"Er... Good morning."
Harry's voice could be heard from the bottom of the stairs. Ginny woke up, rubbing her eyes blearily as she shuffled out of bed. She made her way downstairs, then remembered. Oh no! Harry! She looked down at herself. I look a fright!
"Ginny!" She froze, turning towards Harry reluctantly, trying to hide her blush. Of all the days to wear the frog print pajamas!He shifted uncomfortably, looking at his feet as he lightly joked, "Like your pajamas, Ginny. They rather remind me of Neville."
Ginny blushed again, and then forced herself to look him in the eye. "Come on, Harry. Let's go down for breakfast. Ron will be waiting for you, I'm sure."
He nodded, absently running a hand through his rumpled hair. "Yeah..." he chuckled. "We've really got to start practicing for Quidditch, you know."
Ginny rolled her eyes. Boys. They're all the same. "We only started summer holidays last week," she laughed, watching the indignant look on his face.
"Quidditch is important, Ginny!" he protested. "We've wasted enough time already!" She walked ahead of him into the kitchen purposefully, rolling her eyes again as she heard the conversation over breakfast.
"Did you see that move?" Ron was saying in awe over a recent Quidditch game. "I've got to learn it!"
Ginny and Hermione exchanged knowing glances as they both mouthed the same word.