A/N So, I'm not actually in high school, but my extensive knowledge of crappy teen movies such as '10 Things I Hate About You' and the forced observations I have made on the upper schoolers at my school will make up for it. Oh, yeah and I don't own LXG. In this story Henry and Mina are best friends 'cuz their both science nerds. The rest are in their own little groups. Mina, Henry and Dorian are 17. Skinner and Tom are 16 and Allan and Nemo are 18. It goes in a row! Enjoy!

Mina Murray stepped through the doors of MHS (M. High School, no one knows what the 'M' stands for). She wore the same red plaid skirt and quarter sleeved button up white shirts as everyone. Her brownish orange hair was tied in a simple ponytail and her oddly cool glasses sat at the end of her short nose. She sighed deeply and stared behind her. Last year her boyfriend, Jonathan Harker, would have walked her all the way to her locker, even if it meant he'd be late for his first period at the private school he went to 4 blocks away. But now, her love Jonathan had disappeared. Well, not really. She knew where he was, but she hadn't heard from him in a while. He had gone with his father to Transylvania on some mundane, yearlong father-son bonding experience. His not being in touch made her worry that he would fall in love with some vampire and stay their forever as one of the living dead and she would be forced to go out with Dorian Gray.

Dorian Gray waltzed into MHS with the kind of look that made you want to either punch in his face, or melt into zillion pieces. Yes, Dorian was witty, smart, rich, charming and undeniably hot and yes he could have any girl he wanted (including some teachers) but everyone knew he was off limits, save for the only girl off limits. One Miss Mina Murray. They had once gone out in 8th grade, but eventually, Dorian ran out of material and Mina ran out of interest so they had a mutual, if not semi-lustful break- up. Dorian had entertained the thought of asking her out again, but she had always been near either her boy friend or her incredibly annoying best friend, Henry Jekkyl. Dorian's eyes scanned the throng over returning the students until he spotted Mina leaning against the open door staring outside. He started to saunter over to her when annoying little Jekyll came up to her, the bags under his eyes larger than ever. Dorian muttered an inaudible French swear and waltzed over to a group of giggling 9th graders to brighten their already far to blushed cheeks.

Henry Jekyll hurried up the stairs of MHS. His eyes were blood shot and he had large purple bags under his eyes. Most people said that he was on some serious drugs, but the truth was, he never slept. He was trying to write an epic to rival The Iliad, but he could never finish it. He had been working on it since the previous year and the words 'The End' never really fit in anywhere, so he simply kept writing.
The first bell rang clear through the air as Henry jogged up the steps to meet Mina, his best (and only) friend. He had always had a small crush on her, but he also had had a small crush on most of his female teachers, so it was nothing. "Hey Mina," he said.
She looked up at him. "Hey."

"Are still sad that Jon left?"


"Don't lie Mina," Jekyll joked as they started to walk.

"Yes," she sighed. They walked the rest of the way to their lockers in silence.

Tom Sawyer hopped the final fence that ended his alternative route to MHS. His blonde hair was uncombed, his shirt and khakis were un-ironed and 'The Red' was blaring in his ears. "So lay down...the threat is real..... When his sight...." He sang along, mouthing the words and playing air guitar solos. Unfortunetly, the upshot of air gutiar solos is that it's a rule that you have to close your eyes, which Tom did. The other up-shot is that you are likely to bump into stronger and a lot tougher upperclassmen, which Tom also did. In the middle of a guitar solo, he bumped into the captain of the football team Alan Quatermain. "Shit," Tom muttered.

Under normal circumstances, Alan would have beaten the crap out of the kid, but seeing as he knew Tom, he decided to just play with his mind a bit. "Makin trouble already Sawyer," he mock growled. "No, Alan, I promise," Tom stuttered "That's MISTER Alan to you punk," Alan said pulling back his fist as if to punch him. Tom scrunched up into a variation of the fetal position, bracing for impact. Alan laughed and unclenched his fist. "I'm just joking with ya Sawyer," he laughed, "But next time you might not be so lucky. Now get."

Nemo had already been at school for more then 2 hours before everyone else had. It was truly the only place he could meditate with no annoying siblings or nosy parents, though it could also be annoying parents and nosy siblings. It had been perfectly quite in the Upper School Lounge. No talking, or laughing, or sound. At this point he was hovering a foot or two off the ground, his eyes shut peacefully.
Suddenly, the door was literally kicked open by the quarterback, ironically named Quartermain. Surprised, Nemo fell to the floor and quickly reamerged, more then slightly disgruntled. "Sorry Floaty-Boy," Quateramin apologized sarcastically, "I didn't hear ya."

"That is quite alright Alan," Nemo said, brushing himself off, "Have a good summer?"

"Indeed," Quatermain said, "Went on safari in Africa. You?"

"Oh nothing too fancy. I went around the world with my father in his sub."

A/N Right now your probably thinking, "What the hell? She forgot Skinner!" Ah but I didn't. He's gonna be late to school so that's when he'll show up. Impatient Leelees.