Prologue - History is a Circle

It was an absolutely gorgeous day. The sun was gently caressing the earth with its heat, but not causing it to become unbearable, either. The clouds were a puffy white without a hint of rain. Which was good, all things considered. The only thing marring the perfect day at Mt. Phoenix was the raging battle taking place, and given that one combatant was an actual Phoenix, and the other a Jusenkyo victim, it was really better for all involved.

Ranma breathed heavily as he watched, waiting for Saffron's next move.

Hold on Akane…

I knew the stakes were high right from the start
When she dealt the cards I dealt my heart
Now I just found a game that I can't play
And this is where the cowboy rides away


Akane was dying, Saffron between her and her cure. Ranma swore under his breath. Saffron's flames were surging again - and he still hadn't caught his breath. He closed his eyes and considered his dwindling ki as Saffron dive-bombed him. This was too important - Akane was too important - to leave this to chance. He had to stop Saffron, and he had to do it now.

And there was only way Ranma could conceive of to do it. As Saffron got closer, Ranma allowed himself a smirk. This one was in the bag.

Now all he had to do was worry about surviving his own move.

Three… two… one… NOW!

And my heart is sinking like the setting sun
Setting on the things I wish I'd done
It's time to say goodbye to yesterday
This is where the cowboy rides away


Ranma jumped straight at Saffron. Saffron wheeled to avoid a blow, but that wasn't what Ranma had in mind. Ranma managed to get a hold of Saffron's leg. He ignored the heat and the burns and just concentrated on holding on. As his own skin was about to go up in flames, relief came. Relief in the form of the Soul of Ice. Ranma pushed the cooling technique to its limits. He not only forced it to go colder than he had ever dared before, but he maneuvered the flow of it, not only encasing him self, but completely enclosing Saffron as well.

We've been in and out of love and in between
And now we play the final showdown scene
And as the credits role a sad song starts to play
This is where the cowboy rides away


No longer able to fly without the fire, Saffron and Ranma crashed into the mountainside. Ranma just kept clinging, refusing to give up either his hold or the Soul of Ice. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw his father and Mr. Tendo reach Akane's body, and begin moving her away. Above him, Saffron clawed at Ranma's arms, trying to shake him loose, but each attempt was weaker than the last.

And my heart is sinking like the setting sun
Setting on the things I wish I'd done
Oh the last good bye's the hardest one to say
This is where the cowboy rides away


He grinned as he saw Mr. Tendo lower Akane's body into the water. Only one thing left to do now. Ranma pushed the Soul of Ice harder, and it became colder still, ending the Phoenix's life. Ranma drew his ki back, in an attempt to keep enough left in him to live. But with the Soul of Ice completely surrounding Saffron, it also pulled in his fading ki as well.

Down below, Akane opened her eyes just in time to see Ranma explode into flame, bringing the already unstable mountain crashing down.

Oh the last good bye's the hardest one to say
This is where the cowboy rides away


Akane attempted to climb towards the still burning flames, but was halted by the Amazon matriarch. "No, child! You can do nothing!"

Akane glared, and she tried to push past, despite her weakness. She was stopped easily once more. "There is nothing you can do! The boy is dead. And soon Saffron shall be reborn! I can feel it!"

At that, Soun Tendo seized his daughter around the waist, threw her over his shoulder, and started running. Genma was not far behind him.

Ryoga ground his teeth in frustration and sprinted after Soun, determined to watch after Akane. Damn you Ranma! How dare you die before we settled things!
His thoughts of aborted revenge plaguing him, he stepped the wrong way around a rock and appeared somewhere in the Sahara desert. He wasn't seen for quite some time after that.

Mouse, on the other hand, remained as calm as was possible. That is to say, he panicked. Coming out of it when Cologne bonked him oh the head with her staff, he nodded shortly to himself. Why is Shampoo just standing there?

With that shot, he grabbed a fallen tree and slung it over his shoulder running after the moving blurs he was sure were Genma and Soun.

He got it right for once. Who knew?

Shampoo on the other hand (the real one, not the log), ran as well, keeping up admirably. She grumbled a bit at the sight of him carrying the log and screaming "I'll save you Shampoo!" but deigned not to hit him - for now. Right now it was best just to get out before Saffron came back.

Cologne, as has often been suggested, was quite a bit more cunning than her great-granddaughter. She hopped on the end of the log and let Mouse carry her out.
The ride back to Japan was quiet, broken only by the sounds of Akane's sobbing, and Mouse being smashed into various surfaces by an annoyed Shampoo.

Soun Tendo and Genma Saotome stood at the ship's bow, admiring the sunset. "Well, this is it Tendo. The schools will never be rejoined now."

Soun regarded his friend carefully. "Are you certain there are no other male Saotome's of marriageable age?"

Genma looked away, somewhat tense. "No. None."

He turned to leave, but Soun caught his arm. "You are absolutely certain?"

Genma looked his friend right in the eye as he answered. "Yes Tendo. Absolutely certain. There are no other Saotomes suitable for marriage."

As Genma shook Soun's hand free and began to leave, Soun's voice stopped him cold. "That wasn't the question I asked Saotome. I didn't ask if there was someone suitable - that can be taught. I asked if there were others of marriageable age. Don't lie to me, old friend. The notices of your first child's birth were sent to me a full two years before Ranma would have been born. You sent me the message before you had even named him."

Genma sighed, and his normally proud stature slumped, as if defeated. He returned to the rail, and stared at the water for some time before beginning to speak. "What kind of woman Tendo? What kind of woman lets a man take a boy off for ten years?"

Soun frowned. "The seppuku pledge-"

"Was to keep me in line while we were out. But why would she ever think to allow it in the first place?"

Soun redirected his attention from Genma to the ocean. "So why then? Why did Nodoka let you leave?"

Genma sighed. "As proud as I was of Ranma, and you know I was Tendo, even if we both had a hard time expressing it, his older brother was a disappointment. When he was very young, the boy had a dog. We had to put the dog down when it bit a young girl. Ranma had just been born. From then on, the boy was filled with a cold anger.

"I didn't dare teach the boy the art, not with a mind like that, so when I'd begun teaching Ranma, the boy resented me even more. Nodoka and I agreed. She didn't like it, but the boys had to be separated so that at least one of them would be capable of the Art.

"So, when Ranma was five, we left in the middle of the night. We had to stay out for ten years so that Ranma, even while learning the art, would learn independence."

Soun was shocked, to say the least. "Why didn't you tell the truth?"

Genma shrugged. "When it the postcard came, I panicked. Nodoka takes honor very seriously, and I wasn't sure if Ranma would pass for manly to her. Since Ranma didn't remember his brother, I felt it was best to take a few liberties with the truth.

Soun sighed. "Very well. But I would have thought Nodoka would have said something."

Genma grimaced. "The boy would be like an embarrassment to her. She wouldn't mention him to an outsider unless necessary. Actually the reason she was trying to track us down so desperately was that the boy had finally taken off."

Soun was taken aback. "W-What?!"

Genma snorted. "What do you think I meant Soun? He ran away. When I heard it, Nodoka and I agreed simply to let the matter stand as I'd told it. No need to confuse anyone."

Soun sighed. "Can you find him Saotome?"

Genma looked at Soun, shocked. "Are you insane, Tendo? You can't mean to go through with it…?"

Soun nodded. "This is a matter of honor Saotome. Surely we can teach him better manners."

"Not likely."

Soun frowned. "You said it yourself. He's not trained in the Art. We can control him."

Genma shook his head. "No. His jealosy over my training Ranma lead Nodoka to train him in kendo. From her thought of it… he's very dangerous."

Soun looked up at the night sky. "I don't think I need to tell you this Saotome, but our honor is riding on this. I must ask that you track him down."

Genma looked at his long time friend. "So be it. But I will not teach him the Art. Even if he is somehow different, he is too old to start from scratch."

"Then there is no one else Saotome, and the schools will not be joined. That is honor as well."

"No. There is a way."

Soun looked at Genma, confused. "I am afraid I do not understand your meaning."

Genma gave Soun a very serious look. "Akane. If I go to look for the boy, then you will begin to bring Akane up to speed."

Soun looked at him, horrified. Genma continued.

"That's the only way, Tendo. When I return, I'll help. Akane will become the heir, and her marriage to the older boy will join the schools symbolically."

Soun slumped. "You are correct, Saotome. I just… I don't want to hurt her."

Genma's eyes narrowed. "I don't like the idea either- not so much what we'll do, as what the master will. And I don't like going after the boy any more than that. But it has to be done. It's about honor, after all."

"So you'll do it then?"

Genma nodded. "As soon as we hit dry land. I just hope we can knock some sense into the boy."
Two years later.


Akane's fist flew forward, impacting with her father's chest, sending him back, slamming into the far dojo wall. Soun was on his feet in an instant, constantly reminding himself that this was for the best. He was about to close in for a retaliatory strike when the door slammed open, almost coming off its runner.

Nabiki stalked in, looking decidedly angry about something. Akane eyed her father warily. He'd been know to make stupid mistakes in the past.

"What is the meaning of this?" Nabiki hissed, thrusting a postcard into Soun's hand.

Tendo -

Found the brother.

Problem seems to have solved itself, will explain on arrival.


Akane's eyes narrowed. "Brother?! Just what the hell does this mean?"

Soun frowned. "Language, Akane."

"If I don't get a good explanation for this - fast - I'm going to break your legs, father dearest."

Soun sweated. "Let's gather in house, shall we?"

Five minutes later, Kasumi eyed the engagement ring from Dr. Tofu with relief. Akane and Nabiki looked at their father with their mouths hanging open.

From all indications, it was about to start all over again.
Okay. The first thing I should cover is that Soun being present is AU, as is all of this, frankly.

The other thing I wish to mention is that this is one of three parallel pieces of work. Parallel in that they take place at the same time, but with different characters. I haven't posted the other two, and won't, not until I see how this goes. (Said other pieces detail what's happened to both Herb and Saffron.)

This is, like all of my works, an experiment. I'm not going to do any more of this, or post what I have of the other two stories (Phoenix Ascendant and Dragonic Fate) unless I feel people will like it.