Alright, so here goes nothing. This is an idea I had for a Dm/Hr fic. It's probably been done before to some degree, but I hope I make it a little different. I just want to clarify that in this particular story our two beloved characters will probably not fall head over heels for each other. I want to make it a little more realistic. Plus I think it's funny when they are debating about whether or not they want to be friends, never mind actually liking each other. This is not a romance story. It's more mystery and action type, although knowing me there'll probably be some lame attempts at humor as well. I hope you like it. So here's the first chapter. Enjoy! Quick A/N: sorry for the people I killed off. I didn't mean anything by it, they were just the first who came to mind.

Disclaimer: the only thing I own is a love for the books!


Chapter 1

I wasn't nervous. Why should I be? After all, I'd been through plenty of things that were more nerve-racking than my first real case when I was still in school. Who could forget Fluffy, devil's snare, werewolves, dementors, and death eaters. This would be a breeze compared to that right? Right?

Oh, who was I kidding. I was more nervous than I was before I found out what I got on my O.W.L.S, was named head girl and got my N.E.W.T.S. results, all put together. I would soon find out that I had every reason to be nervous.

The Law Enforcement branch of the Ministry was dimly lit and I couldn't see if my tie was on straight. I vaguely thought about telling Alastor. Ah, good old Mad-Eye, exactly the man I was going to see. He was going to be assigning me my first case and charge.

I lit my wand and looked down at my tie. Good, it was straight. I paused outside the door to look down at my knee length skirt and straighten that out, as well as try one last time to flatten my hair which I had simply tied back into a ponytail at the bottom of my neck. I picked a piece of lint off of my black blazer and slowly turned the doorknob.

"We haven't got all day Miss Granger," Mad-Eye's voice called from behind the door.

I hastily walked into the room to find Mad-Eye seated at his desk. Sitting in a chair in front of his desk was none other than the Minister of Magic himself, Cornelius Fudge.

I clenched my hands behind my back for a moment and balled them into fists to stop them from shaking. Then I walked up to the desk and shook both of their hands before sitting down myself.

"So, are you ready to hear your first case," said Moody with a look in his eye, his normal one anyway, that I couldn't quite place right away. Sympathy? What was he sorry for? I wish I never would have asked.

Gulp. I nodded.

"Well, I don't doubt that you've heard of the murders that have taken place over the last few weeks?" Moody began.

I nodded again. My throat was too dry to speak. I immediately thought about the names I had seen in the headlines of the Daily Prophet: Ernie, Padma, Colin, Pansy. Pretty random.

"Until very recently, yesterday actually, there were never any witnesses to the murders."

"There was another murder yesterday?" Fudge asked looking alarmed. "When was I going to be informed of this?"

"You know now don't you?" said Moody, clearly feeling a little moody himself. Almost like he was about to deliver someone some very bad news. "The point is he was seen yesterday by ten eye witnesses. They all positively identified him. And as four of them were muggles we are even more sure that the wizard witnesses do not just hold some grudge against him."

Grudge? What on earth is he talking about?

"We have him in custody. Of course, we can't just ship him off to Azkaban because of the new law." He paused here and looked directly at the Minister.

Fudge fumbled to find words. "That law could save innocent people from going to Azkaban," he retorted defensively.

"As you know," Moody continued completely ignoring the bumbling Minister, "we require two lawyers in this type of case, a council for the defense and a prosecutor."

I nodded again. I still couldn't find my voice. Was I going to have to convict someone of murder? I vaguely noticed how tired and worn out Moody looked.

"You are familiar with the rights of those in custody. They have the right to a lawyer and if they can't afford one-needless to say he can and he wanted the very best, which is to say he wanted you Miss Granger."

My mouth sagged slightly. What?! I have to defend a murderer? I was outraged! But did I say anything…nope. Damn you dry throat.

"He has requested a private meeting with you today after this meeting. Before you refuse let me just say that he is willing to pay you three hundred galleons per hour. Not that the money matters but, I am afraid that since he will most likely be convicted he has the right to whatever lawyer he chooses. Another fine point of our brilliant new law."

Great…so I have no choice. Absolutely wonderful.

"He is currently staying in our detainment facilities on the lowest level of the ministry."

I opened my mouth to finally speak but Moody cut me off. He knew what I was going to ask.

"I have been delaying this part of the meeting for as long as I could, but I can't delay any further. I suppose you want to know who the murderer, excuse me, I mean the defendant is?"

For what felt like the millionth time, I nodded. Come on voice…you can come back any time now. I do have another meeting after this you know.

"It is with deep regret that I inform you-"

Deep regret? Sounds like he's going to tell me that my dog died or something.

"that the defendant is Draco Malfoy." He closed his eyes briefly.

"WHAT?!" Welcome back voice. "You can not be serious. I can't, I won't," I stuttered.

"Oh, but you have too. Like I said, it's all part of our wonderful new law."

It was my turn to glare at the minister.

He shifted slightly in his seat. "Miss Granger, you understand that the evidence against him is overwhelming. We have placed him at the scene of the crime, we have found his wand and we had Mr. Ollivander examine it. He was able to get the curses that were used in the last month and when they were used, and everything matches up. He will surely be convicted."

"Then why does he need me?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"Well, because it is in accordance with the law and-

"Just tell her the truth, Fudge. It looks good because then everyone will know he had a fair trial. And because his family was so prominent."

I snorted. Prominent indeed. Maybe prominent death eaters.

"Miss Granger, just go through all of the legal steps. Only do what you are obligated to do and everything shall go smoothly."

"Are you telling me not to try?" I asked confused. Might as well tell the wind not to blow or the rain not to be wet, or…you get the picture.

"Don't be foolish," he said clearly getting annoyed, "He did it and everyone knows it. Just play your part and with any luck it will be a quick trial." Then got up, picked up his lime green bowler hat and left the room.


"I apologize Hermione. I tried to get you out of it. But like he said, it will be a quick trial. At least you will be getting paid for it and rather handsomely I might add." Moody tried to comfort me.

Didn't work.


I left Moody's office fuming. I can not believe I have to defend that, that, ferret! But wait…he killed those people, why? What on earth could he have against poor Colin, and Pansy?! Weren't they engaged or something? I resolved to ask the murdering prat everything.

If I thought the halls of the Law Enforcement branch were dimly lit, it was nothing compared to the detainment facilities. The walls looked much like those in the dungeons of Hogwarts and the only light came from torches that were spaced about every twenty feet along the walls.

28, 29, 30, here it is…room number 31.

I involuntarily straightened my suit again and tried to flatten my hair before I opened the door.

I walked into a small room. If I had been claustrophobic I would have had to leave. It was barely big enough for the table and two chairs that resided within. The room, it was safe to say was a perfect cube with walls of a sickeningly white pastel paint. It was such a drastic change from the dank and dim lighting of the hall that it took my eyes a few moments to focus. When they finally did…I regretted it.

There sitting at the small table looking as arrogant as ever was the king of all gits himself, the bane of my very existence at school, my best friend's arch nemesis, Draco "the junior death eater" Malfoy. Though he was probably a full death eater by now.

I walked towards the table noticing how his practically white hair was indistinguishable from the wall behind him and it almost made him look bald. I sat directly across from him and said nothing. I was not going to be the first to talk.

He said nothing. He merely looked me up and down before plastering his trademark smirk on his face. "It's been a while hasn't it, mudblood?" he asked as if that was a perfectly appropriate way to start a conversation.

Immediately, I felt seven years of hate that I had suppressed towards him resurface in the blink of an eye. "You, you evil, heartless, cruel-" I couldn't even think of the words.

"It's nice to see your vocabulary has increased since our Hogwarts days," he said folding his hands on the table revealing restraints.

"And it's nice to see your parents finally got you a proper leash," I snapped back. Good one. I was proud of that one.

"Who knew the know-it-all mudblood would actually get a sense of humor."

Why that little…"Listen Malfoy, I promise you that I will do everything in my power to get you thrown in Azkaban for at least a hundred years!" I spat, glaring at him from across the table.

"Perhaps you missed the particular class that explained exactly what a 'council for defense' did. You are supposed to defend me," he said pointing at me then at himself and speaking as if I were five years old.

"I will have you know, ferret, that I finished my MLES (magical law enforcement schooling) with top honors." I sat back in the chair and closed my eyes briefly trying to block out the blindingly white paint from my eyes.

"Tell me something I don't know," he said in a bored voice examining his fingernails.

"You're a vile, evil, selfish git who thinks he's better than everyone."

He looked up with an amused expression and smirked again. "I said, tell me something I don't know."

Must not strangle client. Must not strangle client.

"Okay," he said in a business-like tone. "The ministry idiots have me here because they think I killed those people," he said stating the obvious.

Think? They think you killed them? Evidence doesn't get any more solid than ten witnesses.

"Tell me something I don't know," I said in the same bored tone he had used before.

"I'm innocent."


Well, there's the first chapter. How was it? I hope it was alright. I have a pretty good idea of how this is going to go, but if you have any suggestions feel free to let me know. I know this chapter didn't really explain much but there will be more details in later chapters. There will probably also be some flash backs to help explain about the murders and whatnot. Please review, please review, please review…oh and please review!!!!!


Jarie1019 0;)