A/N: hey everyone. sorry i didnt update yesterday like i said i would. i was having writers block on my Boy Meets World fic and when but i finally got that updated so i finally loaded chapter seven on that. then i was gonna try to update this one but the site wouldnt let me. so here is the last chapter in Senior Year along with my The High School Years miniseries. RR!!

Yankee Doodle Blonde: thanx for the year. and about the salutatorian. thanx. glad u like it and i will post my next fic soon. keep reading!!

Flaming Tsunami: thanx. glad u like. thanx for saying that about it. anyway-- hope u like this chappie!!

Spinelli Woods Esquire: thanx. glad u like it. i will post my next fic soon. hope u like this!!

disclaimer: i do not own recess or any characters!!


Well the big day came, and as the auditorium filled up, the senior class was freaking out. The Ashleys were complaining that their robes didn't match their makeup. One girl was complaining that her robe didn't match her shoes. One guy's robe was too small. Another guy's robe was too big. Those two had to trade. And there was a lot more chaos. Suddenly the teacher in charge came up the them and blew her whistle. Everyone quieted down. 'I knew there was a reason I kept this thing,' she thought to herself.

"We're ready for you now," she said. She led the graduating class through the doors into the auditorium. The class was nervous, but they walked quietly down the aisle to the stands. They saw their families waving at them. Some mothers were in tears. Once everyone was in their position, Principal Prickly walked up to the podium. He cleared his throat before beginning his speech.

"Thank you all for coming to the graduation of the class of 2004," he started. (A/N: i know now that they graduate in '06 but i cant change it now since they said '04 in the last chapter too) "It means a lot to the graduates and to myself since I was their principal."

"Man, this guy sucks at speeches," Spinelli whispered to the person next to her.

"...It has been a great blessing to have had the opportunity to get to know these students and I will be very sad to see them go. I will also be happy because I know that they have succeeded in twelve hard years of school to come this far. But one person worked harder than anyone else. Everyone, our valedictorian, Gretchen Grundler." Everyone clapped as Gretchen came up to the podium to give her speech.

"Thank you. I look back at my hard years put into this school. And well, I had a speech made up and all, but I will not be saying it. Instead, I will give the mic to someone who can explain the hardships of high school much better than I could. Everyone, Miss Ashley Spinelli," Gretchen announced. (A/N: i got this off an episode of Boy Meets World. Topanga did something similar for Shawn) Spinelli was shocked. She had no idea Gretchen was going to do this for her. She slowly walked down to the podium.

"Gretchen, I can't do this, "she whispered.

"Of course you can. Make it come from your heart. Don't say anything you don't want to. Good luck," Gretchen told her friend as she stepped back. Spinelli sighed, took a deep breath, and looked at the audience who was waiting for a speech.

"Thanks everyone. I have nothing made up because I had no idea that Gretchen was going to do this for me. I guess I will just tell you my true feelings about high school. This comes from my heart when I say, even though I had many bad times here, I'm going to miss this school. I always dreamed of leaving. Graduating. I wanted to be free. But now that I actually am graduating, I realize what all I am leaving behind. I know that I will end up standing outside this school for hours just thinking about times I've had here. And I know that when school lets out I will come in and just roam the halls only to bring back memories of me being here. It's hard to believe that I will never sit through another class in this school. That I will never hear the bell ring to switch classes again. I never realized how much I would miss something that I used to wish would just go away. And now that I'm up here in front of everyone, waiting to graduate, I realize that I don't really deserve it. I know that I could have done better in school. I chose not to though. I barely made it through high school. I was having family problems, but I should have tried harder. I am very surprised to be here today giving this speech. At one point in time, I thought I would not live to see my graduation. Now I see where I am taking this speech. I am about to tell you something that no one ever knew about me. Not my friends or even my boyfriend, TJ Detweiler. I am sure that most people in this room know that my dad abused me. Well, over the summers in all my high school years, I would attempt suicide. I couldn't handle it. I just didn't think I would be able to go three months alone with my dad. I wanted to die so bad. Then I saw my high school memory book and I knew that I had to hold on. If I would have let go, I would have missed out on seeing my friends that love me again. I couldn't bear that. Nothing was worth losing the people you really cared about. What I am trying to say is that this school saved my life in a way. If it weren't for this school and the people in it, I'd be dead right now. And now I'm leaving it. I'm leaving it all. No one knows how much I will truly miss this school. That's all I have to say," Spinelli concluded. When she was finished she was in tears. Everyone in the stands and in the audience were also in tears. No one had any idea Spinelli had attempted suicide. As soon as Spinelli had finished her speech, Gretchen had embraced her in a huge hug in front of everyone. The audience, her classmates, and even the teachers and Prickly clapped for the two.

"Now it's my turn. I'm not going to say much. In fact, I wasn't going to say anything until I heard Spinelli's speech. Now that I have, I want to say, Spinelli you've always been like a sister to me. If anything would have happened to you, I don't know how I would make it through. I love you, girl," Gretchen said as she hugged her friend. Then she smiled and added only to Spinelli: "And don't you ever try to kill yourself again."

"Don't worry, I won't," Spinelli said.

"Thank you Miss Spinelli and Miss Grundler for a very unexpected performance. Now for our salutatorian," Prickly announced Menlo's name and he came forward.

"I don't have anything as touching as what Spinelli and Gretchen had, but I do have a speech came up with. I will miss this school and all of its teachers. They were like family to me. In fact, they were the only people who ever liked me. My classmates hated me. Even Randal hated me and he was the school snitch for the longest time! But I always found comfort in this school. Except when I was being thrown into a locker in which case I felt pain. My point is, school has always been a big priority to me. Very important. And I am sad to see it go. I'm now graduating and leaving this school behind. I will too miss this place. That is all I have to say," Menlo finished and the people clapped.

"Ok. Now that those speeches are finished, We will begin the ceremony," Prickly said. The graduating ceremony began. After about a half an hour, everyone had graduated. "Everyone, the class of 2004!" Prickly yelled. Everyone clapped and the class threw their caps up.


After graduation, the gang was talking outside the auditorium.

"Gretchen, thanks for what you did for me, but why did you do it?" Spinelli asked.

"Well, I could have given my speech about what school had meant to me, but I felt you could explain it better than anyone," Gretchen replied.

"Oh. Well thanks again."

"Spinelli, why didn't you tell us you were attempting suicide?" TJ asked his girlfriend.

"Well, TJ, that's not exactly something you go around talking about," Spinelli replied sarcastically.

"Just don't do it again," TJ told her firmly. Spinelli laughed.

"Why would I do it again?" Spinelli asked.

"I don't know but don't."

"Ok. Although I wasn't going to anyway," Spinelli told him.

"Good," TJ said.

"Well, my life is gonna be totally perfect now," Spinelli said.

"How do you figure that?" Gretchen asked.

"Well, I have friends and a boyfriend that love me. My dad's gone for good. And I just graduated high school. How could I be any happier?" Spinelli explained.

"You couldn't, Spinelli. And neither could we," TJ told her. The two kissed and everyone left the school, the seniors, for good.



A/N: and that's the end. what did u think of the ending? i actually cried during Spinelli's speech! but that was sweet what Gretch did for her. ok well i hope u all liked this and will look for my new fic "Beneath My Skin." here are some previews of it.



Spinelli: Sammi, I don't feel too good.

Doctor: Miss, you haven't been feeling good because you are pregnant.

Sammi: Congratulations!

Spinelli: Sammi, I have a problem.

Sammi: How are you gonna tell that to TJ?

Spinelli: I can't. He can't know. No one can know.

Sammi: I hate to break it to you, but they will find out sometime.

TJ: Oh my God Spinelli! How could you keep this from me? This is not healthy for the baby! How could you lie like that?

Spinelli: Everyone, I'm so sorry for everything.

A/N: well there ya go. hope u liked this and will stay tuned for my next one! please RR!!