please, hit that little button down there that says REVIEW. Hahaha. I should be updating by the end of tomorrow or early Thrusday. Please review you guys! I need something that keeps me happy in life besides chocolate!
Thanks a lot for reading!