DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything. Only the plot.
SUMMARY: She needed a new reason to fight, They needed a new hope. She needed a new destiny, they needed to forge theirs. She was sent to them, they were blessed with her.
The song is Mandy Moore's: Only Hope
Anne( v )79
Chapter I:
Only Hope
There's a song that inside of my soul.
It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again.
She started running to him. She ran but she couldn't reach him. He was being attacked. Monsters everywhere. Attacking him. Attacking her. She pushed them away. She killed them. But still she couldn't get pass them. They didn't let her reach him. She grabbed one of the monsters' swords and she started fighting harder and running faster. She seemed to be a machine.
I'm awake in
the infinite cold, but you sing to me over and over and over again.
She made it. She was almost with him. His eyes showed relief as he looked at her. He must have been thinking in that moment. 'She's alive' A simple thought that could make everything worth it. It could feel hope in this desperate situation; like a ray of light in a storm. It made it worth the scratches, the pain, the hunger, and the death around him. She touched his arm and couldn't help but smile at him. He, in return, smiled back at her. Now they shared the faith and hope that had originated in his eyes. They were together and that was the only thing that mattered, not the blood, the death, only each other.
So I lay my head back down,
and I lift my hands and pray to be only yours
Back to back they restarted fighting the millions of monsters around them with returned vigor. They had to fight for each other. He had to fight for her. And she had to fight for him. It was the only way out. They had to stay alive for each other. Because one couldn't live without the other.
I pray to be only yours.
I know now you're my
only hope.
Everything went silent for a moment. Neither could hear the loud noise coming from the monsters surrounding them. The battle screams of their fellow soldiers grew silent in less than a second. Time seemed to stop. She looked around her, eyes finally settling on him. Sensing her stare he turned to her. She was the one who noticed it first. On his tunic, right where his heart was, there was a crimson spot, and with every passing second grew bigger. Tears started gathering in her eyes, dripping down her cheeks and onto her own tunic. He eyes widened in dawning realization. He could not survive this wound; he was about to die. His strength abandoned him and he fell to the ground. She caught him before he fell, hot fat tears still dripping from her now swollen eyes. He smiled up at her but all she could do was cry harder. It was just too painful. As death started to overtake him, grief traveled slowly through her veins. He muttered loud enough for her to hear the last "I love you" causing her to smile bitterly through her tears. She answered him in the typical clichéd love story, "I love you too" He smiled but he was quickly overcome with a coughing fit, as blood began dripping from his mouth. Then he whispered one last thing to her and closed his eyes one last time. Her sobbing became inconsolable.
Sing to me the song of the stars.
Of your galaxy dancing and laughing and laughing again.
Flashbacks quickly began to roll through her head just like a black and white movie. Every kiss. Every smile, even the last one. Every call for her. Every caress. Every night they spent together. Every confession of love daily made. And finally his last one. She remembered those days when they laid in the grass and he told her about stars and all about 'his' world. She looked to the sky but she didn't manage to see any of those beautiful stars he had once showed her. 'This isn't happening' she kept thinking over and over like a mantra.
When it feels like my dreams are so far,
sing to me of the plans that you have for me over again.
She thought of all the beautiful dreams he had had for their life. All the things they had fought to be together. And all of her memories snapped out of her head when she remembered the battle around her. She covered her lover's body with some shields in an attempt to protect it from the wages of war around them. She started fighting the monsters with all the anger left inside her. Her anger and pain fuelled her and she fought with everything left inside her, tears falling from her eyes. And anyone that saw her affirmed that she was glowing. That she seemed to be a queen of ice. Cold and lethal. The monsters that saw her ran away from her as they had seen their own death in her eyes, but she killed them before they got away.
So I lay my head back down,
and I lift my hands and pray to be only yours
Then an hour after the death of her lover a loud sound came. The sound of victory. They had won. The monsters started running back form whence they came, but most failed and were killed by the soldiers that were still fighting. Or by her. When most of the monsters were defeated, she returned to the place where her lover's body lay and fell on her knees beside him. She removed all of the shields atop her love, and to her great surprise and relief, the body remained untouched. She looked at him again. And she touched his long blond hair and the tears from her eyes started falling again.
I give you my destiny.
I'm giving you all of me.
"There you are lassie!! We were looking for you everywhere!! Do you know where …" A man with brown hair and a long, scruffy beard finally noticed the body, cradled in her lap. "Is he...?" 'He couldn't be' The man thought to himself.
"Dead?" She asked with an indifferent tone of voice "Yes, dead he is" The man looked at her with sadness, pity, anger, confusion all mixed together.
I want your symphony.
Singing in all that I am.
"We had to take it to the city Buffy" He said with full sadness in his voice
"It?!" She said "It?!" She repeated "A few hours ago IT was HE!!" She stood up to face the man.
At the top of my lungs,
I'm giving it back.
"I'm so sorry, Buffy" He said to the girl who was now crying hysterically. He could do nothing but embrace the sobbing girl, sharing her grief. The fallen one was as dear to him as a brother would be. He was his best friend. Was.
"Why did he leave me?" She choked out between sobs
So I lay my head back down,
and I lift my hands and pray to be only yours
"Why couldn't he stay with me?" She muttered "Why did they take him away from me?"
"I don't know Buffy I don't know. But I wish I did." I whispered.
"I want him back!" She broke the embrace and she stared at the sky. "I WANT HIM BACK!! Did you hear me?!! I want him back..." She kept repeating herself until her cries were drowned by her tears and the man embraced her once again while she kept mumbling the same for words over and over again.
I pray to be only yours.
I pray to be only yours.
I know now you're my
only hope.
Then all became a blur and Buffy Summers woke up sweating in her room. "What a weird dream" she said in consternation. She went to the kitchen after showering and changing, knowing that sleep would now elude her
ANNE( v )79