n.n Welcome to another insane chappie of Know Your Stars: Pokemon Style!!

RVG: -.- Have you realized that this is a humiliation fic, not a game show?!

¬.¬ I wrote this thing so you don't practically care…

RVG: T.T Why is life so cruel to me…?

n.n By the way, Thankies for all the reviews! I really don't have time to answer them but… Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! n.n… TuT 18 reviews in a 3-Chaptered story… who could have thought?! The light of fame is shining on me… [eyes shine and spotlight was on her]

RVG: [stops sobbing] -.- And haven't you noticed that this is now a 4-Chaptered story because of this new chappie?

¬.¬ Yes, yes, I'm not stupid you know… . Why do all people tell me the things I know?!

RVG: [smirks] Can we just get on with it already?

Well, excuse me! Since this is my fic, you should get on with my rules.

RVG: T.T Yep… life is definitely cruel to me… [starts sobbing again]

So… our next victim is…

May: n.nUU [nervous that she could have picked next] Umm… guys? I have a Pokemon Contest to attend so… See ya! [tries to sneak out]

[notices May, paralyzes her with her authoress powers] NOT SO FAST! You think you can get away easily, did you?!

May: Aawww… this really is a pain on my backside… .TUU


Disclaimer: Sephira doesn't own Pokemon or Know Your Stars… Sephira doesn't own Pokemon or Know Your Stars… Sephira doesn't own Pokemon or Know Your Stars… Sephira doesn't own Pokemon or Know Your Stars… Sephira doesn't own Pokemon or Know Your Stars… Sephira doesn't own Pokemon or Know Your Stars… Sephira doesn't own Pokemon or Know Your Stars… Sephira doesn't own Pokemon or Know Your Stars… Sephira doesn't own Pokemon or Know Your Stars… Sephira doesn't own Pokemon or Know Your Stars…

Max: O.o Uh-oh, Sephira! The tape's gone haywire again!

-.-## Damn it… Stupid Disclaimer Dude, being all sick today… . [kicks the sleeping Disclaimer Dude on the floor]

Disclaimer Dude: OWIES!! [rubs his back] What did you do that for?!

Do the disclaimer, you lazy ass!

Disclaimer Dude: -.-## But you already did!

¬.¬ [grumbles] Oh fine, be it your way, then…


Know your stars…

            …Know your stars…


            …her original hair color is blonde…

May: What? Blonde?! My original hair color isn't blonde! It's always this way!

RVG: -.- Oh keep telling that yourself. Besides, what would be the excuse for your brain being so small?

May: Hey! [flaps her arms around angrily] What are you exactly implying on to me?!

RVG: It's just that… [snickers] For a light-brunette like you, you sure are dumb.

May: O.o## Dumb?! You call me dumb?! . Why I…

RVG: [snickers] My, my… such manners… I wonder what your dad's reaction to this!

May: . My dad has nothing to do with this!! And I'm not dumb! Period!

RVG: O.o Period? That's an exclamation point!

May: Who's the dumb now?

RVG: -.- Girl, have you ever heard of such a language called sarcasm?

May: [looking clueless] Sarcasm language? What's that?

RVG: -.- See what I told you? You're dumb, and blondes are dumb so your original hair color might be blonde so…

May: o## For the last time, I'm not dumb, and my original hair color is not blonde!! In fact, I didn't even dyed it at all!!! o

RVG: ¬.¬ Oh sure, would you think I would believe all your denials?

Sephira: HEY! WAIT!!

RVG/May: O.O [looks at her]

Sephira: Joey (from YGO) has blonde hair! ARE YOU TRYING TO IMPLY THE FACT THAT JOEY IS DUMB?!??!?!? (A/N: Yes, I am a Joey fangirl. You've got a problem with that?)

RVG: But… um… Sephira…

Sephira: Oh wait… Joey's hair isn't blonde…! non Of course!! His hair is golden! n.n [skips back to her position]

RVG: -.-UU Sometimes, I don't understand her… [looks back at the script]


            … has a bald patch in her hair that she kept hiding under her bandana…

May: O.o W-What?! I-I don't have a bald patch in my hair!!!

RVG: [snickers] Looking all nervous, are we?


RVG: Oh yeeeeaaaahhh…. Like I'm soo gonna believe that! There is always a reason why you wear this thing and that thing, so you might have been wearing that bandana for years because you have a bald patch in your hair! XD [laughs and points at her]

May: . Ha, ha, very funny! Many people have seen me took of this bandana and they saw that I don't have a bald patch in my hair.

RVG: [snickers] Perhaps you were wearing a wig then… You're afraid that your charm over Ash would be turned off and he wouldn't like you anymore… Of course, who wouldn't like a girl who dyed her hair so she wouldn't be teased that blondes are dumb and has a bald patch that she's afraid to show off… [snickers]

May: =. Didn't you know that you're seriously getting on my nerves?!

RVG: n.n I do! That's what I always do anyway… getting on everybody's nerves…


            …burns a Misty Voodoo doll so she can get rid of her…

… to claim Ash as her own!

May: O.O [blinks] What's a voodoo doll? And… [blushes] How did Ash get dragged into this?

RVG: Coz you like Ash, and you have a competition which is Misty!

May: Umm… Misty is just friends with Ash. And I'm Ash's friend too.

RVG: ¬.¬ Aww, c'mon, you another friendship freak… Just admit that you really like Ash!

May: Well… [blushes] I do like Ash a little… JUST A LITTLE, OK?!

RVG: Oh wow, what a nice discovery! May likes Ash a whole lot!

May: ;.; But I said I like Ash just a little…

RVG: Oh c'mon. Why would you burn a Misty voodoo doll for no apparent reason?!

May: n.nUU You're kinda right…

RVG: So you like Ash, doi!

May: . I just like him a bit!

RVG: Yeah, yeah, whatever you say. [to the backstage] HEY, MISTY! I KNOW YOU'RE LISTENING BACK THERE! n.n

Misty: O.o

RVG: n.n Did you know that May really likes Ash a lot and is burning Misty voodoo dolls so she could attract Ash's attention?

Misty: [had just hooked up with Ash since yesterday… don't ask me why! I just wrote this fic!] W-What??!?!??! =. GRRRR…

May: n.nUU Misty… please consider that I… yeah, maybe I DO like Ash but… I'm not burning voodoo dolls of you behind your back! I mean it!


May: O.O Meep! …. Why don't you just believe the things I said?!

Misty/May: [starts a cat fight]

All the boys: [staring at the two of them with nose bleeds… those damn perverts] O,O

Ash: I wonder if Misty is going to mess her hair up on this one…

Drew (A/N: Of course you peepz know him, right?): I wonder if May takes off her bandana…

Brock: Don't worry about that! Just take a look what they're doing now!

Tracey: They're ripping each other clothes apart!

All the boys: O,O Ooooooooohhhhhhhh…

Sephira: [shaking her head from afar] Those perverts…

RVG: O,O Now you know May… Holy schmoli (A/N: It's pronounced like this: SHH-MOLI... OK, I'm not implying you peepz are dumb, but I'm just telling you…)! Misty is trying to rip May's hair apart!

All the boys: O,O Ooooooooohhhhhhhh…

Professor Oak: O,O [yes, he is watching with a nose bleed…] This is quite interesting…

. You damned perverts… [bonks their head with her mallets]

All the boys: X.X Owies…

Misty/May: [still having a cat fight]

-.-UU I can't believe this turned out for the worst… Please R&R… and no flames! All flames would be promptly returned by any Fire Pokemon… Urgh… Oi, I need aspirin…

Everybody else: [not paying attention]

T.T Nobody cares about me… [lies down to the ground and curls up into a ball]

(Oh yeah, and I'm not trying to imply that blondes are dumb. Some particular ones are… [glares at her two blonde bimbo-classmates])