Of Endings and Possible Beginnings
The procession in Solace was slow as the cart was followed by most of the residents. Caramon walked beside it as did the rest of the Heroes of the Lance and now the new Heroes of the Summer of Chaos. Crysania, her head bowed in sorrow, walked in front of it. Caramon could only guess what was going through her mind at the moment. He knew his was numb.
Finally, the trees thinned as they reached a clearing and on each side stood Knights. On one side stood Knights of Takhisis and on the opposite side stood Knights of Solamnia. Steel brought the Brightblade up in a salute of honor and the Knights did the same.
They had come to salute those fallen, and one last one remained to be laid to rest.
Caramon's twin.
A few months after the battle the Tomb of Heroes had been quarried and built. Dwarves had overseen the overall construction, but those of Solace and of both Knighthood had done most of the labor which was why it had been built in such short order, but with no less amount of quality.
The cart bearing Raistlin's body came to a stop outside the tomb and one of the Knights began to sing the dirge. Considering that the song sang was one sang over every Solamnic Knight upon their death, Caramon was rather surprised that the honor was being bestowed on a wizard, and a black robe no less. As the Companions lifted the litter, Caramon found the tears finally on his face and he absently tried to wipe them away. Tanis rubbed his shoulder in a measure of consolation, but as even Tasslehoff was crying, it was hard not to be saddened by the whole proceeding.
As they bore the litter carrying Raistlin into the tomb, they heard the hymn of Huma draw to a close and another, this one sung by the Dark Knights began. Crysania followed them, her hand on Raistlin's cold one the entire time until he was finally lain to rest on the dias carved with a single eight pointed star with each point bearing a perfectly cut sapphire.
Crysania began to pray, also speaking his eulogy, "Raistlin Majere may be remembered for many things, but let these last two years be what he is remembered for the most. This is what he wanted to leave behind as his legacy, as what we draw to mind when we think of him. Mora de na Paladine, de fil sol be Paladine."
"Paladine receive him," repeated the assembly.
"But, we know that in the end he called on Lunitari," she said. "The Goddess of Magic guard his eternal slumber, ex domina."
"Lunitari receive him," repeated the assembly, a few of the voices hardly able to for sobs in between.
Crysania lay a single red rose on his chest and stepped back. Each person lay a blue rose or a red rose on the dias as they left until Raistlin was surrounded by roses. Then each knight entered afterwards and one by one they also left blossoms on the dias or beside it. Finally, after this was done, the Companions were led out by Crysania, who then turned and with her right hand, "May the Gods protect their sleep and receive them to their final rest."
As if by an invisible hand the doors closed and a click could be heard as the tomb was locked.
The assembly relaxed a slight bit as they began to disperse, the ceremony over. Caramon approached Jenna and Dunbar. He handed them the Staff of the Magius, "There are no more wizards in my family, and I think he would have wanted this handed back to the Conclave's care. Only take care as to not let it rot in some storeroom somewhere, it's an item meant to be used."
Dunbar accepted the Staff, "It will be done, Caramon."
He walked over to where a shadow stood by a tree. Stepping out of the sun's glare he looked at Usha, "I didn't see you out there, I wasn't sure if you would come."
"It did not feel right for me to be there," she answered. "I am not related, nor did I partake of this war. It was a day for you to mourn."
Caramon took out a chain from under his black shirt and held it out. On the chain was the Blue Star, "This is yours now. He mentioned you in his will. I hope that in your lifetime you do not have the same choice he had."
Usha took the offered chain and then, taking the ring off the chain, she slid the Blue Star onto her finger as the ring altered to fit her slender finger. "I hope the same, for it will mean that this will repeat. Be well, Caramon Majere."
"And you as well, Usha of Selesia," he said. "Where will you go now?"
"I don't know," she shrugged. "There is so much to see, so much to learn. So much to adjust to. I thank you for your tutelage."
With that she turned and disappeared into the forests.
Caramon walked back to the crowds, knowing that it was expected of him. What he really felt like doing was being alone for awhile as he got used to the idea of his brother being truly gone. He swallowed past the sudden lump in his throat and Tika hugged him in sympathy. Caramon looked up and around, tears suddenly threatening to overwhelm him as he sat down heavily.
Looking on from a distance, an old man in mousy robes shook his head in sorrow, himself surprised at the turn of events. No one had expected this sacrifice, not even the Gods themselves. Seeing Raistlin willingly give himself up after being offered a way out of it so many times, but never falling to temptation, had made the old man proud. "I always knew he had it in him," he murmured.
A woman in red robes said behind him, "I did as well."
"He was your favorite, Luni," said Paladine, still in his avatar form of Fizban. "How are you taking his loss?"
"It is not a loss," she said pointing up in the twilight sky.
They saw the blue star, the true blue star, in the sky, "He had believers."
"Yes... and that makes him live on in all of them," she said with a smile. "So long as he is never forgotten, he lives on. He lives in us, and in them."
Fizban smiled, "You know, I think everything is going to be just fine..."
"I couldn't agree more, Uncle."
Author's Notes:
Miiro: Oh, my God, it's actually finished.
Lord Terrence: Well, we thought we would not have it finished until after our wedding, but I guess we were a little quicker than we thought.
Miiro: Well, at least people can enjoy it.
Both: We would like to thank our most loyal fans who reviewed each and every time we updated, and those who also reviewed repeatedly. Also, thank you to all first time reviewers and those who read and enjoyed this. We never thought we could finish it with everything happening in our lives and so really want to thank everyone for their support and encouragement!
May the Light of the Blue Star light your steps and dragons fly in your dreams!