Hello! It is I, Kaffy-chan (Katharine, kath, whatever) I have about 3 minutes to say what I want so here I go!

Whoever still reads this fic, CONTAIN YOUR HOPE! I shall return, victorious! Or however you spell the word! I SHALL WRITE AN 8th! YOU WILL SEE MORE LOVE-FLUFF- GOODNESS!

It's been nearly a year since I have updated this fic, and I'm going to start it again! And I'm going to post another story, and I need to read this fic over again, so that I know what happened… (I seriously forgot.)

I'm a changed man (girl) now, and I will go for your needs! What you want I SHALL GIVE YOU! I've been thinking about it lately, and I will! For those of you who have begged me to write again I WILL! For all of you who still read this! TT

So all in favor of me starting this up again, say I!

:crickets chirp:

ah yes, to those of you who are new, and see this is a weird update, then… er.. hello!

And yes, I am talking non-stop so that this will be enough to post.

So erm.. review if like, you want me to start this up again, so I have a reason to stop being so lazy. (Brian-sama, I know it's a really bad, but I have improved, really! ;;)

I shall return in a couple of weeks or so! (regents)