Disclaimers: I don't own Mars or it's characters.

The Words She Never Said

Chapter Four:

Kira ran across the court yard pushing her way between couples and friends in effort to get away. She ran past Harumi and a couple of her friends. Harumi smirked as she reached out and grabbed Kira by the arm and pulled her backwards causing her to fall. Tears continued to fall down her face as she looked up at the girls.

"What's wrong little Miss Perfect?" Harumi said laughing. "Why are you crying?"

"Leave me alone!" Kira sobbed. "What did I ever do to you?"

Harumi crossed her arms. "You took Rei away from me that's what you did." She yelled.

"No," Kira cried. "I didn't it was all a joke, just a stupid joke."

Harumi eyes widened. "What? You're not serious!"

"It's the truth, just leave me alone." Kira yelled as she began to sob harder.

Harumi laughed and turned away. "I should have seen that coming, and to think I thought I actually lost Rei to a loser like you!"

Harumi laughed again and her friends joined in. Their laughter echoed in Kira's head, and she cried harder. 'Why me, why is it bad things always happen to me?' She asked herself, as she got to her feet and began to run again. How could she have fallen for something like that? What was it about Rei that she couldn't see the whole thing was a lie? Obviously he was a good lair, but she already knew that. She always saw him lying to the teachers for something or other, but she fell in to his trap anyways. Only to be devoured by pain and sorrow. The only two emotions she had really truly understood, until she met Rei. She then learned about love, but that was false love. It wasn't real, at least not for Rei. She did truly have fallen for him and she couldn't change that, even if she could she probably wouldn't. She enjoyed the feeling of being important to another, even if it wasn't really true.
Kira collapsed to her knees. Her breathing was deep and hallow. Every breath she took was sharp and painful, as if knives were penetrating her throat. Kira began to heave, acrid liquids poured from her mouth onto the ground. She could not stop the violent spasms, and more bitter fluids were forced out of her mouth. Kira soon became weak and fell to the ground, closing her eyes, she lost consciousness. Before she completely lost herself she heard faint screams in the background, but couldn't make out what the person was saying.

Rei sat at his desk, frustrated about everything. Kira disappeared without a word about an hour ago, and there was still no sign of her. It wasn't like her to just disappear like that without saying something, but what really got him she disappeared without being seen as well, which really didn't seem possible to him. Nothing went together. Rei sighed and placed his head on his desk. "Kira where are you?" He said softly.

Kira woke up and looked around at her surroundings. Everything seemed to be white from her eyes being unfocused. She quickly sat up and rubbed them, and then looked around once again. The room was unfamiliar to her. The walls were white decorated with sakura blossoms. The room was pretty much empty, but beautiful too. The door opened and Kira turned her head as a girl with long brown hair walked in smiling.

"Oh you're awake now. Are you feeling any better?" She asked.

Kira nodded, and quietly ask, "Where am I?"

"Oh, you're at my place. This is my family's guestroom." She said politely. "I'm sorry you must be frighten, and wondering how you got here."

Kira nodded again looking at the women with tear glazed eyes.

"My husband and I were walking through the park this after noon, and you collapsed and we couldn't just leave you there so my husband carried you to our place. You had no information on you so we couldn't call your home. And we didn't want to drop you off at a hospital; we wanted to make sure you were okay." She explained.

Kira put her hands in her lap and looked down at them. "Oh." She whispered.

The women put out her hand and Kira quickly looked up.

"My name is Mitsuya Sakura by the way, but you can just call me Sakura."

Kira shook her hand. "I am Aso Kira, and thank you so much for caring for me. I hope I wasn't any trouble for you."

"Oh not at all," Sakura said. "I just hope your okay."

Kira smiled faintly. "I'm fine, thank you."

Sakura smiled. "Good, once my husband gets home will take you home. He should be back at any moment; he just went to the store. In the mean time can I do or get anything for you?"

"Thank you, but I can walk home."

"Oh no, I can't allow that. I would feel horrible if anything were to happen to you. Please stay, it's been awhile since we had company here, and it's been longer since I have had the chance to speak with another female." Sakura frowned.

"Alright then, I'll stay."

"Good," She smiled. "Do you need anything? Want something to eat or drink?"

"Oh no thank you I'm fine, but." Kira paused. "Do you have some paper and a pen I can use please?"

Sakura smiled brightly. "Sure I do. I'll go get them for you."

Kira nodded as she watched Sakura quickly walk out of the bedroom to retrieve the items she asked for, and a few seconds later she returned and handed her the items.

"There you go Kira. If you need anything else, please don't hesitate to ask. I'll be more than happy to do it for you."

"Thank you so much."

"Really, it's not a problem. I'm going to start dinner, if you need me just call."


Sakura left the room once again and Kira began to write on the fairly large piece of paper.

The car pulled up into Kira's driveway and she noticed Rei and her dad deep in an argument, and sighed deeply. 'Why was he here?' She asked herself getting out the car, followed by Sakura and her husband. The note she had written early neatly folded and held tightly in her hand.

"Where have you been?!" Rei and Kira's dad yelled at once.

Kira cowered, looking at the ground not wanting to look Rei in the eyes. 'It hurts too much.' She thought. She opened her mouth to answer when she heard Sakura introduce herself and explain what and all had happened. When Kira's dad was occupied with the Mitsuya's Rei took the opportunity to talk to Kira. He placed his hands on her shoulder and she quickly backed up.

"Don't touch me you pig!" She yelled, gathering everyone's attention. She felt their eyes upon her and knew they wanted an explanation, especially Rei. Tears swelled her eyes and she dropped the note from her hand in front of Rei, and quickly ran off into the house crying. Rei watched Kira as she slammed the door. 'What did I do?' He asked himself. He then looked down and saw the neatly folded piece of paper with his name written on in the left hand corner, and he quickly picked it up and placed it in his pocket.

"What did you do to my daughter?" Kira's father yelled.

Confused, Rei cocked an eyebrow. "That's what I want to know, as far as I'm concerned nothing."

"You have to know you good for nothing piece of shit!"

Sakura laughed nervously. "Well we should be going, you seem busy. Tell Kira we wish her well, and to visit any time she wishes. Nice meeting you." She said bowing, as she and her husband returned to their car and drove off. Rei too began walking to his motorcycle as Kira's father continued to scream at him, not realizing that Rei was paying no mind to it at all.

"Where are you going, don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you."

Rei raised his hand into the air and waved. "See ya." He said starting his bike and quickly driving off. From the window of her room Kira watched Rei drive off, and she continued to cry.

Rei walked into the classroom the next day, and took his seat waiting for Kira to come in so they talk about what happened the day before. Soon class started and he began to worry, she wasn't there. Kira never missed class before, then he remember the note he but in his pocket. He quickly pulled the note out of his pocket and unfolded and began reading.

By the time you read this I will be gone, but I seriously doubt you will care. I know everything. I know the whole ordeal was a joke, and you have no ideal how you destroyed me. You were the first person I had ever trusted and you proved to me that no one is worth trusting. I can't believe I actually thought someone cared, I thought you cared. But it's nothing new from me I guess. In all my life I have been used and took advantage of, that's something one would get used too after countless years, but that doesn't matter anymore because it's all going to end. I'm going to make it all stop. Everything is going to go away... Or may be it's the other way around... I'm the one who is going to be going away. I will no longer be used by people like you, or be raped by my father. I won't feel pain or be ashamed of what I am or how lived... What I've let people do to me over the years. And of all you done to me... of what the world has done to me... I can't come to terms of hating you or anyone else... Sure I fear them, but that's expected, right? I guess I should just get to the point now because it hurts too much to dwell on this much longer. There are three words that I never got to tell you while we were dating. The three words I never told anyone or felt for anyone ever before, I love you Rei. Though what we had was a joke. I hope you had a good laugh though. Maybe one day you'll look back at this with your children and laugh real hard. Goodbye Rei. I hope you have a good and happy life. I shall have to admit you made the last three months of my life to die for. Thank you!
Love Always,
Kira Aso

Rei sat next to the mound covered in flowers which was now Kira's finally resting place. The funeral had been over for hours, but he stayed behind. Tear stinging his eyes, realizing Kira was really gone. She had really committed suicide. Something you wouldn't expect from the smart quite types. Tears over flowed his eyes as he looked down, "Kira you should know that the words you never said are the words I wanted to tell you. Please wait for me." He said as he broke down into deep sobs.

Fin. Well, that all folks. I hope you enjoyed reading The Words She Never Said as much as I enjoyed writing it. Though it was only 4 chapters long it was my accomplishment. My first fanfiction I have actually finished, but mostly my first MARS fic.

If you have any ideas you'd like to share with me for another fic email me SakuraNeko4youhotmail.com or SesshoumarusLover4Everhotmail.com

You can also get a hold of me on AIM: BeauteflMistake Thank you all for reading and thanks to you that reviewed!!
