Skite; Nayvera; mcv13; Goten Goku Son; Cool Cat 96; Njong; Mrs. Jean Grey-Summers; Defafaeth Mechqua: You guys rock! Thanks for the reviews and here's another chapter for ya'all.
Henry EviL: Glad you liked it, I had a kick writing that line.
Flaeron: I'm glad. You might like some of the other stuff I'm coming out with too then. :)
JerzeeGurl: Yeah, I think Bats/WW fics have a tendency for the more . . . bitter and darker side of fiction. Heaven knows, I've written quite the many of those. Anyways, I've tried to write a light sided fic, and hope I've been succeeding.
Optimus Magnus: First thing - I love your name. Second, thanks. Hopefully the comedic balance continues in this chapter as well.
"J'onn to Batman, will you come to the medi-bay, please?" the seven foot green martian spoke on his commlink.
"Behind you" Batman said from the only shadow in the room. Leave it to Batman.
"How. . nevermind. Diana is waking up, I thought you would like to know"
"Thanks. Nice sweater" Batman answered, receiving a nod from J'onn as Batman looked at the blue wool sweater J'onn had finished and hung over the chair. Looking over to Diana, Batman took a cloth and wiped her face and forehead as he watched her breath become faster and more shallow as she rose up as if coming out of water. J'onn took the sweater and phased through the floor, muttering about tricking someone to try it on.
"The Watchtower"
Blinking a few times, Diana let her head fall onto Batman's shoulder,
"Everything's swirling"
"Still?" Batman asked, checking her temperature and pulse before drawing blood with a strategically placed needle.
"Ow! That hurt!"
"I thought you didn't feel pain like that"
"I don't... what'd those nancing morons do to me?" she said, reaching up to yank the tangled mess of midnight hair out of her face.
"Give me a minute"
Batman tucked Wonder Woman back into bed and turned the lighting down while he plugged her blood sample into the medical computer and began looking for clues and differentiations in her natural biology. Nothing.
"We have got to work on our communication skills" Diana drawled, holding her head and trying to get out of bed.
"Wouldn't do that"
"Get up"
"I thought you said..."
"I said nothing was wrong with your biology, I didn't say you were clear to go"
"Uuugg" she groaned, slumping back down on the bed and wishing she were back in Themyscira on the grass fields with her pet deer. She missed her Deer.
Batman walked over to Wonder Woman with a ... where'd he get that glass? ... He's Batman, no one knows how he does anything... Diana thought to herself as Batman raised her up and got her to take a sip of .. coffee?
"Do you think you can travel?"
"You do remember I was BANISHED, I seem to remember you were there"
"You weren't banished from under Themyscira"
"He might know what's going on"
"What IS going on?" Wonder Woman asked, plugging her nose as she took another sip of the ultra-strong coffee Batman gave her.
"You've got one hell of a hangover"
"I think I am going to vomit" Diana quipped from her co-pilot's chair in one of the Bat-vehicles.
"Watch the upholstery"
"Only the upholstery?"
"Electronics are waterproof"
"Alfred's preference"
"Motion sickness?"
"He's the repairman"
"I thought you'd"
"I've got enough to worry about."
"Really?" Diana asked wryly. Batman raised his eyebrow, or Diana though that's what he would be doing if . . . nevermind.
"He takes great pleasure in fixing things"
"You must be in his good books quite a bit"
"Hold on!" Batman barked, sending his amphibious vehicle into a short, quick dive. Diana lurched.
"Why do you like torturing me?"
"Why are we going to Aquaman?"
"He has the Captain"
"I thought. . ."
"48 hours and one hell of an extradition order. The American government was damned if they didn't give the Captain and his crew up"
"Oh joys of heaven beyond"
Batman looked quizically at the Amazon before swerving to miss a cruise ship full of post-university partiers. Wonder Woman threw up in a bag.
"I can't believe you almost hit that cruise ship"
"I can't believe you threw up on my cape"
"Whatever. Let's just get the tart of a captain and get out. These Atlanteans are giving me the heebie jeebies"
"The Amazons fought the Atlanteans shortly before their city was cast into the sea"
"Don't expect anyone to remember"
Looking into the faces of some of the older Atlanteans, Wonder Woman could be sure she recognised at least two or three. Then again, that could be one . . . she could also see seven fingers on her right hand and three on her left. Seeing a particularly angry Atlantean with a prosthetic leg, Diana cringed slightly.
"I think . . . nevermind."
"Okay. Here we are, Princess try not to say anything. Leave it all to me"
"Suuuuure, leave it ALL to you" Wonder Woman said from inside the enormous air-bubble cell the Justice Leaguers shared in the nearest Atlantean prison.
"Don't blame me that Aquaman left early for the North Pacific. How was I supposed to know?"
"I thought you knew everything" Diana said, laying down on her bunk as Batman occupied himself with an arm-computer.
"I know enough to tell you who our cell mate is"
A nautical chuckling came wafting from the uppermost of the three bunks, as Wonder Woman flinched.
"Why don't I like the sound of that?"
"Haloo, oh dark rider of he night! I see your bond-woman is as lively a new mate!"
"Bond-woman?" Wonder Woman seethed, looking ready to throw a punch. Batman was closer. Backing slightly away from the angry amazon, Batman wished he'd kept that tazer with him. "Princess, calm down, I can explain"
"Think FAST Batman"
"Would anyone like a taught of rum?" the maniacal sea Captain asked, hopping down a bunk to watch the impending action.