Karana Belle::laughs nervously: please don't hurt me…I know I haven't updated in six months, and I had no excuse of not except, I didn't have any inspiration…I wanted to thank you all for your reviews. So now on with the chapter!


A Horribly Nauseating Class

Chapter Fifteen

Hermione opened her eyes to see a large hand waving in front of her face. Startled, she quickly sat up. A low moan was emitted as the hand made contact with her forehead.

"You can't get up so quickly, Miss Granger. Something bad is bound to happen." The comforting voice of Madame Pomfrey spoke from the left. Blinking away the black spots that had appeared briefly from her knock on the head, Hermione turned towards it.

"If I would've known that you'd be so frightened M—Granger, I wouldn't have put my hand over your face." Draco's smug face moved into her line of sight as he walked around the bed to stand next to the medi-witch.

Hermione glared at her partner and asked, "Why was your hand there in the first place?"

Draco raised an eyebrow, "I wanted to see if you were awake. Dinner's probably starting now, and I was hungry." He paused for a moment, a thoughtful look on his face, "Too bad that Creevy kid already left, cause then I could have left him with you."

Madame Pomfrey tsked, "Shameful to think that over a month's time you two are still wary of each other's company." Hermione and Draco looked at her as if she had two heads. The medi-witch, noticing the odd glances, placed her hands on her hips.

"What? It's not as if this is the first time that Albus has deliberately made 'enemies' work together. I think it is something that all Headmasters do. Of course, I couldn't vouch for that, having only known Albus…"

Hermione quickly looked at Draco to see if he was as confused as she. It was at that moment that she saw Draco's angry look.

She was about to ask him what was so annoying when he spoke out, "So, Dumbledore made us work together?" His body trembled with suppressed anger. Madame Pomfrey noticed this and placed a hand on Draco's shoulder.

"Of course, this could've been chance. After all, Albus might have liked your little spats. Of course—" she cut of abruptly and clapped her hands, "Well, Miss Granger is fine now, so I suggest that they two of you make your way down to the Great Hall."

During this little spiel she pushed the two students out of the Hospital Wing and, saying goodbye, shut the door in their face.

Hermione blinked for a moment and spoke, "Well, that was…unusual. Madame Pomfrey is known for being stringent on letting her patients leave her care." Draco nodded bad-temperedly, folded his arms, and turned down the hallway.

"We should go to dinner." was his reply. Hermione rolled her eyes and followed.

"Boys." She muttered under her breath.


Blaise walked into the empty classroom and pointed his wand towards the ceiling. After muttering a spell, a beam of light shot out from the tip of the wand and hovered near the ceiling.

He had just leaned against one of the many desks around when the door slammed open and three girls walked in. Smiling slightly, Blaise, ever being the gentleman, rose to greet them. "Parvati, Lavender, Padma. Thank you for coming today."

The three girls smiled in response and proceeded to sit in the chairs nearby.

Blaise paced across the floor, "Of course, you know our idea of disguising Granger and Draco and have them talk to each other, but—"

"It doesn't seem to be working!" Lavender called out as she crossed her arms in a pout.

Parvati shook her head; "Hermione hasn't mentioned one thing about 'Alden'."

"Nor has Draco."

Padma sighed, "I guess we'll just have to throw out that idea. Anyone have any others?"

Silence followed this statement, and settled on the classroom for a few moments. Finally Lavender broke the silence.

"We have almost the whole year to get the two of them together! Let's just…observe them for a while and think of ideas during that time."

"Sounds logical." Padma shrugged, looking over at Blaise. The Slytherin nodded and clapped his hands.

"Well, I guess that settles that. If anyone sees or thinks of something interesting be sure to inform the others." The three girls nodded and one by one, they left until Blaise was all alone.

"I hope you won't hate me for what I'm doing behind your back, Draco." He whispered to himself as he left the classroom himself, the light fading out behind him.


Draco woke up to the muted sounds of talking students. Groaning he rolled over in his bed and stuffed his head under the pillow. Though this action stopped the sounds, Draco could not succeed in going back to sleep.

Admitting defeat, the Slytherin quickly threw the blankets off and jumped out of bed. Shivering slightly in the dungeon air, Draco swiftly shrugged on his bathrobe and made his way to the bathroom.

Thirty minutes later, properly cleaned, Draco stared at himself in the mirror. Halloween Morning. Finally…. Now I can win that contest with my supreme taste in clothes. The only problem is that I still have to make the costume. He smoothed back the last bit of his hair with gel and smiled seductively at his reflection.

You old snake. Of course you look devastatingly dashing. No wonder girls flock around you. Draco frowned, or at least they would if Pansy didn't hog me.

The Slytherin commenced in brushing his teeth after this thought, Where has Pansy been these last two weeks? I don't think I've seen her in a while. Maybe she has finally found someone else to harass.

The pure joy that shone on his face quickly diminished as another notion entered his mind: Or else Pansy is planning something bigDraco shuddered at the image of a past memory.

I'd better be on the lookout. Finally done with his toiletries, Draco made his way to his closet. It's so great to have my own closet to hang my clothes in, unlike the others who have to fold them. Though only Crabbe has to fold them by hand anymore. He shrugged and looked at the cleaned and pressed robes in front of him.

Deciding to wear one with an exquisitely embroidered Slytherin emblem, Draco shrugged it on and, smirking, made his way down the stairs.

No one noticed him.

The common room was in chaos as sixth and seventh years rushed to and fro trying to complete their costumes. Fabric, lace and students adorned every surface of the room.

After standing there for a moment and still not receiving attention (or even a mumbled sorry as someone ran into him), Draco sighed angrily and decided to present himself elsewhere.

At least the atmosphere in the Great Hall was calmer. Only a handful of people were eating quietly (mostly Ravenclaws who were already done with their costumes). Seeing no Slytherins around, Draco looked at the other occupants and smirked when he saw Hermione sitting at the end of the Gryffindor table; reading. The egg was beside her on a gold brocaded pillow.

Draco rolled his eyes at the care his partner lavished on their project. Come on! It's not like the thing is a baby that has to be coddled! It was perfectly fine without a pillow.

"Good morning, Mudblood." Draco said as he leaned against the edge of the table, "Mind if I sit down?"

Hermione sighed, "Must you always call me that? It gets old after a while." She waved at the seat across from herself.

"Why do you always call me 'Malfoy'?" Draco countered as he lowered himself onto the bench.

Hermione shook her head, "Because it's too…awkward to call you by your first name."

Draco smirked, "My thoughts exactly."

Hermione shut her book, "You're hopeless."

The Slytherin placed his hands behind his head and stretched out his legs, causing Hermione to draw in her own. "Yes. I know. Tragic isn't it?"

Hermione rolled her eyes and stared at Draco for a moment before speaking, "You look…different this morning." She paused before continuing. "Nicer. Did you do something special?"

Draco smirked, "Not more different than I normally am, but for the last two months I haven't been able to spend a lot of time on myself because of that egg."

Hermione glared, "It's not like it's my fault!"

Draco folded his arms, "I wasn't blaming you. I—"

"That is what you were implying." Hermione jumped to her feet.

Draco stood up also, "Are you accusing me of lying?"

Hermione rolled her eyes, again, "Like you haven't lied before."

Draco opened his mouth to say something but promptly shut it again.


Upon entering the Great Hall Blaise made a beeline to the Slytherin table. He grabbed a piece of toast and poured himself a large glass of orange juice—his favorite breakfast.

He was about to delve in the rapture of his meal when something caught his attention.

Draco and Hermione were standing across from each other at the Gryffindor table. The two of them glared at each other, willing the other to back down.

Blaise slowly stood up and made his way over to the pair. He had just made it to the table beside them when Draco spoke.

"If you'll excuse me, Mudblood. I seem to have lost my appetite." He glared at Hermione for a moment longer before stalking off.

Blaise walked over to the angry Gryffindor and sat down next to her, "Good morning, Granger." Hermione didn't look up from her book. Blaise decided to continue, "How are you this morning?" His words were met with more silence.

Giving up, Blaise stood and said, "I can see you don't want to talk about it. But remember: Whenever you want me—I'll be there." He then walked off to find Draco.

Blaise didn't have far to walk to find him, because the Malfoy was pacing around the Entrance Hall. He walked up to his friend, "Having trouble?"

Draco spun to face him, "How did you know? Have you been following me?"

Blaise chuckled, "Well, the angry pacing sure didn't tell me."

Draco leaned against the wall behind him and glared at the other boy.

Blaise's smile disappeared, "I'm guessing that you're not in the mood for jokes right now. So, what's bothering you?"

Draco ran a hand through his hair; messing up the work he had done earlier, "She's insufferable! Every little thing I say is taken as an insult!"

Blaise raised an eyebrow, "Don't you insult her on purpose?"

Draco sighed, "That's beside the point!" he paused before continuing in a quieter voice, "And I don't always try to insult her."

"Only most of the time."

"Yes—I mean—stop twisting my words!"

Blaise placed a hand on his shoulder, "I'm not twisting your words. I'm trying to make you see reason."

Draco jerked out of Blaise's grip, "Reason! Ha! What does that have to do with it?"

"Everything. Think: if you don't want Granger to go off on you, start being nicer."

Draco laughed dryly, "Be nicer? And give everyone something else to talk about? I think not."

Blaise sighed, "Why don't you just think on it?" he placed an arm around Draco's shoulders and steered him towards the dungeon. "How about we get our brooms and fly around campus?"

Draco shrugged, "Sure, why not? One question, though. How did you know I was talking about Granger?"


Draco smirked, "You were following me, weren't you! What, are you in league with those Love Lunatics now?"

Blaise shook his head in disbelief, "I wasn't following you." And I'm helping them more than you realize, Draco.

Draco raised an eyebrow, "Right."


Hermione sighed in relief as she heard Blaise leave. I don't want to deal with another Slytherin at the moment.

Closing her book, Hermione sighed again, "I might as well complete my costume." She stood up and gathered the book and egg in her arms. I can't wait until you 'hatch' and I don't have to 'spend time' with Malfoy

After a few moments of walking Hermione stopped in front of the 'Six Knights'.

"Good morning fair lady." Percival bowed in the painting.

Borus rolled his eyes, "You'll never give up, will you?"

"Jealous, Borus?" Percival taunted.

"You wish!"

Hermione stifled a small smile as the two knights bantered. Sir Roland, the elfish knight, stepped forward and spoke, "I'm assuming you want to give us the password?"

Hermione nodded, gave the password, and proceeded through the open portrait hole. She looked around the common room and spotted Ron sitting in a corner reading aloud to something that looked like a doll.

She walked closer to her friend and spoke, "Why are you reading to a—" Hermione's eyes widened, "is that a…Lariza egg?"

Ron's head jerked up and his faces burned. "I'm…uh…it's not what it looks like!"

Hermione couldn't hold back the laughter as she looked at his egg. It was placed on a frilly pink pillow and was wearing a baby blue dress smothered with lace.

Ron glared as Hermione set her own egg down beside his; still laughing.

"Oh stop laughing!" Ron folded his arms across his chest, "It's not like your egg is any better! It's on a pillow!"

Hermione rolled her eyes, "Oh, that was intelligent. Let me point something out to you, Ronald." She placed a hand on the corner of the pink material, "This is a pillow."

"I know that!"

Hermione smiled, "So whose idea was it to adorn this egg and read to it, yours or Millicent's?"

Ron looked away from Hermione's gaze, "Millicent wanted to dress it up…"


He sighed, "She thought it would be a good idea to read to it."

Hermione nodded her head slowly, "And it would be good why…?"

"So we would be used to reading to a child. Millicent is hoping it will turn into a baby, and I don't find the idea that horrible, so—"

"So you decided to read, out loud, to an egg. In the common room no less." Hermione rolled her eyes.

Ron frowned at her, and answered heatedly, "I can see where you thoughts are going. And I'm going to tell you something right now: Millicent isn't stupid. She is very nice."

Hermione held up her hands, "Okay, okay. I'm sorry for implying that. If I had known that you cared for her…"

Ron blushed, "Cared? Who said anything about liking her that way?"

"Well, you defended her pretty staunchly." Hermione pointed out.

"You're supposed to defend your partners! I think Professor Wildheart said something to that extent three days ago." Ron said crossly.

Hermione didn't remember her professor saying anything of that sort, but did remember arguing quietly with Malfoy in the back of the room. She decided to change the subject before the conversation escalated into a full-blown argument, "So…where's Harry?"

Ron shrugged, "I don't know. He's probably with Hannah and their egg, though."

Hermione rolled her eyes, "All we do is 'get to know' our partners. The egg won't even hatch till January! Why can't we learn some seventh-year magic?"

Ron looked startled "Learn? Go to a class? Are you mad! All the seventh years love not having to worry about anything!"

Hermione folded her arms, "But still, we are going to be at a disadvantage. Everyone that graduated earlier will know more than we do! It's going to be very hard for us to get a good job."

Ron rolled her eyes, "You think too much. I'm sure Dumbledore has it all figured out."

Hermione frowned, "Well, I just don't like it."

"Why don't you just go and talk to the Headmaster then? It won't do any good talking to me about it."

Hermione smiled suddenly, "That's a great idea! I'll have to go tomorrow, or whenever I—"

She was cut off as giggling was heard outside and three girls walked into the common room. Parvati, Padma, and Lavender simultaneously yelled out, "Thank You Percival!"

They continued to giggle as the walked a few steps. Then Parvati noticed the two in the corner. "Good Morning! We've just come from breakfast."

Hermione smiled back a greeting as Ron hastened to shift his egg out of view.

"It's way too quiet in this common room." Parvati wrinkled her nose in disgust while making her way across the empty room, "I feel like everyone has gone to see something exciting and they forgot to tell me."

Lavender nodded her head sagely, "I agree. It feels odd. Is this how it feels when people stay for the holidays?"

"Pretty much." Ron answered.

Padma's eyes lit up, "I can't wait till tonight! My costume is so adorable!"

Lavender grinned, "Nothing can be better than mine!"

Parvati laughed, "That's for sure! I can't wait to see the finished product!" She turned to Hermione, "What's your costume?"

Hermione jumped up from her seat, startling the others, "I almost forgot! I'll be down later!" she quickly ran up the girl dormitory stairs.

"That was odd." Ron stated. The girls nodded their heads, eyes wide.

"What do you think she forgot?" Parvati asked. The others just shrugged as the sound of a door slamming shut was heard.


Draco let a small smile appear on his face as the wind blew through his hair. He could see Blaise doing little flips ahead of him. So, deciding to show him up, Draco surged forward and pointed his broom towards the grass fifty feet below.

The ground moved closer and closer until he was only three feet from crashing. Draco pulled his handle up into a horizontal position and continued on two feet above ground. He slowed down and came to a stop beside the lake. One of the Giant Squid's tentacles surfaced and moved back and forth slightly as if waving.

Shaking his head at the childish thought, Draco waited while Blaise caught up with him. When he did, the two boys sat on their brooms in silence.

Stretching, Draco slid off his broom and started taking off his shoes. Blaise laughed, "Preparing to go for a swim?"

Draco looked back, "And ruin my robes?" he said with mock horror.

Blaise chuckled, "Heaven forbid that a Malfoy walk around with soggy clothes."

"Exactly." Draco sat down on the bank of the lake and stuck his feet in the water.

"So, Draco, have you finished your costume yet?"

He shrugged, "All I have to do is transfigure a sheet into my costume. I found this book in Hogsmeade that makes it easy."

Blaise picked up a rock and threw it into the water, "Lucky. I had to think for a week to find the perfect costume. But the hard work has paid off. My costume shall beat everyone else's."

Draco looked at his friend, "And this costume is?"

"You'll just have to wait and see like everyone else."


House-elves ran about the Great Hall frantically as they set up for the contest that would start in just an hour. Albus Dumbledore stood at one end of the room watching everything go up.

The large double doors banged open and silence reigned, everywhere except with the Headmaster and two house-elves as they argued about where to set a potted plant.

Fred Weasley looked at his twin beside him, "I just love our welcome, don't you brother?"

George grinned back, "Undoubtedly. The best one I've had in ages."

It was then that a small house-elf ran up to them and bowed, "How's can I serve thee? Food? Drink?" It asked in a squeaky voice.

Fred rubbed his chin, "That's a very tempting offer, but I'm afraid we have work to do."

"So, we'll just make our way over to Dumbledore." George said as he started across the room.

They were about halfway there when Dumbledore turned towards them, eyes twinkling.

"Ah, Misters Weasley. I'm glad you could make it for our little contest here." He placed his hand in a pocket and pulled out a small yellow candy, "Lemon Drop?" Albus offered.

Fred and George grinned, "Don't mind If I do." They said in unison as they each took one.

After a few moments of blissful candy-tasting George spoke up, "Surprisingly, it wasn't that hard to come this night."

Fred nodded, "Yes. All the projects are safe for the few hours we'll be gone and Lee said he'd take over for the hour till closing."

"He's such a nice old chap." George answered.

"Indeed, you are correct, dear brother."

Dumbledore chuckled, "Well, I must also thank him for his help in getting you here tonight."

The twins grinned at each other and Fred spoke, "Wouldn't miss seeing Ickle Ronnikens in a contest that's bound to embarrass him."

"Me neither." George closed his eyes for a moment and breathed deeply, "It just seems to make me so happy."

Fred waved a hand, "But enough about Ron. What are we doing tonight exactly?"

Dumbledore gestured towards two chairs with a desk in front, "Well, you see…"


Hermione stood in a corner of the girls' dressing room (which was made up just for this occasion) and waited anxiously for Professor McGonagall to come in and talk to them.

About 25 girls were in the room, all showing various emotions such as confidence, nervousness, and nausea. Looking about the room, Hermione caught Parvati's eye and watched as she made her way over.

"How are you feeling, Hermione?" she asked.

Hermione raised an eyebrow, "Not what you're feeling. Where does all that confidence come from?"

Parvati grinned, "The same place your confidence comes from in classes. Answering a question doesn't even faze you, while I sit there and stutter. It's just that I know more about clothes than you."

Hermione laughed, "Thanks. I don't know why I didn't think about that. I guess it's just because I've never been in a contest like this."

"You've never been a contest before?" She asked disbelievingly. Hermione shook her head and was just about to answer when Professor McGonagall walked in. Everyone turned towards her.

"I just have to say a few things. First of all, good luck. Hopefully you've put some thought into your costumes…if not, well with any luck no one else will know. Secondly," the professor pulled a scroll from inside her robes, "this list is the order everyone is walking out through. Each person will go one at a time, walk out, and then will walk off when told." She sighed and proceeded to place the list on the wall.

When she had stepped back many of the girls rushed forward to see when they would go. Waiting a few moments for the noise level to drop, the Professor continued, "Now that you know when you will go on the stage, you may get into your costumes."

She walked towards the door and turned around abruptly, "And remember girls, please don't sabotage each other's costumes."

Once the door shut Hermione weaved through the crowd of excited girls and looked at the list on the wall.

First Annual Halloween Costume Contest

Hogwarts School

of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Order of Students

1.Pansy Parkinson

2.Parvati Patil


13. Ron Weasley

14. Padma Patil

15. Millicent Bulstrode


23. Harry Potter

24. Neville Longbottom

25. Ginny Weasley


47. Draco Malfoy

48. Hermione Granger

49. Lavender Brown

50. Blaise Zabini

Hermione let out the breath she had been holding. Well, at least I don't have to go first. But going last isn't going to help either.

"Well, I get to go second." Hermione jumped at the unexpected voice and turned to see Parvati standing behind her. The other girl looked away from the list and smiled at Hermione, "I'd best get my costume together."

Hermione looked at all the girls moving around, some helping others with finishing touches of costumes and others giving 'pep talks'.

She made her way once again through the crowd, towards a corner where a curtain hung. Hermione pulled back the material a little and smiled at the dress that hung there. Pulling out her wand, she muttered a spell and smiled.

Just in case.


Draco leaned against the doorway and mentally laughed at all the running around the other boys were doing. They're acting like girls, running around, his thoughts were cut off as one of the boys screamed loudly, and squealing.

"Why are you smirking, Draco?" Blaise yelled from across the room as he made his way over. Several boys glanced at him, shook their heads, and continued on with whatever they were doing.

Draco pushed off the wall when his friend came closer, "It's nothing."

Blaise raised an eyebrow, "Does it have to do with your costume? Are you that confident?" he glanced around, "So where is it?"

Draco patted his pocket, "Here."

His eyes widened, "It's that small?" Blaise folded his arms, "Oh, you put a shrinking spell on it, didn't you?"

Draco shrugged, "I haven't made it yet. The paper is in my pocket."

Blaise put his head in a hand, "You haven't made it? Are you crazy?"

Draco glared, "What? I told you it was easy to make. So, since I'm going on near the end I was going to make it later."

"You have twisted logic. Have you thought about it not working?"

"Well, Granger used the same book, so I'm sure it's fine."

"And did you think to ask her if hers' worked? She can't tell which spells work and which don't until she performs it."

Draco looked away, "As if I'd ask her. She practically bit my head off this morning for saying hello."

Blaise sighed, "You act like such a child. Are you ever going to grow up?"

"Well, I'm sorry mommy dear. I guess I'm just bound to disappoint you." Draco spat out.

Blaise glared back at his friend for a moment, before saying calmly, "Just because you're uptight over Granger's attitude towards you does not mean you can take it out on me. Now, I'm giving you some advice and whether you use it or not is your affair. You might just want to make you costume. Just in case it doesn't work." He then walked away, leaving behind an irate Malfoy.

Draco watched the ramrod straight back of his retreating friend. His anger slowly faded away and left behind a load of guilt. Sighing he withdrew a piece of parchment and his wand from his pocket.

Grabbing the sheet he had earlier placed in the corner, Draco perused the slip of paper and pointing his wand at the sheet he did the wand movements and muttered vestitus.


George looked out at all the students talking quietly in the audience. He could tell that many of them were impatient for the contest to start. Grinning, he turned to his brother. "So, Gred, you up to making comments?"

Fred looked up from his inspection of the glass in his hand, and grinned back, "Comments that might humiliate people? You know I am!"

"Well, according to my Magi-Watch it's past time to start." He held his arm out so his brother could see the IT'S TIME TO START blinking in red.

Fred smiled sadly at the item, "So sorry, my little friend, but we can't start till Dumbledore tells us too."

"I'm glad to know that at least this rule you follow." The twins turned to see the wizened Professor standing behind them.

Fred spoke, "Well, we've decided to turn over a new leaf, right Forge?"

"That's right. But I'm thinking that after today the leaf will have blown away."

Dumbledore chuckled, "I'll be sure to enjoy the 'leaf' while it lasts."

"So why did you come over to speak to us? Did you find the present we left in Filch's office?" George asked.

"No. Though I will have to warn him. Argus wasn't happy when he heard that you two were here." Dumbledore fingered his beard, "Well, I just thought I'd let you know that we can start anytime now."

The twins saluted the Headmaster, "Right Away, sir!" Shaking his head while laughing, Dumbledore walked off to sit with the rest of his staff. Fred and George turned forward and tapped their throats with their wands.

The candles floating around the Great Hall went off one by one, leaving only the candles on the stage lit. The talking stopped and everyone's eyes looked towards the twins.

Fred spoke first, "Welcome to the First Annual Hogwarts Halloween Costume Contest!" Cheers rang out through the audience.

After it had quieted down George opened his mouth, "Such a long name. And I'm guessing we'll be having more of this contests, especially since it mentioned 'Annual', I kind of feel sorry for you people." A small ripple of laughter was heard.

Fred grinned, "Especially if they have to see us at every one of them."

"Yeah, he looks so ugly, doesn't he?" George shuddered.

Fred waited for the laughter to die down before continuing, "So, before my dear brother decides to insult me more, let's get this contest started!"

George held up a finger, "But first, we want you students to carefully look at each costume and decide which you like the best, because at the end you will all vote to see who will win."

"So why don't we cheer out our first contestant…PANSY PARKINSON!" As she walked out clapping and a few catcalls (mostly from Crabbe and Goyle) were sounded.

"Well, she seems to be wearing some sort of medieval dress, or maybe something from the 17th century. What do you think, Fred?"

"I would definitely say 17th century, it's too gaudy for even the royalty of the Dark Ages. Look at all that gold and those emeralds. I wonder if they were bought just for this occasion."

George turned to his brother, "Or maybe they're fake?" the two of them shrugged. Fred riffled through some papers on the table in front of them.

"It says on this paper that she's supposed to be Marie Antoinette."

"Isn't that the Queen of France that was beheaded by Robespierre?" George asked his brother.

Fred thought for a moment, "Yes. I think you're right. I wonder why he killed her?"

"Probably because she had a better taste in clothes than he did."

"Whatever the reason it's given Pansy enough respect to dress like her." Fred picked up his glass, "I would like to make a toast to the revived Queen of France." The twins clinked their glasses together, and gulped down the rest of their water.

"How do you like the weather here, your highness?" George leaned on the desk to look towards Pansy, "Well?"

A light blush appeared on her cheeks as Pansy stood there, "W-well I t-think it's nice."

George leaned back, "That's good. If you'd just stand over there." He gestured to a spot at the back of the stage. Pansy quickly scurried over to the spot.

Fred cleared his throat, "I hope you all had enough time to look at her costume. Now, here's contestant number two…PARVATI PATIL!"

Parvati walked out with a smile on her face and a bounce in her step, waving to the audience. Many of the boys cheered loudly for her.

George smiled and spoke, "Parvati looks like an exotic angel, am I right, Gred?"

Fred nodded his head, "I would have to say yes, old chap. The pinks and blues of her dress, which I believe is called a saree, seem to set off her eyes and hair."

"Which would certainly make her look like a princess. And looking at this list, she did say she was going to be an Indian Princess. That's what we're seeing here, right?"

A collective 'yes' rose from the audience. Fred slapped the table, "Well, I say you've got the eyes of everyone. If you'd just stand beside Pansy…"

Parvati smiled at Fred, winked, and blew a kiss to him. Fred caught the kiss and pretended to swoon, "If only she wasn't so young…"

George hit him over the head, "Are you forgetting about your girlfriend?"

Fred stopped for a moment, "You're right." He looked at Parvati, "Sorry. I'm taken." Shrugging, Parvati stopped beside the first contestant.

More students were asked to go on stage; some praised for their costumes, and others…let's just say one girl ran off the stage in embarrassment (she had fallen on her behind). After five had been called out, they would be asked to leave the stage and make room for more contestants.

Fred tried to control his laughter from the previous contestant, "Okay. Now for contestant number…"

"…Thirteen!" George laughed out, "Who is…RON WEASLEY!" Fred and George looked at each other and grinned evilly.

Ron stepped out on stage a little hesitantly. Fred stood up and bowed. Ron looked at his brother like he was crazy, "Why are you bowing, Fred?"

"Why, because you're a ninja. I was hoping you could show us all your amazing abilities."

George grinned, "That would be a great idea." He turned towards the audience, "So, who wants to see a ninja at work?"

Many of the boys shouted the affirmative, while a couple of girls shrieked. Professor McGonagall, who was sitting by the Headmaster, jumped up, "That's far enough! If you both fight then his costume will be messed up and the whole purpose of this contest will be upset!"

The twins held up their hands, and Fred nodded his head, "As you wish, Professor. We'll just do our 'job'. George if you will continue?"

"Of course. Well, Ron seems to be wearing something like a dark blue karate uniform."

"With some kind of intricate symbol on a headband." Fred cut in.

"It kind of looks like a spider if you squint." Ron stiffened at these words and gulped.

Fred placed a finger on his chin, "Now why would there be a spider on his forehead?"

"I don't know, Fred. But it does remind me of that time when—"

"Be Quiet!" Ron shouted, face red.

George laughed, "It seems that Ickle Ronnikens is angry with us."

"Or embarrassed." Fred added.

"The red color seems to clash with his uniform though, so we'll let him stand back." George motioned for his younger brother to stand back.

Arms folded, Ron sulked. George shrugged and opened his mouth to speak again, "Contestant number fourteen is PADMA PATIL!"

A collective 'aw' came from the girls as they gazed at her. Fred wolf-whistled, "I've always loved girls with crooks. There's just something about the image that is attractive."

George coughed, "I think I'll write down the name of every girl you flirt with and give the list to Angelina later."

Fred gulped, "Eh-heh. Padma is wearing a Shepherdess costume of a dark green color, with a white underskirt. All in all, it looks rather dashing."

"The only thing missing is a sheep." George lifted his wand and a moment later a lamb entered through the Great Hall doors and ran up to the stage. Padma, to her credit, knelt down and petted the animal on its head. She then glared at George and stood beside Ron.

Fred laughed at the exchange, "That went well. Contestant number fifteen is MILLICENT BULSTRODE!"

She walked in to various cheers. George started speaking, "Wow. She went all out, not only does she wear black and ears to be a cat; she made herself a tail!"

Fred laughed, "Well, She sure looks prettier than that cat of Hermione's."

"And probably nicer than Crookshanks, too."

"Okay. Now, if you'd just stand by Padma please Millicent." She moved over.

More time passed as students came on and off the stage and faced the judgment of the rest of the school body.

Fred took a drink from his glass and once he emptied it, tapped it with his wand to fill it up again, "Well, we are all the way to contestant number twenty-three. So let's welcome HARRY POTTER!"

He walked out sheepishly to the screams of his fangirls. George's eyes widened, "Well, I guess Harry's allure hasn't faded for most of these girls. I feel half-envy and half-pity for you, mate."

Fred shrugged, "I wouldn't mind the attention from a lot of girls."

George sighed, "We know that. But I'm sure others would mind for you."

"Anyway. Before George babbles us to death, let's discuss Harry's costume. It is a white ensemble, with a cloak and turban-like material over his hair. The whole outfit looks like something from Arabian Knights."

George spoke up, "He's also holding a white rose in one hand. The rose adds a classic touch and makes the whole image rather romantic, wouldn't you say?"

"Yes. I'm sure many girls will be dreaming of this 'Romeo' tonight."

"If they didn't before that is." George added.

"True." Fred leaned back on his chair, "You may stand back now, my loyal Knight." Harry placed a hand on the sword at his waist and bowed mockingly to Fred and George.

George laughed, "Such a good man. Will Contestant number twenty-four, or NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM, please come out?"

Neville walked out in a swirl of material. Fred and George's eyes bulged. "I have no idea what this costume is, do you Fred?"

Fred shook his head and looked at the papers in front of him, "And apparently neither does anyone else. Neville never told anyone what he was making!"

"Well, whatever he is, this costume is amazing! The cloak is both purple and black at the same time, while the mask over his face is silver and has some sort of plant carved onto it!"

"Underneath the cloak Neville is wearing a simple white button-up shirt and black pants, but the simplicity of it increases to the majesty of the whole thing."

"And unless I'm mistaken, there is a glimpse of emerald and ruby in his collar, like a stickpin is there." George stood up and moved closer to Neville to look at it. After a few moments he sat back down, "The stickpin is made of rubies and emeralds and it depicts a rose!" A gasp came from the crowd. Many of them wondered where Neville had come up with this idea, because he had never shown any creative streaks before.

Fred turned to his twin, "I don't know about you, but I think I see a winner here."

"Me too." George paused for a moment, "Neville, if you would stand by our Knight over there, please."

Fred decided to continue, "Now on to contestant number twenty-five, GINNY WEASLEY!"

George spoke, "I didn't know that Ginny was in this!"

Fred looked at him oddly, "Did you not hear? Mum was talking about it last week when we went to visit."

Ginny tapped her foot impatiently as many boys cat-called. George, finally noticing what some of the boys were saying jumped up and glared at them.

"You had better take that back! No one speaks about my sister like that!"

Fred stood up as well and the two of them were about to go into the audience to 'stop' some boys when Ginny yelled.

"Enough! I can take care of myself! And how come you can talk about any other girls like that, but no one can about me!" she crossed her arms across her chest.

Fred looked at her, dumfounded, "Because you're our sister, that's why."

"Oh, so I'm the only one who gets respected? You need to learn better manners, boys!" She glared at them.

George turned to his twin, "We'd better apologize, she's starting to sound like Mum!"

Fred nodded, and the two of them bowed, apologized, and sat back in their chairs. Many people in the crowd laughed.

"Now," Ginny continued smugly, "Talk about my costume so I can stand back."

"Right." George coughed, "She's wearing a white dress with a flowing skirt and short sleeves. There are also pearls in her hair."

"She looks like a veritable Princess, which reminds me of what Dad once said…" Fred trailed off as he saw the look his sister was giving him.

George quickly filled the silence, "And that is all we have to say. The five of you may exit of the stage, which leads us to contestant number…"

Once again, more and more students showed off their costumes, till there were only four more people to go.

Fred spoke, "Well, it seems we don't have that many more to see. Quite sad really. This night has been fun."

"A lot of fun. It's time to introduce contestant number forty-seven, DRACO MALFOY!"

Draco walked out confidently, his black cloak over his arms. A couple girls swooned.

George rolled his eyes at the entrance, "Here comes the glory of the Malfoy heir. To show what money can buy."

Fred sighed, "Let's describe this quickly," Draco glared at him, "He is wearing black, black, and more black. He has a hat, mask, and cloak, along with, you guessed it, black pants and shirt."

George held up a hand, "Don't forget the sword. That's probably the most important part about the costume."

Draco scowled, "Thanks for the lovely description."

"You're welcome. Now move back, the next contestant is coming." Fred cleared his throat, "Now for contestant number forty-eight HERMIONE GRANG—Oh my…"

He wasn't the only one to be silent; the whole audience gazed in wonder at what was before them. Hermione stood on the stage uncertainly, the dress she had made trailing behind her. Two wings were attached (most likely by magic) to her back and two small white flowers were in her hair.

George cleared his throat, "Wow…Hermione is wearing a white dress, with white wings, and there are three small golden stars on the bodice of the dress. Her hair is down and two flowers are in it. This is truly a stunning appearance." He started clapping. A few others joined him, and then the crowd seemed to come alive. Some screamed, some clapped, and others just smiled.

Hermione's face turned red. Fred stood up, "If you weren't my little brother's friend I would so go out with you."

Hermione turned to him and backed away a step, "Fred. Stop. What you just said was very scary."

George slapped his brother on the back, "Hah! Someone doesn't want your advances! Well, maybe not advances exactly…" Hermione didn't wait for them to ask her to step back; she gladly went to stand next to Draco.

Fred shrugged and smiled, "Now for contestant number forty-nine: LAVENDER BROWN!"

She ran out with only a piece of material wrapped around her, it was all staying up with one strap. The boys went wild. There were catcalls, wolf-whistles, and one boy went as far as to shout: "Lavender, will you go out with me!"

George laughed, "I should've known you'd do something like this." Lavender giggled back.

Fred scratched his head, "Well, there's not that much to describe. The material looks like animal skin, though. And since she is supposed to be Jane…"

George grinned, "Good job. Please go and stand next to Hermione." Lavender smiled and bounced over.

Fred shook his head, "Crazy girl." Since most of the boys were still yelling, he motioned for them to quiet. Once they had, he spoke, "Well, we are down to our last contestant, would number fifty please come out? Let's clap for… BLAISE ZABINI!"

He came all right. And this time, the girls went wild.

Fred's face was green and George was busy gagging. Blaise was showing off his muscles. Finally Fred pushed down his sickness enough to yell out, "MY EYES!"

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at him. Fred just continued, "I never wanted to see you half-naked! NEVER!"

Blaise folded his arms and pouted, "Oh, come on! I'm wearing boxers underneath!"

George turned to his brother, "He does have a point there. He could just be wearing a loin cloth."

Fred shuddered, "I do not want to think about that." He turned away. "Just talk."

George shrugged, "As you can probably see, Blaise is only wearing a loin cloth, though he is wearing something underneath, thankfully." He stood there for a moment, "I'm supposing he is dressed as Tarzan and…that's about all I can say."

Fred spoke without turning around, "If you five would please get off the stage." He waited a few moments as they walked off, "Thank you." He muttered. Hoping that the coast was clear, he turned around and sighed when all the contestants were off the stage.

"Well, you've all seen the contestants, so now it is time to vote!" Fred called out. People cheered.

George then spoke, "To vote, think of the one person you think should win and only that one person. I will be doing a spell that will count up the votes. So, to warn you, whoever you are thinking of at the moment I say the spell—he or she gets your vote."

"Okay, now think." Fred waited a moment while people obeyed him. "Are we all ready?" when no one spoke up he pulled out his wand. George did the same. Simultaneously they moved their wands and muttered a spell.

Silver mist came from each audience member and went into the twins' wands.

George clapped his hands twice, "Okay! That does it. Just wait for a moment so we can figure out who the winner is." Fred and George turned towards the table they had been sitting behind and pulled up a blank piece of parchment.

Pointing their wands at it, they said an incantation and a name appeared on the paper. They looked at each other in surprise.

"Well, we know who the winner is." Fred said. The audience looked at him and one person said, "Duh! You have the paper in your hands!"

He laughed sheepishly. George patted his shoulder consolably, "We would like to ask Headmaster Dumbledore to step forward and announce the winner for us."

Dumbledore chuckled and made his way up there. Taking the paper from Fred's hands, his eyes widened slightly then twinkled. "The winner is—"


Karana: so? Did you like it? Most of the costume descriptions are not my own, though Neville's was. Um…if anyone wants to think of a cool prize for the winners than go ahead and send it with a review. If I find one that is good—I'll use it!