Chapter 6 – Akane VS Happosai

Ryoga held his hand in front of his face and studied it, making sure the position was correct. If it wasn't… well, he imagined it'd be painful, though not quite as painful as the burns Akane was receiving outside.

The house concealed within his 'umbrella' was fairly large, and contained a training hall. But given he was unsure as to how it would react to fire; Akane and Kenshin were outside practicing the Amazon speed technique.

Ryoga nodded to himself, the positions of his fingers looked fine, but he glanced at the concrete and grimaced anyways. Only one way to be sure…

He slammed his hand into the concrete and was pleasantly surprised to see it shatter on contact without using Bakusai Tenketsu at all. He nodded shortly to himself and decided to attempt the technique with sterner materials now that he was sure it wouldn't shatter the bones in his hands from ill placement. Punching things with a fist was one thing, but to drive in extended fingers was quite another, especially so when they were spread out as far as he could make them go.

Smiling pleasantly he placed the technique scroll, and its partner in their special case, locked it, and left, knowing the mess would be gone by the time he returned. While Ryoga appreciated the gift, what with how often he was on the road and all, he shuddered at the thought of the crazy redhead who gave it to him.

Still, he didn't let that slow him as he wandered down the hallway to the front door. The house itself could easily house ten people, fifteen if they were friendly, and somehow produced its own food. Ryoga didn't want to know. He just knew it worked. Kami help him if it ever malfunctioned.

He opened the door, his mind shying away from exactly how he could be opening a door on the inside and be pushing open a tent flap on the other, and came outside to the now frequent sound of Akane cursing as she nursed her burnt hands.

Kenshin stood off to the side practicing himself, they really couldn't give Akane any help at this stage, and Ryoga moved silently over to where they'd set up the burn salve and the bandages. He was fairly sure Akane would need them soon. She looked like the burns were starting to get to her.

"Katchu Tenshin Amaguriken!" Akane screamed out the mantra, and plunged her hands into the fire one last time. She smiled a bit even as she held her hands in pain. She'd managed to get several of the chestnuts that time. Glancing over at the table she smiled to see Kenshin helping Ryoga prepare the burn salve. It was good to see the two starting to get along. She smiled up at Ryoga as Kenshin wordlessly bound her hands in bandages over the salve so that they would heal - at least partially - over night. She'd try again tomorrow.

"So what kind of training are you up to in there, Ryoga?"

Ryoga grunted. "Difficult training. Not the kind you're ready for - yet."

Akane sighed. "Well, maybe I'd be a little further along if you'd just teach me something. I need all the help I can get."

Ryoga shook his head. "They aren't my techniques. And the man who let me have them made me swear to never use them unless it was life or death. Not something to take lightly."

Akane sighed. "I know Ryoga… it's just that I feel like I'm not making any progress right now, and I have to beat Happosai of all people... do you have any advice, Kenshin?"

Kenshin stood and brushed his hands off. "…There is a similar technique to this 'amaguriken' in my discipline, the 'dragon's nest strike'."

Akane's face brightened. "That's great! How is it taught?"

Kenshin shuffled uncomfortably. "At a certain stage in the student's training, the teacher introduces it to the student by using it on him. This continues until the student has learned the technique. And then the instructor introduces the next technique. I have not yet mastered everything of the school."

Akane's eyes bugged out. "That's how Auntie teaches you? I can see why she never found anything wrong with how Genma taught Ranma…"

Ryoga nodded a bit to himself. "Harsh, but effective. But you haven't learned everything yet?"

Kenshin shook his head. "As bad as this one was before he left his home, there were still some things this one would not stoop to."

Akane swallowed. "What-"

Kenshin interupted her. "The ougi of my school is not something this one is willing to discuss." His tone clearly indicated that the discussion was over. Both Ryoga and Akane respected his silence.

The man held an emotionless mask on his face, and let the unconscious man fall, beaten and bruised. It'd taken quite a bit to make the scum give up the information needed.

He turned towards the road that would bring him from Kyoto to Tokyo. Even his next destination would likely be but a step along the way.

It didn't matter. He'd find Hitokiri Battousai, and kill him. Vengeance would be his.

The return to the dojo was met with little fan-fare. Kasumi met them at the door and ushered them inside for dinner.

Dinner itself was quiet even. No one spoke, and Happosai was strangely absent. When dinner concluded, Soun spoke, strangely calm. "Akane, the master awaits you in the dojo. No other is to enter. Go, and do us proud."

Akane nodded, turned and left, heading for the dojo, not violating the sanctity of the moment with speech.

A moment after she left, Soun turned to the two young men, still strangely calm. "Can she do it?"

Kenshin and Ryoga looked at each other. Ryoga spoke. "Not a chance. She didn't even master the amaguriken."

Soun finally burst into tears, seeming to make up for lost time. "My baby!"

Akane quietly shut the door to the dojo. Happosai was in the center of the room, puffing on his pipe. He put it out and put it away before rising. "Well, let's get this over with. I have a raid to make in ten minutes."

Akane growled slightly, but kept her cool, setting herself into a stance, and waiting for the old pervert in front of her to make the first move.

And move he did.

Happosai came fast and low, but not so fast she couldn't see it. As she shifted to anticipate the blow to her legs, Happosai kicked in a much higher speed, and blurred forward until he was inside her guard. He still didn't strike her legs, though. Instead he jumped straight up, and nailed her just under the chin, sending her flying back.

She bounced on the floor once, then came to a stop.

Happosai spit. "And you wanted to be heir? Ha! Ranma would have dodged that easily - or at least would have landed on his feet. Like I've always said. Girls are nothing!"

She growled again, and heaved to her feet. Take me lightly, will he?

This time, Akane made the first move, charging in. Happosai just stood there waiting for her, looking rather bored. Just before she was in striking range, however, she jumped, twisting in mid air, so as to land a blow on the top of the aged pervert's head. It missed, and she suddenly found herself hitting the dojo wall again, having been tossed by Happosai like a beginner. "Stupid girl! You left yourself open in the air! The air! Genma should be ashamed to say he trained you at all!"

"Shut up!" She recovered slightly faster, this time however, rolling to her feet almost instantly, and setting herself up for another attack. Happosai obliged. Akane thrust out with her palm to stop him before he got within range, but…

"Please." He snorted as he said it, and whipped out his pipe, latching it onto her arm, and launching her into the air. She hit the dojo roof with enough force to slam through it, and further into the sky. Surprisingly, Happosai jumped out to meet her, readying his Happodaikarin.

With a start Akane realized something. He isn't just trying to defeat me he's trying to break me! Make me give up on my own! I'll show him! I'm a martial artist too!


Akane pulled every bit of knowledge about how to maneuver in the air from the Saotome Ryu, and twisted out of the way of the bomb. She made it, barely, but Happosai snapped his fingers, and the bomb exploded just behind her, sending her hurtling forward, where he was preparing to toss another straight down to her.

"Fine! If that's the way you want to play it…!"

As it came down, Akane spun in place, hitting the bomb back at Happosai, but he snapped his fingers again and it blew up harmlessly between them.

Of course, then Akane realized the one thing she was forgetting, and reoriented herself to land on the dojo's roof. She crashed right through, not having Ranma's talent for regulating force.

Happosai followed through the hole, and landed adroitly on his feet, and smiled at the gasping Akane. "You get it now, sweet cheeks? Girls don't belong in this business. You can't be the heir!"

Akane spit. "You didn't have a problem before…"

Happosai shrugged, recognizing the play for time, but allowing it. "The heir to Soun's pitiful attempt at a school is one thing. The heir to the whole art, my art, is quite another. Go away."

"No." Akane got to her feet and charged again. Happosai didn't blur this time, he just flashed. One moment there, the next not, the next back to his original position. But that fraction of a second was enough to send Akane across the room again.

"Don't you get it girly? I've been going easy on you so far. You can't match Ranma's skills. It's impossible."

Akane struggled to her feet, and charged again.

Inside the house, the family sat around the table, wincing at all the crashes taking place inside. The table was quiet, Nabiki having slipped her father a sleeping pill to get him out of the action until it was over. Everyone silently applauded the move, even if they wouldn't admit it.

Finally though, the door to the dojo opened, and Happosai stepped out. Everyone got to their feet and rushed over. Behind him in the dojo, Akane lay sprawled unconscious. Happosai said nothing, just jumped up to the roof before swinging into his attic room by the window. Kenshin carefully gathered Akane in his arms and carried her into the house. They settled her comfortably onto the couch, while Nabiki called Doctor Tofu.

Genma sighed. "I knew it was too much to hope for… but what can we do without an heir?"

Ryoga said nothing, caught up an internal struggle. On one hand, Akane had been injured, physically, and when she woke, emotionally. On the other hand, if he'd interfered, who knew what would have happened? Had he failed?

Kenshin replied. "I… am uncertain. This one… this one cannot gain the skill required. I cannot untrain myself in the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu to learn Anything Goes."

Genma grunted. "Nor would we have the time to train you."

Ryoga came out of it, deciding that he'd done the best he could under the circumstances. He'd just have to hope Ranma would understand. "I suppose that depends on Happosai."

Breakfast the next morning was quiet. Akane was not currently crying, but anyone could tell she had been, and could start again at any moment.

Happosai hopped down the stairs, and coughed, his face taking a serious expression. The table turned to look at him, Soun crying silently, and Akane sniffing a little. The ancient master spoke. "I have thought long and hard about the battle last night." Akane blinked, as did quite a few others. Wasn't Happosai supposed to be gloating? "Akane landed no real hits on me through the entire battle. Her training has been fragmented and lack-luster with the exception of just recently. Still, said training has taught her the fundamentals of the style, and would allow her to take on a great many others."

Akane started looking at him in hope.

"Still, she is not worthy of being heir." And said hope was crushed. "However, she may hold the title in reserve, until another can be found."

Now they were gaping at the aging letcher.

Happosai's face shifted to his usual grin then, and he launched himself at Akane. "Thank your master with a nice long hug to your bosom, Akane!"

The breakfast table erupted into chaos after that, almost everyone trying to get a hit in on the old man. Happosai chuckled all the while, snatching a few quick gropes here and there, remembering the end of the fight.

Akane was wobbling on her feet as she came at him again, barely conscious. For the first time in the fight, Happosai jumped into her chest and groped her a little. Giving a scream of frustration, Akane gave a final attack.

"Katchu Tenchin Amaguriken!"

Her fist blurred, and her arms shot out, snapping off fast punches by the second. Happosai dodged gracefully around them until she stopped, and then passed out at his feet.

Happosai blinked, then walked to the door. This was something to consider. The amazon technique was unexpected, and given the girl's state of mind and subsequent collapse, one she was unlikely to remember.

He opened the door and jumped up and into his room, lost in thought.

Ukyo Konuji walked downstairs into her shop to find Konatsu fretting and muttering. "Konatsu? What's wrong, honey?"

Konatsu looked up. "Miss Ukyo! We… it seems we have a rat problem!"

"What!" That captured her attention immediately.

Konatsu nodded, and pulled her along over to the storeroom. He flung open the door and pointed in. "See?"

On one hand, Ukyo could see Konatsu's point. Something had eaten a great deal of their supplies. "Konatsu honey… I don't think a rat did this."

"But what else would…?"

She pointed towards a rather large hole in the wall on the other side. "I don't think a rat made that hole. Either that, or the rat is about four feet high."

Konatsu chuckled nervously at missing something so obvious. Then came up with something of his own. "But, Miss Ukyo… this is Nerima."

Ukyo grimaced. He just had to point that out, didn't he? "True enough."