Disclaimer - "Ever After" isn't mine.

Author's note - if you have read "Reflections - So Life Goes On" you'll recognise parts of this story which appear in that story. This story predates "So Life Goes On". The Reflections stories concentrate on the 'background' characters and what may have happened to make them who they are.

Firebrand by Kazza

"Captain, I have a bay you can borrow. You don't need to ride that!"

Laurent gave the younger guard his well practiced I-beg-your-pardon-soldier stare and turned back to face ahead in full correct parade fashion. He learnt forward slightly in the saddle to pat the neck of the ancient grey horse in apology for the other soldier's slight. "This horse is perfectly adequate thank you soldier."

"But Captain it's the wrong colour!"

Laurent's head snapped around to face the young man. "Edouard, if you do not wish to participate in the parade you only have to say so. I can assign you elsewhere if you so wish."

Edouard was taken aback. Captain Laurent was usually more open to reason. Edouard was tempted to try and change Laurent's mind one more time. However, he had an intense dislike of guarding the privy and Edouard suspected that would be his punishment if he spoke again.

In the young guard's opinion the day would be a disaster if Laurent rode the ancient horse. His Majesty had requested a full parade of the mounted guards for the visiting King of Spain. To be able to show off their abilities and their horses to two Kings was a rare honour. A rare honour that Laurent seemed intent on destroying. Edouard thought it was unfortunate that Laurent's two parade-trained horses were unrideable but why on Earth did the man have to ride that old bag of wind.

The trumpets sounded for the start of the parade and the old horse moved beneath Laurent. "It's good to be back, eh?" Laurent spoke quietly to the great beast. Firebrand rebalanced himself and squared his shoulders.

"You'll do." At Laurent's words the ancient horse stood to perfect attention and Edouard's jaw dropped open in surprise. Laurent raised his flag arm in command and the guards moved forward.

Captain Laurent smiled to himself as he watched Edouard out of the corner of his eye. The younger man appeared to be battling with his conscience and his orders. Laurent was surprised to feel himself judging Edouard to be young and naive, the man was only two years younger than Laurent himself. Well, two years in age and many years in experience.

When was I ever that young? Laurent thought back through the years. He'd grown up the day he met King Francis. The day on the battlefield when Francis had accepted the masterless squire into his guard.

Even now the loss of the Duc was a painful memory for Laurent. He knew that it wasn't his fault. The old Duc had wanted one last rush at glory, one last Charge for God and King before he died. He'd got his wish and Laurent had watched the man trained him and who'd treated him like a son die a valiant death.

Knowing he couldn't just watch the battle, Laurent had marshalled the Duc's men together and joined the men defending the King.

Hautefort's Terrace had been transformed into a parade ground. Brightly dressed courtiers fringed it like wildflowers clustered on the banks of a forest pond. At the far end of the Terrace the two Kings sat; each on a separate dais with their families and attendants.

Amid the noise and frivolity, King Francis was bored. He tried to look interested in the events before him but even the threat of offending the Spanish King was not enough to inspire any interest in Francis. It was all so artificial and many of the guards, although enthusiastic, were parade soldiers.

"What in the world?" Prince Henry's voice broke his father's train of thought.

Francis looked up and saw a sight that took him back ten years. Stunned he stood and acknowledged the guard and they rode towards the dais. His boredom banished by the sight before him.

Captain Laurent saw the look on King Francis' face. He hadn't seen that same look since that day on battlefield ten years ago when His Majesty realised that the soldiers coming to aid him were led by a very young squire on the old Duc's warhorse. The same horse that Laurent now rode.

King Francis nodded to Laurent and said to the Queen and Prince Henry, who now stood beside him, "This parade was an excellent idea." The Queen looked a little puzzled but gratefully accepted that something had happened to cheer up her husband.

Once the Spanish King had acknowledged the Royal Guard they turned to leave.

King Francis and his family remained standing and as the guards moved away Henry could have sworn that the old horse and his father winked at each other.

One old warhorse to another.


Sept 29, 2000