Disclaimers: I don't own any of the Mars Characters!

Hello Minna- San, This is my first Mars fan fiction ever. I hope you all enjoy it. Criticism is welcomed from all (but don't go over board, please). I'd appreciate reviews. Reviews = faster updates. I'm done wasting your time so I'll start the story

-SakuraNeko15 / Anna-Chan

The Words She Never Said.

Chapter One:

She felt his eyes upon her, scanning her, reading her as if she were nothing but a page out of an old paper back novel. His glares made her feel uncomfortable, as if she were sitting at her desk completely naked. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath ignoring the temptation to turn around and ask him why he was starring at her. She then sighed, no longer able to ignore him, she faced him, and his eyes quickly meet hers. His eyes were still and cold and his face was emotionless. It some how reminded her of her step dad and she became quickly frightened. "P-please stop starring as me." She stuttered softly. She watched as his lips curved into an awkward smile as her step dad's would do on the nights he would take advantage over her. Tears quickly filled her eyes and began to roll down her face. "Sorry," He said. "I didn't know it bothered you that much. Please don't cry I promise not to stare at you anymore. Honest!" He said grabbing her hand. She quickly pulled away. "Don't touch me you pig!" She screamed. "Leave me alone!"

"Kira, Rei, what's going on back there?" The teacher yelled.

"I- I didn't mean to," Rei stuttered. "I don't know what happened. I just touched her hand."

Kira clasped her hands over her mouth. "I'm sorry." She murmured, as more tears fell down her face. She then stood and ran out of the classroom.

Rei placed his head down on the desk. 'Damn,' He thought. 'Really fucked up this time.'

"Why do you always have to mess with the quite girl, Rei?" Tatsuya asked. "I mean she never did anything to you."

"God Damn it, Tatsuya, I already told you I didn't mean to make her cry. I was just looking at her." Rei paused. "She started crying when I grabbed her hand. I don't understand that."

"She's always been like that. She doesn't like me, doesn't have any friends, and she never talks to anyone. All she ever really does is draw."

Rei cocked an eyebrow and shook his head in disbelief. "Not uh."

"I'm serious! We were all surprised she said anything before she ran out of class."

"I bet I can get her to talk to me if you're so serious."

"I highly doubt that, Rei."

"And I bet I can get her to date me too."

Tatsuya laughed. "Twenty bucks you can't."

"You're on pal!"

Kira slowly opened the door to the art room and looked in making sure the room was empty before she entered. She let out a sigh before placing her sketch book down on the table closest to the window. She then sat down on the window ceil and starred down at all the people who were running around and talking amongst themselves. Just hanging out with their friends. As far back as she could remember she had never done that. She had never had a friend, and the way her life was going now she may never have one. But then at times she didn't care because she was to afraid of what might happen. What they might try to do to her. She was scared of just about everyone so she kept her distance, and in return everyone kept their distance from her as well. No one seemed to know she existed until recently when she noticed Rei Kashino starring at her continuously. She still couldn't figure out why someone like Rei would even seem to be interested in her. He was popular, good looking, and well known, and she was neither. Which made everything so confusing?
Kira turned at the sound of the door opening and quickly stood up looking to see who it was. Rei entered the room and Kira quickly turned and looked to the floor. 'Out of all the people in the school why him?' She asked herself.

"C'mon now don't play like that." He said softly. "I already apologized to you what more do you want? To be truthful I don't really know what I did."

Kira placed her hands on the window and starred outside acting as she didn't hear him. She didn't want to talk to him, or anyone else. She wanted to be left alone, but mostly she wished he would just go away.

"Fine be that way. No wonder you don't have any friends."

Kira's eyes widened and she quickly turned around to face Rei who was no walking towards the exit. "My having friends are not is none or your business. It's my choice if I want to have manipulating, cold hearted, back stabbing friends like yourself , just because I choose to be alone doesn't give you the right to hold that against me!" She yelled.

Rei stopped and turned around. "I didn't know you felt so strongly on the topic."

"I don't!"

"That's a lie. I have never got a response so quickly like in my life. Not even when I asked Rika out." Rei said walking up to her.

Kira gasped and backed up. "You don't have to get so close to me." She said nervously.

"Sorry, didn't know that bothered you." Rei paused. "Too many things bother you, you need to lighten up."

"Well, you need to be less demanding, but I don't see that happening."

"That was hurtful you know, but I'll make a deal with you."

Kira raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"You loosen up a bit and I want be so demanding."

"Why should I? Why do you even care about how I am? It's none of your business!"

"Whoa, don't get all hostile on me now. I'm only trying to be your friend here."

"Why? Why would you want to be my friend?"

"No one deserves to be alone." Rei turned around and began walking for the door. "Think about that. I'll meet you after school in the front to get your answer. See you then."

Kira watched as Rei entered the hallway and slowly disappeared into a swarm of girls. 'No,' she thought. 'He doesn't really want to be my friend, does he?'

Kira sat down on the edge of the table lost in thought. "I'm so confused."

The bell rang and everyone ran out of the class room in a frenzy to get to their lockers so they could return home and finally relax. Kira opened her locker and placed her books in her bag as quickly as she could. For the first time in her life she was excited. She had thought hard about what Rei had said to her earlier and she came to the conclusion she wouldn't really mind having one friend as long as they keep a fair distance from each other. And yet another thought crossed her mind during the day as well. What if the whole thing was just a joke? It wouldn't be the first time someone had done that to her, but she decided to take the chance. I wasn't like she had anything to loose, and it wouldn't be the first time a group of people would have laughed at her.
Kira took a deep breath as she walked out the school's main door. She frantically looked around for Rei, but he was nowhere to be seen. 'I know this would happen.' Kira sighed, and slowly began to walk off.

"Kira, wait up!"

Kira turned to see Rei running to catch up to her, and she stopped in her tracks. He caught up and stopped in front of her.

"Where were you going?" He asked.

"I was going home." She said softly. "You weren't there when I came out so I figured the whole thing was a joke."

"No, I got in trouble class and was asked to stay after, sorry. I'm not that mean you know. I wouldn't play a joke that cruel on anyone. So what's was your choice? Are you going to give me a chance?"

Kira smiled softly. "Sure, but under one circumstance. We have to keep our distances, so back up a little."

Rei cocked an eyebrow and took two steps back. "Cool," He said smiling. "I'll walk you home then."

Well, that was chapter one. Sorry it's so short, but I hope you enjoyed it. Please review!

Remember reviews= sooner updates

-SakuraNeko15 / Anna-Chan