By: Ami
Beta Reader: kitsune-oni
-- I Said, I Love You --Chapter 1 of 3 – The Poor, The Rejected
Oh well, since our DEAR banned my fic with this title before, I'm hoping that it's not a sin to use the same title cause I really like this title!
Specially dedicated to: Guardian of Jupiter for writing Winning Sanzou-sama. XD I couldn't stop laughing till the end reading the fic! Nyahahahahahahaha
A note for:
keitsje-sama [Oops, did I spell it right? Your name is kinda hard for my poor brain to spell.] XD
Thanks for your compliment. : ) I'm nothing compared to you. And I was—kinda embarrassed when I read your review. And I thought, "Oh Gods! She read my fic!" XD XD Remember that I'm one of your loyal fans, and keep writing cool 39 for us. puppy eyes
Chibi WingZero-chan:
Who would ever resist such a yummy thing like that? XD Go! Go! Go! I'm backing you up!
gallatica-sama: glomps I missed ya!
: ) Ano… Maybe you'll not feel blur anymore after reading "Dreaming", the prequel of "Lighter".
By the way, where have you been? : ) Let's have a chat when you have the time!
DISCLAIMER: Me no own.
Fallin' in love?
Having a cute unrequited love?
Or being rejected badly?
Well, there're some ways out…
And this story will teach you… some of the most terrible ones.
Be prepared.
Here we go!
"I don't want anything from you," the gorgeous blond said flatly to the severely shocked brunette in front of him. "So get the hell off, stupid."
This last statement had been foretold by Our-Super-Great-Prophet-Sha-Gojyo-sama, who still believed that the fake plant on the side of the corridor could cover him up just fine.
Then the blond just picked his bag up and left without a word.
That was a response that had been expected by the smartest student in the whole school, Cho Hakkai-kun. But before witnessing the scene with his very eyes, he hadn't known that his best friend could be THAT heartless.
Bringing one hand under his chin, he took a few seconds to decide whether he should catch up with his friend or stay to comfort the victim.
"…Wait, Sanzou. We seriously need to talk about this…" He decided after throwing an amused blink at the redhead who STILL believed that the fake plant would make him invisible.
And it took Our-Super-Great-Prophet-Sha-Gojyo-sama a few seconds to recover from his earlier shock, and be sane enough to let the fake plant go.
"Oi, saru… Stop it. Let's go now," he said, tapping the short boy's shoulder.
No response.
"…I'll be waiting in the classroom. Come back when you feel sane enough to do so," Gojyo said with a sigh as he started climbing the stairs.
And so…
The stunned boy was left there… standing by the locker.
His heart broke…
And the spring wind felt so cold…
And he… for the very first time in his life…
Didn't feel hungry.
"It's ALL OVER." Goku put his head down on his desk, sighing deeply.
"See?" Gojyo muttered as he folded the 'rejected love-letter' into a paper airplane. "I told you it was impossible."
"…Maybe I should have listened to you." Goku brought a book up on to his head to cover up his swollen eyes. "…That was the worst rejection I have ever had in my whole 18 years of life."
"…You mean you had never been rejected before?" Gojyo closed one eye, aiming the paper-airplane to the broken heart he had drawn on the big blackboard in front of him.
"Then don't use the word 'worst'. There might be something worse." The redhead shrugged as the plane missed the target.
"I'll die if something worse happens." Goku sat up, pouting. "What could be worse than being rejected?!"
"…An empty fridge?"
Goku snorted. "You could at least try to encourage me."
"Sorry. I don't have any talents in being a saint." Gojyo picked the paper airplane up, before closing one eye, now aiming at Goku's head.
"Stop it." Goku caught the paper airplane with one hand. "Don't play with my heart."
"It's not like you're going to use it again," Gojyo protested as he walked back to his desk.
"This letter is my heart." Goku ironed flat the crumpled paper with his hand. "…Whether it worked or not."
"OK, then. Stop spreading that gloomy aura." Gojyo sighed as he put an arm around his best friend's shoulders. "You're still young. There're still a lot of chances for you to find true love. The grumpy blonde isn't the only gorgeous man in the world. There're still Homura, Kougaiji… want me to list them up for you?"
"No, thanks."
"You know, I think Homura is attracted to you. Didn't you see the way he smiled at you?"
"…I'm not interested."
"Wow! The newspaper says that a doughnut shop near the station is having a 60% off sale now!"
"…You're lying."
"Eh? How could you know that?"
"You never read the newspaper. You read hentai magazines and comics."
=sweat drop=
"Well, can't you feel how sincere I am? I really want to encourage you, damn it! Stop being as gloomy as a half-dead monkey!"
"I can't help it!" Goku yelled. "I was just REJECTED by the love of my life! How am I supposed to react? By smiling? Laughing? Or should I hold a big party to celebrate it?!"
"Oh, yes. You must certainly do it."
"You know, Gojyo. You look so ugly when you're being sarcastic."
"Thanks for the compliment. I know that I'm always handsome, whenever, wherever, whatever, however."
"Gojyo pleaaaase" QQ
Gojyo sighed deeply. He could never resist the teary golden eyes of his best friend.
"Listen, Goku… this time I'm serious… so listen to me carefully…" He coughed before resuming. "The blond… doesn't love you. That's why he turned you down. Got it?"
Goku nodded weakly.
"He's very popular. There're a LOT of people who would do anything for his love."
Goku nodded again.
"In his eyes, you're just one among 1000. So your chances of getting him… are 1/1000. They're very slim. Got it?"
And Goku nodded again, face paler than before.
"And because he has a stick up in his ass, your chances has been reduced to 1/10000000."
Goku hung his head.
"SO have you come to the conclusion, young man?" Gojyo held his breath. "FORGET HIM!"
"NO!" Goku stubbornly shook his head. "NO NO NO NO NO NO NOOOOO!!!!"
"Ooh! Come ON! Face the fact that he's too far away for you to reach! You're a sunflower and he's the sun! No matter how much you want him, no one is gonna pay you for your loyalty! Think about it, damn it!"
"But, Gojyo—you don't understand! I—I—can't just forget him like that!" Goku stammered. The image of a young man standing beneath the rain suddenly played in his mind, over and over.
"Eep—" O.O
Goku brought his hands up on his head, closing his eyes tightly.
There's no way—no way—I'll ever forget him for the rest of my life!
"I DON'T understand. I CAN'T understand." Gojyo glared at the shorter boy impatiently before picking up his bag to leave the classroom. "No human can understand what a monkey thinks. Think about it carefully with a cool head tonight. I'll talk to you once you've got your sanity back."
The door was slammed shut just before Goku's bag slammed against the door with a loud BUMP.
"Gojyo, you don't understand!" Goku lay back on to the desk, looking up atthe ceilings with a pout.
"Genjo Sanzou?! Genjo Sanzou out of all the living creatures?! God have mercy, Goku! How could you have fallen in love with someone like him?!"
Goku frowned at the memory, when he had first told Gojyo that he had fallen for the most gorgeous guy in the school.
Gojyo didn't like him from the beginning. I can understand what he feels right now.Goku sighed. But I…
His face flushed at the image of Sanzou's face. Although it was just an imagination, his heart always responded franticly at the image of the blonde's face, with a mix of emotions that flowed like a waterfall in his brain.
The scene was still crystal clear in his mind.
The very scene when he had met Sanzou for the very first time…
"…What's wrong," he said, bringing a hand over his softened eyes, and looking up at the ceilings through his extended fingers, "…with loving someone?"
Spring, two years ago…
"Whaaat?! This can't be happening to me!!!!" Goku stared at the heavy raindrops falling in front of him in disbelief, clutching his bag tightly. "It can't be raining now! Not after being left ALONE at school for my cleaning duty, and not when my favorite cartoon is in 30 minutes!!!!!"
Sigh… sigh… life was just tough, Goku-kun.
"Darn!" He threw his bag roughly on to the floor of the locker room, before slumping on to the floor exhausted. "…It's all Gojyo's fault!"
-- Flashback of the Flashback --
"Wow! You brought an umbrella, saru? How rare!"
"He he… of course I brought it! I heard from the Morning News that it'd be raining this afternoon!"
"Oh, really? Damn! I was planning to have a date with someone after school!"
"He he he, poor you, kappa—eeep---WAAAAAIT!!!!! GIMME BACK MY UMBRELLA NOW!!!!!!!! ERO-KAPPAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Hehehehehehehehe… it's actually romantic to walk together under an umbrella. I'm borrowing this thing for today! I'll return it to you tomorrow! Jaaaa"
-- End Flashback of the Flashback --
It was Gojyo's fault, right?!
Goku found himself staring at the pouring rain while muttering various curses which always included Gojyo's name.
After 10 minutes…
Damn… it doesn't seem like the rain will be over soon… Goku put a hand under his chin, sighing deeply. If only I can stop the rain—wait a minute—I CAN stop the rain!
As the realization struck him, the brunette quickly lifted up his head, grabbed his bag and took his handkerchief out of his pocket.
How could I forget such a simple thing? Teruterubouzu can stop the rain!
Happy with his new invention, Goku started creating his hand-made teruterubouzu. He rummaged inside his bag to find his crumpled test-sheet. He he he… finally, he had found a perfect way to—err—destroy the evidence. XD
With a wide grin, he filled the head of the doll with the crumpled paper. After taking a few seconds to find something to tie the doll with, he came up with a brilliant idea; pulling off his shoelace. And as the last touch, he drew a smiling face on the head of the doll.
He he he… not bad… He looked at the doll proudly. Three cheers for Mom who had taught him when he had been 5! Teru Teru Bouzu! XD XD
"Ooh, teruteru-chan! Please make the rain stop!" He clapped his hands in front of the doll before turning to the rain hopefully.
…It seemed that teru-chan would rather to be called teru-sama.
Sigh… it can't be helped… Goku shrugged, putting the doll in to his pocket before picking up his bag. I'll just go home now. Maybe if I eat a lot of fried meat and drink a lot of soda tonight, I won't get sick. [A/N: Yeah… right… sweat drops]
And so, he held his bag over his head and started running out of the locker room.
Damn… the rain is so cold… Just run, just run, just run… just run as fast as possible… just--
--He stopped.
His bag fell on to the muddy ground.
As the rain kept pouring down on to the earth…
He turned to one side, before starting to walk… very slowly…
His clothes were soaking wet, but he didn't seem to care.
His golden eyes were widened at their best, with a serious expression that had never been painted on his face before.
His brain started to work again after the few seconds of blankness.
………………What… is that…?
He stopped, both fists clutched on each side of his body.
……………Human……… is he a real human…?
His eyes focused in one direction… on one figure… in the middle of the school field.
…How could someone be……
A pale and slender figure with darkened soaked blond hair…
…So ethereal?
Although it was raining heavily, it didn't seem that he'd want to find a shelter soon.
…I wanna…
He just stood there… hanging his head, submitting and letting the raindrops devour him.
…touch him…
And when Goku got his senses back… his hand was already clutching the other guy's uniform sleeve.
…What the--
He gasped as the blonde lifted up his head, narrowing his lavender orbs at him.
"WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" Goku reflexively released the soaked cloth, took a step backward and bowed his head down deeply. "I—I---I----" He turned a deep shade of red. "—I'm sorry!"
The blonde remained silent, still staring at him in confusion.
Getting no response, Goku nervously lifted up his head to meet the beautiful face once more. Oh Dear Buddha… Thanks for letting me be alive to witness such a beautiful face! I'll die happy now!
"Eh?" Goku soon noticed a red stain on the pale skin of the stranger's forehead. "What is it? You're bleeding?!"
The guy secretly sweat dropped as the shorter boy frantically tried to find his handkerchief inside his pockets. But all he could find was…
Goku blinked as he heard the low-toned voice. It sounded like a melody from heaven in his ears! How could someone sound so… so… good? Oh man, I'm running out of vocabularies.
"…Baka." The blond smiled softly before turning and running away.
Goku gasped as he started running to catch up with the guy. "Wait! I—W—WHOAAA--"
……………………………And Goku really felt like cursing at himself…
…For not putting on his shoelace.
Maybe he has forgotten about me… and you, teruteru-chan…Goku held the disheveled teruterubouzu over his head, staring at it dreamily. But… since that time on… I can never forget him…
He took a deep breath before tossing teruterubouzu back inside his schoolbag.
Whatever happens, happens…
He got on to his feet.
But for now… I'll not give up!
A confident smile was painted on his cute face.
"YOSSSSSH!!!!!" He fisted his hands. "Don't you think that it's the end!!! I swear I'm gonna getcha, Genjo Sanzooooou!!!!!!!!!"
SANZOU: ==;; What's with this sudden cold aura…?
For your information, I have done writing the whole chapters. So the next update is certain. After this, I'll start working on FLL again.
Next Update [certainly]: June 11th 2004