AN - After seriously going into an over load of watching Edward Scissorhands the movie, I was overwhelmed by the touching scene where Edward returns to the Boggs home to find Kim alone. When she asks him to hold her and he says he cannot I absolutely cried my eyes. It lead me to try and write something that would hopefully be a believable (well believable enough in Suburbia) way of Kim and Edward rekindling their love for each other openly. The other thing that caught my interest was the fact at the beginning of the story, Kim talks to her grand daughter about a certain man with scissor hands, but what if Kim's own daughter never knew the father she thought was hers? This may be a one off but we'll see!
Disclaimer – I own nothing, all characters and such belong to all those who created the wonderful work of Edwards Scissorhands.
As the night grew colder, not so cold as you'd wear a coat, but the coldness that often brings the stars out, Kim Boggs looked up towards the old mansion that lay in her neighbourhood. A pain thumped in her heart at the sight of the creepy old manor. The stars in the navy sky twinkled before being over cast by clouds.

Not long ago, if only two mintues, she'd been in the arms of someone whom she had learnt to love. A man so different from any other she'd ever met. Kim sniffed the tears from the inside of her nose and finally dropped the scissor like contraption she'd been holding.

Watching the street folk walk away, starring behind themselves was the hardest thing to do, hoping that their curiosity wouldn't get the better of them. She wasn't a good actress, she was a cheerleader, that was all she knew, but by God she'd hoped to fool them all with her 'death act'.

Her white dress had stains of black and dirt on but Kim didn't care at the present moment. She looked down to the ground to the dirt, starring at the scissor like contraption. She closed her eyes and sighed. The man she'd began to fall in love with was up in that old mansion, a piece of the roof missing, no heating. For God sake the man had no warm, no comfort, no food, nothing. He didn't even have fucking hands to get on with life like everyone else.

It had made her angry watching her mother ignore Edward at the dinner table knowing that possibly offering him help would be offensive. But Edward wasn't like that, he knew he needed help. He wasn't stubborn, but just too polite to ask.

Kim looked up to the broken window at the open house wishing Edward was looking down on her. Kim looked out to the street, no one was near. She scanned Jim's body and felt repulsed by the sight, not because of the blood, but because of him. Kim took a deep breath and turned her body around to the front door. It was not closed but she pushed herself against the old wooden door, not caring for splinters and heaved it open. The creaking noise was partially daunting this time round as she slowly pushed it open having time on her hands.

The cold musty room on second sight showed inventions of some kind. Kim squinted her eyes at the dust covered contraptions, noticing the almost human style built devices. The room was filled with many things but there was a time and a place to explore and look. Now was not one of them. Kim made her way up the stone stairs.

"Edward?" She called timidly. Her voice surprised her as it echoed.

After a few seconds of silence, Kim walked up the stairs, straight up to the attic. A cool breeze hit her and the harsh yet soft sound of blades scrapping together was heard.



Kim looked over to the fire place. She walked towards it and saw the hunched over figure of Edward in black. His hair still had dust in from the roof caving in but he seemed to take no notice in the pain that had previously been inflicted on him.

Kim reached out a hand onto his shoulder and Edward slowly turned around.

"You didn't turn around when I called?" Kim asked.

"I knew it was your voice." Edward replied turning back again.

Kim was puzzled. His tone was neutral but he still kept his back to her.

"What you looking at?"


Kim crouched down next to him.

"Edward I don't understand? I thought if I..."

"Maybe you should have left Kim." Edwards replied in his soft voice.

Kim frowned and looked to where his gaze was.

Edwards was looking at an article and picture. 'Blind boy uses hand to read' or something, Kim thought it said.


"Kim. I- I." Edward sighed. "I can't to be with you."

"What? Because of them?"


"No. who cares about them?"

"I do and I care about you too."

Kim looked at Edward as he finally decided to look around to her.

Kim looked at his scarred face and the chiselled features. His dark eyes held great depth but had yet to have experience in them. Kim turned back to the fire place.

"I told them you were dead." She said sadly.

"I know. I heard. It's, its best this way I think."

"I wish I'd never said that now."

Edward looked at her in confusion.

"But they'd come after me." He replied confused.

"But I can't see you. If I did it would look suspicious." Kim spoke to the floor then the ceiling, growing anxious that she stood up and muttered her words.

Edward looked on at Kim as she grew angry. He was frightened it was himself causing this, but decided it was something else as she didn't take it out on him directly.

"If only the inventor had stayed awake, if only things had been different." Edward thought. He felt this feeling again that he had had before, partly jealousy and suppressed anger of some kind; it was what he'd come to learn as angst.

"I think you should go home Kim." Edward spoke quietly, his heart trying to suppress the words.

Kim looked on in defeat.

"You want me to leave?" She asked.

"Look at me!"

This was the first time Kim had ever heard Edward's voice raised. "Look at these! I've been in the street for so long and no one has helped me like they said they would. I've been taken for a fool, or what I've come to learn as a freak, I don't know if I could face it again if they knew I was here. The police would find me, lock me up."

Kim felt a guilty pang strain through her again at the unsuccessful robbing of Jim's parent's house and the fact Edward took all the blame and didn't tell a soul all because he loved her.

"Oh Edward, I so sorry, for everything." Kim muttered wrapping her arms around Edward from behind. She didn't catch the closing of his eyes when he felt her body against his.

It had only been in books that the inventor had explained everything about life as best as he could to Edward. There was no experience and only trivially things like smiling were told to be correct, a correct play of emotion. Now Edward felt something so strong in his body he really didn't know what to think. The inventor had once told him of love stories but Edward had no grasp of the concept of love. The inventor had been a father figure but never physically showed any affection like a hug. It was overwhelming still for Edward to be physically touched by any one. Even if it was someone, guiding him somewhere, or the way Peg always fondled with his face or the way that Kim had used her lips and pressed them against his. A feeling that felt so right it should have carried on. To what? Edward didn't know.