Disclaimer: I don't own Kenshin! Why?! :: People Shrug:: Oh well.

Kaoru Gal: I might be bad at updating this one because I'm having a lot of tests at school and have 5 other stories to keep up with. Just warning you. But I will try my hardest to update soon enough.

A young man crossed his arms and leaned against the rail of the ship. His long scarlet hair swayed with the graceful movements of the ship. His tanned face held a scar of andX' which showed he was skilled in battle. His blank amber eyes were staring off into the waves of the ocean.

A group of sailors gathered around him chatting about work and their families. "Just hope SHE doesn't appear again." One of them whispered darkly.

The young red headed man turned to them curiously. "Who?" He asked. His voice was soft, graceful, and rough all at the same time. The men looked at him apprehensively before replying.

"Kaoru." The sailor whispered. The men nodded solemnly.

"Lady of the Sea they call her. And right they are." Added on another.

"I almost want to see her!" Laughed one, though the others nodded understandingly.

"I can see why! Never seen anything more beautiful than her! Hair dark as coal, skin white as the moon, eyes dark as the ocean at night, and lips the color of fresh blood." One said in awe.

"What is she?" The young samurai asked guessing she was not human. The sailors smiled slightly. "Why, she is a mermaid."

The man snorted. "I thought you didn't want to run into her!" He exclaimed softly. The men nodded. "We don't. She is treacherous and clever. Led many to their deaths, hasn't she?"

They all nodded sadly. "How?" Asked the man. They all looked stumped by this question. "We're not sure. Some say she controls the sea and causes storms when she is angry. Others say she hypnotizes you and makes you jump off the ship to your doom. I say she lures you to jump to her with her singing. No one who has crossed waves with her has lived to tell the tale."

The swordsman raised his eyebrows. "How would you know then? If there were no survivors how would you know about her?"

The sailor looked flustered but shook his head determinedly. "My brother's friend was attacked by her. Washed up on shore he did, bloody and all. Said he had sprung forth to a beautiful maiden in the sea and had crashed into sharp rocks, which had been hidden by her long hair. He died short while later. That's how I knows." The sailor said heaving an impressive sigh.

The young man looked skeptical but said no more and returned his gaze to the sea.

This man's name was Kenshin Himura. He was traveling back to his rich home in Kyoto. Most everyone knew not to cross blades with this cold and seemingly heartless man.

A young Mermaid rested her pretty head against a smooth rock warmed from the sun. She pulled herself onto the rock and lay there thinking sadly about her late parents. Her father had been a handsome selki, creature's half seal and half human. He had had black hair when he was in human form with deep gray eyes. Her mother had been a gorgeous mermaid with long blue hair and matching eyes.

Having a selki, as a father was a great advantage for her, she could become fully human if she ever wished too. She doubted she would ever use that power though. True, she used it once when a baby whale had beached itself. Otherwise she had never used it. But it was a good feeling knowing she could have legs if needed.

She had always despised men for what they had done to her parents. They had kidnapped her loving mother from her when she was only 5 years old. Her father, outraged, took the form of a human and fought for her back. A friendly bird told her of how bravely he fought, but how well he was outnumbered.

Since then she had grown up with her mothers heartbroken family, but when 5 years had passed they had died of grief and heart ache. She had grown up by herself sweet enough to the water creatures, but bitter and menacing towards man.

That was probably why she lured them to their deaths whenever she was feeling lonely and angry. She had started it since the age of 13. She had been feeling angry and bitter one day and saw a ship of sailors passing. She had started singing an eerie sad song that came from her soul. She noticed they seemed to be enchanted by her voice, and since then she had been learning control over these powers and used it towards this use.

This mermaid's name is Kaoru, Kaoru of the Sea.

Kenshin awoke to the sounds of men shouting and the crash of water hitting the wooden decks. He got up and stiffened his legs so he wouldn't fall from the rough rocking of the ship.

He threw his cabin door open and frowned at the sight before him. The sailors were running around franticly pulling at their friends who seemed to be trying to jump over board. Water sprayed across the ship while water pushed violently against the side of the boat.

Kenshin steadied himself and peered into the misty sea. He swore he had saw a misty figure sitting calmly on a rock. He took a few wobbly steps to the railing and clutched onto it, squinting his eyes trying to see through the storming sea.

Yes, there it was. The waves around the misty figure cleared away and he saw it more clearly. A beautiful young girl floated there. He could only see her from the waist up, but he knew who she had to be.

Her black locks floated around her in the water, shining a slight blue color. Her flawless skin was white like fresh fallen snow. Dark lashes covered her large aqua eyes that stared unblinking at the ship crashing into the rocks.

Kenshin's eyes widened as he saw her open her rosy lips and sing. A beautiful, heart wrenching, and mournful tune floated around him.

"Is it too late to say good bye? I just want you to know, that this time I won't be able to fly this by. This time I never said good-bye. Never said good-bye, for the last time. Is it still too late to say good-bye?

How could you leave me behind, while you left and went to a world far better than mine? Don't you remember when you promised me? That you would never leave me?

I now know it's too late to say goodbye! But that doesn't hide the fact that I can't live, Without you by my side."

He gasped softly as her sad eyes turned to him, tears falling like crystals down her pale face. His amber eyes glowed and stood out against the gray sky, and her blue ones were one with the sea behind her.

When these eyes caught each other the world seemed to hold its breath, waiting. Just waiting.

Kaoru Gal: So how do you like it? Do you people like it! Does it rock your socks! Yeah!

Kenshin: --; I think you're scaring them.

Kaoru Gal: Well I have to so they review!

Kenshin: You could try being nice so that they'll review.

Kaoru Gal: Fine. We'll try your way first.

Kenshin: Please review! It would make us very happy, even though Sessha does not deserve happiness.

Kaoru Gal: Review or else you'll make Kenshin sad.