
Originally published in 2004 and last updated in 2008 (hides), this was my first REALLY BIG story. Even now, with a couple of novel-length works and a few big series under my belt (which I also have to get back to, although they've sat for nowhere NEAR as long as this poor thing has), I credit L2L with a lot of my growth as a writer. I recently read through the entire thing again, and, while there are issues - gaping plot holes, a mishmash of writing styles due to the time gaps and my evolution, a few glaring spelling and grammatical issues... it's still a decent story. I smiled when I was done, and then smiled more when I FINALLY excavated the paper on which I'd written the damned epilogue something like six years ago.

So... if there's anyone out there that still remembers this story, well, you guys are better people than I! Here's to you all, and thanks.

~ Sarah



From behind the holographic images of the Dark Magician and the Celtic Guardian, Yami stared across the dueling arena. Seto glared back from behind one of his Blue-Eyes White Dragons. The CEO still had two thousand Lifepoints; Yami had three hundred.

Theirs was the final match of the Domino City Masters Tournament. The two had started in opposite competition brackets, steadily defeating every challenger until, as ever, it came down to the former Pharaoh and his one-time Priest.

"Your turn, Your Highness," Seto called across the field, his voice mocking as always, even if his eyes betrayed a hint of amusement. "Play whatever you wish - you're in no position to defeat me."

Damus and Celtos, holographic projections though they may have been, rolled their eyes in unison. Seto caught the action and glared.

"I don't need attitude from a pair of holograms, you two! Make your move, Yami!"

Smiling to himself, Yami drew a card from the top of his deck, confident in the bond his monsters had granted him. Turning it over, he found the newly-familiar and welcome sight of the card that Damus had given to him just before returning to the monster's realm. It had a quick-play ability, and it was precisely what he needed.

"I play the Heart's Magic card!"

"You play the what?"

"A very special magic card, Kaiba. When combined with the right pair of monsters, it will allow them to combine their attack strength and raise their combined power. Now, I apply it to my Dark Magician and Celtic Guardian!"

On the field, the two monsters looked to each other and nodded. Stepping together so that they stood on the same square, they turned as one to face Kaiba and his dragon. Damus spun his staff neatly in the miniscule gap between his and Celtos' bodies before raising it to shoulder-height and leveling it at the dragon. Celtos, smiling, placed his hand over Damus', both of them gripping the staff.

"Heart's Magic Strike!"

The instant the command left Yami's lips, a bolt of light burst from the tip of the staff; not the blue-black of Damus' usual attacks, but brilliant, blinding gold. When it struck the dragon, the monster threw its head back with a roar before dissolving into a thousand scraps of holographic light and vanishing.

Seto, disbelieving, watched his Lifepoints scroll down to zero.

"Five thousand attack points to a Spellcaster and a pointy-eared sword-swinger." Seto glanced down at his cards, shook his head, and tapped two fingers against his forehead in an ironic salute. "Not bad, you two."

On the field, Damus and Celtos both bowed slightly in return and vanished.

"So, another trophy for the undisputed King of Games," Seto said dryly, packing his cards back into his old briefcase. "I'm amazed you haven't had to expand your storage for them all yet."

"You're always welcome to a rematch, Seto," Yami smirked, pocketing his own cards and crossing the short distance between them to shake Kaiba's hand. "I'm free Saturday afternoon."

"I'd love to," Seto answered, glancing warily at the still-closed doors of the dueling hall and briefly calculating how long it would take the tournament organizers and the reporters to come in, "but I have a prior engagement."

"No doubt some imperative meeting with resounding impact for the future of yourself, your company, and the Dueling world," Yami shot back with a good-natured roll of his eyes.

"Yes, but probably not in the way that you think."

"Oh?" Yami answered, tilting a curious eyebrow in his companion's direction as the doors of the hall finally opened, spilling in a crowd of people with their friends at the forefront.

Seto glanced at the approaching group, his eyes fixing briefly on messy blond hair and brown eyes, before he turned back to Yami with a faint smile on his face. "I have a lunch date with the puppy."

- END -