Hey everybody! Well this is my first fanfiction. I'd love to get lots of reviews but preferably no flames. Don't think I can handle those yet. This fic takes place in Japan. The English and Japanese is very mixed up, such as the fact that the character's surnames are written the way Americans write them. Well just ignore that. Here's a little overview of all the main characters:

Serena Usagi Tsukino- 16 going on 17

Minako Aino- 18

Lita Makoto Kino- 18

Rei Hino- 17

Ami Mizuno- 16

Darien Mamoru Chiba- 21

Jadeite Ito- 21, Serena's cousin

Zoisite Aino- 20, Minako's brother

Nephrite Tanaka- 22

Kunzite Saito- 23

Andrew Motoki Furuhata- 22

DISCLAIMER: I don't own SM.


Darien ran a hand through his jet-black hair for the hundredth time, not hearing three teenage girls sigh wistfully as they watched him. He continued to read the pink piece of paper that he held in his hand. What does this mean? Does it mean anything? Darien tried to walk to his seat, but because of the fact that he was still engrossed in the piece of paper, he ran into the Crown Arcade counter.

"Oof!" he said, clutching his stomach. He proceeded to slip on the recently waxed floor, ending up sprawled on said floor, face down. All eyes were on him and the whole arcade was silent until...


"Shut up Andrew," a muffled voice commanded from the floor.

"Haha...here let me...give you a...haha...hand there Darien." Andrew jumped over the counter and pulled Darien to his feet.

"Ha, who knew that an invitation to Serena's party would have you acting as clumsy as h-."Andrew stopped. Two midnight-blue eyes were glaring murderously at him. Andrew gulped.

"Uh hehe, I'll shut up now."

Darien slumped onto his regular stool in the Crown Arcade. He looked down into his regular mug of black coffee. Well aren't I a predictable guy. Unlike certain Meatball Heads.

"Gotten over the initial shock yet?" asked Andrew, his eyes still twinkling with mirth.

"What does it mean Andrew?"

Andrew picked up the invitation with mock seriousness and read it out loud.

"You are cordially invited to Serena Tsukino's 17th birthday celebration. The event takes place on June 30th at 5:00 PM. RSVP is not necessary but if you require directions, please call 597-4291."

Andrew looked at Darien who was deep in thought.

"Well what part has got you so befuddled? Do you need me to look up the definition of 'cordially' for you? Or maybe you'd like to know what RSVP stands for?"

"Argh Andrew! Would you please explain to me why Serena invited me to her birthday party? I mean, we hardly ever have any normal conversations. I thought I was just an acquaintance!"

"And sparring partner," Andrew added.

"Thank you," Darien said sarcastically, "Well why did she invite me?"

Andrew shook his head wisely, a grin appearing on his face.

"Ya know Darien, I always thought that you were the smarter one of us two."

"And I still am, considering what a cheerful idiot you are," growled Darien.

The blonde ignored him. "Anyway, it's not that hard to understand. Serena is such a good-natured person that she thought this would be a good opportunity for you two to get to know each other. She wants to show you that she wants to be your friend. Why that is I shall never know. Serena's parents like you and trust you. Besides, she thinks that a big gathering like this will do you good."

Darien gaped at him. "How did you figure all of that out?"

Andrew winked. "I know women very well, you see. That and the fact that Serena told me the same thing when I asked her why she had invited you."

Darien smacked him upside the head. "Well Mr. I-know-everything-about-women, you are going to help me."

Andrew stared blankly. "With what?"

"Since you are such an expert, you can help me shop for a birthday present for Serena."

"Okay! We'll go now. Hey Lizzie, take over the arcade for a few hours. I need to help Darien do some shopping for a girl."

Lizzie giggled and Darien had the grace to blush. All eyes were on him for a second time. Everyone there knew that the seemingly impassive Darien almost never dated. He angrily smacked Andrew upside the head again.

"Ouch, will you quit that?!"

"I would if you would quit acting like such an idiot! Oh wait, you don't need to act!"

They continued arguing on their way out of the arcade, still not noticing the three sighing teenage girls.

"Does this mean that that gorgeous man has a girlfriend?" one of them asked.

The other two sighed unhappily and nodded. Then they all sighed in unison again.

"Hey, you girls," came Lizzie's voice, "Quit sighing over Darien. You're creating a distraction. Besides," she added mischievously, "Serena and Darien are meant to be and they're totally infatuated with each other."

Two of the girls stormed out of the arcade, one of them glaring back at her with flashing red eyes. But the remaining one just sat in her seat, looking confused.

"What the hell does 'infatuated' mean?" she asked.

Lizzie sighed in disgust at the airhead. Practically everyone in the arcade threw dirty looks at her. They were getting very tired of stupid sighing girls.

"Hehe, sorry about that," said Lizzie meekly. She proceeded to wipe the counter as her brother Andrew so often did when he was waiting for something exciting to happen.


Yay! Finished with the first chapter! It didn't turn out as wonderful as I planned but it's OK. Please tell me what you think of it. This chapter is more of an introduction so there's no romance in it and not much humor yet. I promise it'll get better. See ya!