Title: Twilight of My Youth

Author: Heath07

Rating: R -SLASH, taboo, dark, language, sexuality

Summary: AU--What if Ryan hadn't met Sandy and came to know the Cohen's a different way? Ryan has learned to survive but at what cost?

Disclaimer: Characters and certain lines belong to Fox, Josh Schwartz and a bunch of other people that aren't me. :(

Notes: DO NOT read this if you don't like slash or if you're easily offended.

The title comes from the Ryan Adams song "Anybody Want to Take Me Home."

I have most of this story mapped out. It's not going to be too long (at least I don't think it is). lol I guess it depends on how people respond to it. This is only the prologue, subsequent chapters will be longer. Yeah, uh...just, don't ask. Don't hate me. lol


Seth had driven past this place a dozen times. At least. It was far enough away that no one would see him and close enough to pretend he'd spent an few hours at the local comic book store so his Mother wouldn't worry. Each time he'd chicken out and turn around, heading back to Newport and the security of his mansion walls. But this time...this time he was determined to go through with it.

He was horrible with girls, he knew that. But that had more to do with the fact that he'd never really found one to talk to rather than his personality or some weird facial abnormality or bad body odour that made him unappealing. And he liked girls, he did. He just couldn't make them like him back. He wasn't the type of boy to go around looking for hookers, but tonight Luke had called him a fag in front of the entire school at the Pep rally and Seth could see no alternative but to lose his virginity...or the very least, get some experience under his belt and prove everyone wrong.

After he'd gotten the courage to walk past Luke while the football players grabbed at him and the cheerleaders giggled, he'd sat in the car for ten minutes contemplating his next move. He couldn't go home, if he went home now his Mother and Father would know something had happened and he didn't feel like talking about it. So he turned on the ignition and headed on the highway...to Chino.