Disclaimer- I do not own One Tree Hill or any of the characters.

Rating-This is PG-13/ R for language.

Authors Note - This is just a start maybe a one shot depending on the reviews I get.

Brooke blames it on herself. She lets her guard down for one second and her boyfriend cheats on her and her best friend stabs her in the back. She feels stupid for thinking he would ever be interested in a girl like her . She laughs at the term a girl like her. That's the type of thing you whisper to your friend in the hall when you see the captain of the football team holding hands with the crazy girl in bondage. You'd lean over and whisper "gee I didn't think he went for a girl like her" all while keeping eye contact to let them know you're talking about them. But it's Brooke we're talking about, the one all the guys talk about in the locker room , the one every guy wants. But she gave her heart to one guy , and he handed it back to her tattered and torn. Now he's gone and she's left with ..it.

It's unnoticeable right now but she knows its in their. She thinks she must look odd because she's always unintentionally putting her hand on her belly . She thinks its some subconscious way of protecting herself and .. It .

But now Brooke remembers reading "A Child Called It" in the 8th grade. Something she hated because it made her cry. From thence on she vowed that no human deserved to be called and 'it'. And Brooke isn't quite yet ready to call the thing inside her a baby because she still has a little hope that this can't possibly be happening to her. So now she calls it 'her gift'. Even tho she'll probably end raising 'her gift' by herself she knows that no matter how fucked up things get , 'her gift' will always love her. She may not have Lucas , but she has 'her gift' and right now that's good enough for her .

The love parts got her hooked but there's the whole 'being responsible for another human being that scares her to death. 'Her gift' has real feeling that can be hurt and a real heart that can be broken. Brooke promises to never let any one hurt 'her gift' the way everyone has hurt her. But 'her gift' is real and she knows it. It's not like when she was a kid and she used to play with plastic baby dolls. When she got bored she'd throw them back into the closet but now she can't do that. She can't just put it away when she gets tired of it and take it back out when she wants to play again .

Where 'her gift' differs from her old plastic dolls is this one cries. And this one can get sick. And this one throws up. And you can't forget to feed this one.

All Brooke needs is time to think. She wishes that time would stand still.