That works.Disclaimer: We do not own Harry Potter, blah, blah, blah, you get the idea. But if you don't know characters, creatures, or big plot ideas from the books, the movies, or common Harry Potter grapevines, they are ours and please do not touch. I'm writing this story with krenyaalenak.

Chapter 1

The Exchange Program

Jusea walked into Professor Anderson's office. "Hello Professor, you wanted to see me?"

"Yes. Do you remember The Exchange Program?"


"Well, congratulations, you were accepted."

"Yes. Thank you."

"You understand the program."

"I think so."

"You will go to another school. There you will spend a week with each house, one day with each year. You shall then attend one or two days of classes with each teacher. At the end you will come back here and report all that you find. You will be leaving immediately. Your school that you are going to is Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I suggest you go and pack. You will leave with the other students tonight."

"Thank you." Jusea left the office smiling. She already knew someone there. Her pen pal Oliver Wood was there. She remembered meeting him this past summer.

Jusea was at a Quidditch game for Michael.

All of a sudden she heard a Scottish voice. "Ref, that was an unfair play." He turned to her, "Can you believe that ref? He should be put in St. Mungles for that call."

"Yes, it was a rotten call. But that ref always makes those kinds of calls. I don't know why they keep him, but they do."

"Do you watch frequently?"


"Do you play?"

"Not always. I don't play for school, but I'll play with my family."


"Yes. Do you play?"

"I play for my school."

"What school do you go to?"


"Oh, that's cool. What position are you?"

"I play Keeper."

"Wow, that's awesome. How's your team?"

"I think my team is excellent. My Beaters are a couple of Bludgers themselves. My Chasers are the fastest, best girls ever. And my seeker- wow, he is a seeker of the century."

"It sounds like you really care about your team."

"I do. What position do you play?"

"Me? I usually play Chaser."

"That's great."

They talked for the rest of the game and then they decided to keep in touch with each other.

She smiled just thinking about him. He was very cute, hot, oh wow. I mean her dancing partner was pretty good looking, but she didn't like him that way. His smile was the cutest thing. She loved listening to him talk. She entered the Common Room. Jake, Tom, and Rebecca were sitting by the fireplace.

"Jusea, how's it going?" Tom asked.

"I got accepted into The Exchange Program. I'm leaving tonight."

"Congrats." Jake said getting up and hugging her.

"Hey." Rebecca said.

"Sorry, Bec, I couldn't help it. Jusea is so hot." A pillow whizzed across the room and hit Jake in the head. "Hey, I resent that."
"Way to go Jusea." Rebecca said.


"So, where are you going? You know which school?"


"Isn't that where your boyfriend goes?" Rachel said.

Jusea turned around. "He's not my boyfriend. We just write to each other."

Although she really did wish he was her boyfriend.

But as much as they wrote, Oliver never seemed interested in her that way. His closest hint at it was asking who she was going with to a Halloween dance she'd mentioned. It didn't matter that she didn't have a date for the dance yet; she wouldn't even be there for it. Oh, it would be so much fun surprising Oliver when she simply walked up to him at Hogwarts as if she was there everyday . . . .

"Jusea? Jusea. Hello, Jusea!"

"What? Oh, sorry."

Rebecca, Tom, and Jake exchanged glances. "Mm-hmm," Rachel said.

"What?" Jusea asked.

"No interest," Jake said.

"None at all," Tom added.

"What?" Jusea added.

Rachel shook her head. "No interest in a certain Oliver?" she said.

"Oh, please, I never said anything like that."

"So you do, or you don't?"

It was Jusea's turn to shake her head. "I need to go pack." She marched up the stairs to the girls' dormitory just in time. She could feel herself going white. She shook her head. No need to worry about it, anyway, she thought. I get to see Oliver tomorrow. Hope I'm in Gryffindor next. Maybe I can find out if there's any chance of him liking me . . . .