Chapter 5 – The Maquis

He returned to the Academy.  Walking swiftly down the hall, he entered his office and sat at the desk.  A blinking light alerted him to a message on his console.  He punched in his code and the screen lit up.

                "I'm so sorry about your family.  I can't believe that Kolopak is gone."  Sveta's pale face filled the viewscreen.  Her calm voice brought back memories of his Academy days.  "Please come to Bajor.  Join us, now.  The Maquis needs strong leaders.  We need you.  I need you.  I've found us a ship."  A slight grin lit up her pale blue eyes.  "It's rather small and about thirty years old but it flies.  Please come."

                He closed his eyes in grief over his father and other family members massacred by the Cardassians while Starfleet did nothing.  He pulled out a PADD, recorded his request and stood up to leave.  Glancing around the office, he felt regret for his students but took nothing with him.

                Striding past the startled Lt. Commander on duty, he burst into Admiral Nechayev's office.  Approaching her desk he stopped as she looked to the door.

                "I'm sorry, Sir.  I tried to stop him."  The aide stammered.

                "That's okay, Simmons."  She glanced up at him as the outer door closed.  "To what do I owe this visit, Commander?"

                Placing the PADD on her desk, he took a deep breath and said in a deceptively calm and quiet voice.  "This is my formal resignation.  I'm leaving Starfleet effective 15:00 hours today."

                "You can't do that."  She stood up behind the desk, glowering at him.

                "I'm afraid, I just did."  Not waiting for a reply, he turned and left her office. 

                He did not stop moving until he reached the gardens.  Once again, Boothby was kneeling tending the plants.  He stopped at the edge of the flowerbed and hesitated.  He felt the need to explain his actions.  "Boothby,  I..."

                Boothby stood and wiped his hands on his coveralls.  "I know, son.  You have to leave.  You must listen with your heart, reason will follow.  But don't worry, all of this will be waiting for you when you return."

                "No.  I'm not returning.  I can't come back here."  He looked away.

                "No, not right away.  But you will be back.  You're a fine officer.  I like you, son, and I know you will return someday."   Boothby took his hands in a warm grasp.  "Good luck with your new mission." 

 He gave Boothby a small smile and turned away.  The gardener watched until he left the Academy grounds then knelt back down amongst the plants.

                Three weeks later, entering the bridge of his Maquis ship, he nodded to the new crewmembers.  "Welcome aboard the Liberty.  I'm Captain Chakotay.  Let's get underway.  We've Cardassians to route out."  He sat at the helm and looked out at the stars as they went to warp and headed for the Badlands.

The End

Author's note:  Thanks for all of the reviews – it makes writing worth while. 

Sorry this was so short.  I actually wrote this and submitted it to STRANGE NEW WORLDS VII, but it wasn't accepted.  I sent it to Christie Golden for a critique and she mentioned that one reason might have been that I had Chakotay coming from Dorvan V, when he was from Earth.  I got a very nice note back from her with another critiqued story, that she had her information wrong, and that in her next novel, she was going to have him come from Dorvan V.  I'll be posting a longer story later this summer – I'm working on non-trek writing right now.