Author's Note: Sorry this has taken me so long to get the final chapter up, but here it is. But before getting to the story's conclusion, I wanted to take some time to explain a concept that I used to complete this story. Remember when Gohan was taken to the Supreme Kai's planet to get the Z sword? I am building off of the training Gohan received on the Kai planet from the elder Kai. Hopefully this will be the ending that I am sure that everyone is hoping for.

Disclaimer: I do not own any DBZ/GT characters, even though it would be totally cool!

The Cost of Freedom: Chapter 4

As Gohan continued to hold his beloved daughter in his arms, the rest of his family had gathered behind him. None of them could believe what Baby had made Gohan do to Pan. Gohan looked at his family and saw mixed emotions on all of their faces. He then looked toward the sky. This was the only way he could save Pan and even though he had never tried using this technique that the Old Kai had taught him. He had doubted the Old Kai at first, but as his training continued, he realized the Old Kai, while frail, was very wise and powerful. This had to work and after what he had done, Gohan felt that he owed this to Pan no matter how great the risk was. He stood with Pan still in his arms. Everyone looked at him with bewilderment in their eyes. "Gohan?" Videl asked puzzled. "Don't worry Pan is going to be fine." Gohan said smiling at her. Videl had come to know that look too well. "Gohan, you can't. Not this way." Videl stated. "Don't worry, I will be fine. Nothing is going to happen to me, I promise." Gohan said as he kissed her on her cheek. With Pan in his arms he walked to the clearing, away from the rock formations. He looked once more to the sky. "Please let this work Old Kai." Gohan prayed. He had only practiced transforming his Super Saiyan energy into life energy once. He wasn't sure if he could do it again, especially now that it mattered. However, something in his heart was telling him that he could do it. He looked down at Pan.
"Don't worry sweetheart. You'll be home soon." Gohan said as he kissed her on the forehead. He drew Pan closer to him as he became a Super Saiyan. He then closed his eyes as he concentrated on converting his energy. The bright yellow glow that had surrounded his body soon turned a radiant blue. It was working. Gohan began feeling weak, but he didn't take time to notice. As Gohan continued to flood Pan with his newly created life energy, Videl and the rest of the family came out from behind the rocks and saw Gohan surrounded by this blue light. Goku and Vegeta knew that it was life energy, but both were unsure as to how Gohan created so much of it.
"GOHAN!!!" Videl cried as she went to go over to him. Goku held her back.
"Videl, Gohan is going to be fine. You'll have to trust him. I think he knows what he is doing." Goku said as a smile formed on his lips. Videl looked at him. She looked at Goku and remembered he said something just like that when Gohan's energy was stolen at the World Martial Arts Tournament. She had to believe that everything would be alright. As Videl looked back at Gohan, she noticed that that the intense blue light that had been surrounding Gohan began to fade. As Gohan powered down, he could feel Pan stir in his arms. He was so tired, but it didn't matter since Pan was alive. The technique had worked just like the Old Kai promised him it would if ever he had to use it.
"See, daddy told you everything would be alright." Gohan said as he felt his knees buckle from under him. He heard his name being called from behind as he fell into blackness with Pan still in his arms.
"Gohan please wake up." A voice called to him. As he came out of the blackness, he saw a very concerned Videl leaning over him. Gohan realized that Pan was no longer in his arms, but instead he was lying in Videl's lap. He looked up at her and gave a weak smile.
"Is Pan ok?" Gohan tiredly asked.
"Dad, I'm fine thanks to you." Pan said as he approached her mother's side. Gohan sat up and looked into his daughter's eyes.
"Oh Pan, I'm..." Gohan started.
"Dad, I forgive you. There is no need to apologize." Pan said. Gohan grabbed Pan and he held her in his arms; something that he never thought he would be able to do again. As Pan returned his embrace, he silently thanked the Old Kai for guiding him to victory and the safe return of the most important thing in his life, his only child.