Inuyasha sat with Kagome's family at the dinner table.

Everyone just ate and stared at Inuyasha.

"Hey Inuyasha," Sota spoke up, placing his chopsticks on the napkin next to his plate. "How come you look so," he struggled, trying to think of the right word.

"Different?" Kagome's Grandpa finished Sota's question.

Inuyasha looked a bit annoyed to the topic of himself, reminding him that he was powerless if he went back to the feudal era tonight.

"Uh...It's the new moon! Didn't I tell you all before?" Kagome laughed wearily, trying to save Inuyasha from her strange family and all their questions.

Kagome let out a large and relieved sigh when her family started chattering endlessly about the moon instead of Inuyasha.

Later that night Kagome had helped her mom do the dishes, and Inuyasha played video games with Sota.

Slowly everyone went upstairs to bed, leaving Kagome and Inuyasha alone in the dark on the couch, The TV blaring brightness as the volume was lowered.

"So," Kagome started a little unsure of the situation before her. "Do you want to watch a movie, or go to bed?"

"I don't, maybe we, I mean I should go to go to bed too." Inuyasha stammered fumbling on his words, but his face portraying a serious look.

Kagome nodded and got up to turn the TV off, as soon as her back was turned to him she felt her eyes begin to water.

'No, not now! Oh.....I know he's still upset about Kikyo.....but he didn't have to follow me. He could of stayed by himself If he wanted.'

"Um...Kagome? Are you feeling alright?" Inuyasha asked as he watched her stand bent over, her finger an inch away from the TV not moving at all.

Kagome rebalanced herself, squeezing her eyes tightly to rid the tears, and crouching on the floor.

"You still have feelings for Kikyo of course. I know that. You can never forget her, and I know it's going to be hard for you to heal those scars. So maybe......maybe you should go back home."

"Kagome," Inuyasha said getting to his feet and kneeling infront of Kagome's tear stuck face.

She didn't mean to cry infront of him, but it was bothering her and she knew she would probably cry the minute he looked away.

"Will you stop that," Inuyasha started sweetly as he wiped away a few of her tears. "You are right, I may never forget Kikyo.....and I may never heal from those scars, But at least I have you. You've always been there for me, helping me, caring for me, and... loving me when I tried to push you away. Tried not to realize that Kikyo was really gone, and that it didn't matter as much to you if I stayed half demon or not. And now....even though it's still painful I can finally be happy, because I realized who I was really supposed to be with. I finally realized who I was meant to love."

Kagome stared wide eyed at Inuyasha, all the things she had ever wanted to hear from him spoken to her just in the last few seconds. Those seconds that flew by as they stared at each other.

Their faces leaned in closer and closer until their lips touched, that meaningful feeling ranging between them both as Kagome lay down on the floor, Inuyasha's hand shielding it comfortably as it hit the ground.

Inuyasha kissed Kagome again, this time somewhat more passionate. Kagome reached up and placed her hand on his heart, feeling it's quickened beat at the slight warmth of her hand on him.

'I never felt this way when Kikyo kissed me. God, I have to stop thinking about her. She was there to help me figure out my life, and figure out who I really wanted in my life. Kikyo is a thing of the past. And somewhat of the future.' Inuyasha thought, a small smile spreading to his lips as he stared at Kagome smiling back at him.

Suddenly the light flicked on in the kitchen and they both quickly darted apart.

"Hi Grandpa." Kagome waved to him, a little embarrassed even though he didn't see anything.

"Do you kids want to have a late night snack with me?" Kagome's Grandpa asked as he got out some sandwich stuff.

Kagome was about to protest when Inuyasha came up to them saying he was starved, and sat down at the table.

Kagome's grandpa watched the two with interest and potential radar alertness as they hardly touched their food and just smiled at each other.

The next day Inuyasha and Kagome went back to the Feudal Era, Kagome promising her aware Grandpa that she would be back in a few days.