Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns Harry Potter
Scene: Ron and Hermione are in love, but Hermione is still dating Harry. Harry
will prove his love for Hermione by doing the most painful and difficult thing he can think of... letting her go.
-My Greatest Sacrifice-
Mione, I love you
My feelings run deep
You know they do
But I also know
That it is time to let you go
I'd rather fight Voldemort
Two million times
Than give you up
Not seeing your loving face
Must be the greatest crime
Giving you up
Will surely kill me
Without you, I cannot breathe
Without you, I cannot eat
Without you, I cannot live
But alas! I must do this Mione
Ron loves you
And you love him
I can see it in your eyes
You even blush when he says "hi"
You push me away
When I try to hug you
You seem distracted
Whenever I give you a kiss
So I must let you go
As much as it'll hurt me
I must do this
I will make the greatest sacrifice
That I can possibly think of
I will make my best friends happy
By giving up the girl I love
You and Ron belong together
There is no other way
Just know that I'll love you forever
Each and every day
Your heart no longer belongs to me
Listen to what your heart wants
I won't stand in your way
You are free as of today
I clutch my heart
For I can feel it break
Pain shoots through my body
As we finally depart
Just promise me
That you will always do
Whatever makes you happy
I just want to see you smile
Even if the reason isn't me
A/N: Eh, ok so it isn't the greatest poem I've written, but this is the best I can do while enduring the pressure of finals. Sigh Thank you so much to all of my reviewers. You guys rock!
Scene: Ron and Hermione are in love, but Hermione is still dating Harry. Harry
will prove his love for Hermione by doing the most painful and difficult thing he can think of... letting her go.
-My Greatest Sacrifice-
Mione, I love you
My feelings run deep
You know they do
But I also know
That it is time to let you go
I'd rather fight Voldemort
Two million times
Than give you up
Not seeing your loving face
Must be the greatest crime
Giving you up
Will surely kill me
Without you, I cannot breathe
Without you, I cannot eat
Without you, I cannot live
But alas! I must do this Mione
Ron loves you
And you love him
I can see it in your eyes
You even blush when he says "hi"
You push me away
When I try to hug you
You seem distracted
Whenever I give you a kiss
So I must let you go
As much as it'll hurt me
I must do this
I will make the greatest sacrifice
That I can possibly think of
I will make my best friends happy
By giving up the girl I love
You and Ron belong together
There is no other way
Just know that I'll love you forever
Each and every day
Your heart no longer belongs to me
Listen to what your heart wants
I won't stand in your way
You are free as of today
I clutch my heart
For I can feel it break
Pain shoots through my body
As we finally depart
Just promise me
That you will always do
Whatever makes you happy
I just want to see you smile
Even if the reason isn't me
A/N: Eh, ok so it isn't the greatest poem I've written, but this is the best I can do while enduring the pressure of finals. Sigh Thank you so much to all of my reviewers. You guys rock!