Hey guys! Long time no see! Of course, I've really missed my favorite hobby!

So, yeah, I have come back and returned to bring you - more fanfiction!

So yeah, sorry about the wait/delay or whatever, and enjoy!


I awoke the next morning to a pair of clawed feet by my face.

(Oh no...) I groaned, expecting a repeat of the first day of my time on Earth, and expecting to hear Visser Three's voice in my head any second.

But I did not hear such. Instead, when I looked up, I saw a face smiling down at me.

"Hello friend." the Hork-Bajir said excitedly. "Toby say you come today!"

"What?" I said, puzzled.

"Toby. She say you come. You come. Now we go! Come friend! Come!" He motioned towards the woods and for me to follow.

(No...I...don't think I will.) I said, warily. (You...this is a trap! You're a Yeerk!) I held out my tail blade warningly. (Now see here! Don't take a step forward!)

He stood there quietly, still smiling. "Fal Tagut do."

I sighed. It seemed real. He seemed to really just be...well...a Hork-Bajir.

But how could I know for sure.

I looked in the distance behind me with my stalk eyes. There was a human house not too far away. They might come and see me. And chances were they might be yeerks...

(Alright.) I said. (We'll go. But...this better not be a trick Yeerk!)

The Hork-Bajir merely looked surprised and smiled. "Yes. Good. We go."

I allowed him to lead me.

We walked through the woods for several minutes. I was tired and somewhat out of breath when we arrived to our destination. But I could see that it was worth every mile.

(Wow.) I said softly as I beheld the site before me.

Which was a free Hork-Bajir colony.


I sighed happily as I fed. I could see over into Daisy's yard next to ours. Ah yes. So nice.


A simple Earth flower name now meant so much more to me...

Mertil was busily looking through the ruins of our greenhouse, trying to see if there was anything left. He was covered in soot, poor, dear Mertil.

(Mertil, come on now. Take a rest!)

(No...I want to do this!)

I sighed and chuckled. (Well, have you found them yet?)

(No...) he sounded depressed. (They should be right here!)

(You forget my friend, that you are standing on bits of the roof that have caved in.) I supplied, smiling.

(Yes. Well.) he sounded abashed and I grinned at the embarrassed smile on his face.

(How are you and ah, Daisy doing?) he said softly after a while. I smiled at him.

(Mmm. We are doing very, very well.)

I remembered the day before, when we had sat on the couch together, those wispy golden tendrils stroking my face as she spoke to me, her face close to mine. Her dark eyes looking deeply into mine.

It's so strange sitting here talking with...well... she had laughed. An alien.

Strange good? Or strange bad?

Strange funny. Strange fun.

I could still remember her smile. Feel the warmth of it.

I wanted to feel my fingertips touching her hair again, like I had felt last night, when my hand, on the back of the couch, grazed her shoulder so smooth and soft and lightly touched her silken hair. I wanted to see her dark eyes shining so sweetly at me again.

And whenever I was in human morph, all I could think of was her red, full lips.

My Andalite ear perked as I heard the phone ring inside the house.

(Daisy!) I said, before running through the door I had left open, into the kitchen and into the house.

I ran to the phone, and picked it up, only to say hello and then realize that it was useless as I had no mouth and was still in Andalite form. The human telephone would not pick up thoughtspeak.

"Hey. Hey Gafinalan, are you there? It's me, Daisy! Gafinalan! Gafinalan!"

I struggled to think of how to let her know that it was indeed me. I scratched at the phone's receiving end with my finger and then held the other end to my ear again to hear her say "Oh, right. You must be in Andalite form, huh?"

(Yes.) I tried thoughtspeaking to her generally. Perfect! We were not too far out of range with eachother! I didn't even really need the phone.

"Hey! I can hear your thoughtspeak in my head over the phone." I kept the phone on though, as I needed it to listen to her.

(No, you cannot hear it over the phone. You are merely hearing it normally, as you would if we were in here talking right now, or having a conversation. The distance is not far enough to be impossible to thought speak over between your house and my house. The human telephone would not pick up thoughtspeak.)

"Oh, okay." I could almost feel her smiling and smiled myself. "So, how are you doing today."

(Better actually.) I replied.

"Hey, hold on a second. Let me come over!"


She came in my door smiling a few minutes later. Ah, her cheeks were so rosy from the sun. She must have been gardening.

On my planet, gardening is a fun hobby for Andalites. We have a great appreciation for all forms of flowers, vegetation, and plant life as herbivores.

Her hair was curly, a little wild today, but still gorgeous and like Earth honey. Her blue eyes sparkled at me as I began to morph human.

"Oh no, you don't have to do that for me." she said softly.

(Oh no, it's really no trouble, I-)

"No." she said softly again, whispered to me. She placed two fingers on my nose. "Shh." then she giggled, realizing how silly it looked and pulled her hands away and I stopped morphing at feeling the magnificence of her touch in my own natural form.

Her sweet lips planted a human kiss on my Andalite face. My hearts began to pound faster and I began to feel like a giddy kalgi again (a school male child). A feeling I hadn't had in years.

Her hand stroked my cheek, and without realizing it, for she could not have known this little bit of trivia about Andalites, she gave me an Andalite kiss. Warmth filled me and I felt a little weakened and even a little feverish as well.

She giggled. "You Andalites are so cute!"

I chuckled in thoughtspeak happily.

(Ah, thank you my dear.)

She laughed at that. She must have found it amusing for me to call her 'my dear'.

I looked back with one eyestalk to see Mertil in the doorway, covered in ashes and soot. He was in the kitchen doorway, and must have come in from the greenhouse about to ask me a question, when he turned around and walked back out, and away.

(Mertil...) I called out.

But no, he did not answer. He was probably just going to go back to work on clearing the debris and residue from the fire before.

It suddenly occured to me why he had walked away.

My prediction had turned out right.

Poor Mertil really was jealous.