Please accept my apologies on the lateness and oddness of the chapter.

"How did you manage to subvert our guards?" Bakura laughed carelessly.

"You'll have to do better then those clods if you care to keep me out Pharaoh. Much better. Oh," Bakura added, almost as an afterthought. "I wouldn't bother calling them either, I shouldn't think they'll be able to help you anymore."

Still trying to stall until a plan could be made and acted upon, Atemu continued to ask questions whilst slowly moving into a better position.

"What did you do?" The grin on the thief's face grew bigger.

"I don't think you should be worrying about them now, Pharaoh. They're beyond any help you might give them." Flipping a dagger out of his belt, he continued. "I think the small talk's finished, don't you? Hand over the Items, and no one gets hurt. Like I said before, I loathe messes. I much prefer we do this quickly and efficiently." Atemu and Muhaado were far from believing him.

"Do you honestly believe that's going to happen?" Bakura shrugged.

"Never know unless you ask. Mother used to tell me that." His face changed momentarily from casually gaiety to ill suppressed rage. And back again, so quickly it was impossible to say if one had imagined it or not.

"What do you care for the Items?"

"Oh I don't think you'll be needing to know that, do you? You don't want to go to the kingdom for those who follow in Set's footsteps with even more on your conscious, would you?" Atemu forgot all plans in a moment of fury.

"If and when I leave this world, I will rejoin my father in the Kingdom of Ra. I am no traitor, no murderer…." This time the rage in Bakura's face was hard to mistake.

"You will meet your father in the place reserved for people like you!" With both combatants in a blinding rage, Muhaado took the opportunity to try and contain Bakura. It was becoming increasingly obvious that there would be no help coming to the rescue, so the only choice was to do something himself. He would protect the Pharaoh with his very life. Quietly, he activated the power of the Ring that only he and Isis knew existed. Unfortunately, he had not realized how flashy this would be. A great pillar of light shot towards Bakura, after the very soul that animated him. Bakura turned to late to avoid it.

Screaming, he felt hands grasp at his spirit, attempting to rip it from his body forcefully. And, indeed, it very nearly worked.

Atemu stood, astonished at the display before him. He had no idea what Muhaado was attempting, but whatever it was, it seemed to be working. The shrieks that could be heard from Bakura were fading. Then, something happened that he didn't think was the intended outcome of the plan.

Mana, running around trying to find someone to give her news of the thief, had heard the noises of the battle. She started towards it and arrived just in time to witness the fantastic clash. The Eye of Horus on her mentors forehead, bright light emanating from him. Screaming. It would have been incredible. Had the screaming still been Bakura's.

The winning side seemed to have been switched, to the horror of everyone but Bakura. Within minutes, Bakura was standing and laughing again. Muhaado was on the ground and Mana and Atemu were too spellbound to do anything.

"I must admit, that trick does come in handy, doesn't it?" Bakura walked over the still Muhaado. "Wonder what happened when my strength reversed it?" He kicked the laying man over. "Thought so." He reached to take the Ring from Muhaado's neck. The man made no move to resist, but simply stared with eyes that saw nothing. Mana let out a strangled sound that might have been a scream had she allowed it to progress that far. The sound woke Atemu to the reality. He rushed recklessly at the thief.

Bakura side stepped him easily, now holding the Ring. He looked at it with an expression of awe and dark longing.

In Teana's room, it was silent, though two people occupied it. Both were lost in thoughts too dark to speak aloud. The silence was broken very suddenly. Isis's scream shattered all thoughts. She stood up very quickly. Eyes still somewhere between the vision and reality.

"I am too late!" She cried. She rushed out of the room, leaving a confused and worried Teana.

She arrived at the scene to find only a distressed Mana trying to revive her teacher and the Pharaoh staring into nothing.

Slowly, she talked Mana into coming away from the shell that used to house a well loved soul. Whispering comforts, she let the girl cry as others started to trickle into the courtyard. The guards that had been off duty informed the Pharaoh that they were the only ones left. None of the others had survived what looked like a massacre. Atemu nodded, but seemed to only be hearing with a shadow of himself. The high priests arrived to remove the body that used to be Muhaado.

Atemu wandered to where Isis held Mana, and gestured sharply that he would like to speak with her. Knowing what was coming, she gently let go of the girl and suggested she go to Teana. Following the Pharaoh, she braced herself. A little off from the courtyard, he turned to face her.

"How could you not tell this was coming?" His voice was the pinnacle of control.

"You know I am not warned of everything…"

"And yet you appear at precisely the correct time to miss things. You'll understand if I'm a tad confused about this." She took a deep breath.

"I only knew as it happened."

"Kindly explain to me what exactly happened." Despite the wording, it was not a request.

"M….Muhaado's Item had a special power. To pry a soul from it's body thus rendering an attacker completely helpless. It was never meant to kill, simply to…to restrain. However, it works best if used unaware. As a surprise. Bakura caught onto what was happening. He…he had the strength to not only to resist the spell, but to reverse it upon its caster. Without the intent to hold the soul for replacement into the body once the threat was over." She tried very hard to keep her voice from wavering. But it didn't quite seem to work.

"I see. And you received no warning no even inkling that this was coming?" She opened her mouth but he gave her no time to reply. "You knew great danger was coming, you warned us all, but never once did you bother to give details. Never. And now you have killed Muhaado."

"It was not my hand that stuck him down."

"But it was your with holding information the brought this upon us! Gods Isis!"

"I do not expect you to believe me, but I would have given much to prevent this, in fact I have done much to prevent it. But fate will not be subverted. The wheel has turned and there is now nothing that can stop it." Atemu glared at her, now clearly too angry to even yell. They both knew he was being unfair. But blaming Isis would put off blaming himself, would put off accepting this as reality.

"I am going to my wife to see she is comfortable. I expect that shall find you nowhere near her at any point in time. I will then lead all able men to catch this…this murderer at my father's tomb. Convey that message." He saw her hesitate and roared "Now!" She bowed and turned away.

Mana had haltingly explained to Teana what had passed. Both were now in too much shock to do anything but sit.

"I understand."

"What do you understand?"

"It matters not. All that matters is that I was unaware, and now I know."

Again, sorry. To explain, Set is an Egyptian God who betrayed his brother...Ra? I think, and killed him and wsa then imprisoned, he doesn't actually have a kingdom, this is just writers creativity.