Disclaimer: Ummm….nope. I own nothing….oh wait…I own some pocket lint….oh wait…my pants just ate the pocket lint.

Last time: "This cat needs to see a vet." "I zee. Fill out ze form quickly, und sigh zhis paper und ve vill get ve katze into surgery." "Was it just me….or did that vet seem….kinda…odd." "Well…I didn't break about ten traffic laws for nothing." "Alright little kitty, time to go home and meet Grandpa and Souta."

Chapter 4: Buyo Knows Best

Sesshoumaru woke up feeling dazed; he slowly blinked and looked around. He appeared to be in some sort of cage, there were little holes all around him, and a door in front of him, locked of course.

"Mom, what if the new cat doesn't like Inuyasha? You know how he treats Buyo." Sesshoumaru's ears tilted forward at the sound of his younger brother, and his eyes narrowed instantly.

"Well….you can always 'sit' him, right?" Sesshoumaru decided that Inuyasha's wench and her mother were talking. But how did this woman know about Inuyasha, and if the date was as they said, how did Inuyasha get from Feudal Japan to 500 years in the future?

'Maybe there is more to this miko than first meets the eye.' Sesshoumaru thought, then he looked at the spot his left arm should have been. How was he going to get around with only three legs?

"As for cat food, I brought a lot of different kinds, in case he doesn't like one kind or another." The miko's mother said.

"That's good." The miko said, then she looked back at him and smiled. "The cat is awake."

"Don't go bugging it too much Kagome, it just had its leg cut off."

'So Inuyasha's wench does have a name.' Sesshoumaru thought to himself, he still wondered where he was; it seemed he was in one of those metal machines that had been speeding past him yesterday.

"Mom, are we there yet?"


"Grandpa, Souta, we're back!" The miko called out. In her hand was a cat carrier with a very disgruntled white cat.

'If the miko tilts my cage any farther forward, I'm going to fall out.' Sesshoumaru growled. It had been Hell as the miko ran up a hefty set of stairs, his cage had been turned this way and that, and he was sure he was going to be dropped a couple times.

"Souta! Grandpa!" The miko called out again, looking around the outside of the shrine.

"Kagome-chan! You're finally back! Grandpa kept egging me into playing Go." Souta said, running up to his older sister. He stopped a foot away from Sesshoumaru's cage and peered inside.

"Mom and I just got back from the vet." Kagome said matter-of-factly.

"Ohhh….he's missing a leg." Souta said, sticking his finger into the cage, Sesshoumaru's ears went back and a growl started in his throat.

"Ummm….Souta, I'm not sure he's ready for people yet. I found him right after a huge fight with some street dogs, and he's still recovering." Kagome said, having heard the white cat's growl.

'Finally, the miko did something noteworthy.' Sesshoumaru thought, watching the boy take his fingers out of his carrier.

"Grandpa! Come look at the cat Kagome brought home!" Souta yelled, making Sesshoumaru's ears go flat on his head.

"Another cat!" Someone said, walking towards the carrier. Sesshoumaru's ears wouldn't go back any farther, but he wished they could have. The old man looked into the cat carrier and saw the white cat in the back.

"So, isn't he cute!" Kagome squealed. Souta, Sesshoumaru, and Grandpa cringed at Kagome's high squeal.

"He's missing a leg." Grandpa said, looking at the white cat once more.

"He was in a fight with a bunch of street dogs." Kagome's mother said, carrying up a bag of different cat foods.

Then Buyo, the fat, lazy, calico house cat came padding towards Kagome. The cat looked at the miko with eyes that said 'Where's my cat food?'. The Buyo saw Sesshoumaru, still in the carrier, the fat cat's eyes widened a little more at the sight of the three-legged white cat.

-Youkai- Buyo meowed angrily. Sesshoumaru was startled, how could this feline be talking to him, then he remembered. Being a cat, he should be able to talk to other cats…hopefully.

-Who are you- Sesshoumaru asked. It wasn't really a spoken language that Sesshoumaru was using; most of it was body language with an occasional meow.

"Look, they're not hissing at each other." Souta said, petting Buyo. The large cat looked at the young boy and meowed. Sesshoumaru watched as the boy picked the strange cat up.

"Kagome, I'm sure the cat is hungry. Should we try to feed him?" Kagome's mother asked.

"By the way Kagome, what do you plan on naming him?" Souta asked as everyone went inside.

"I think I'll call him Snowball." Kagome said, Souta snickered at the name and Kagome promptly whapped him over the head.


It had been Hell trying to get Snowball out of the cat carrier; the stubborn cat was finally pushed out when they turned the carrier upside down and shook it. Sesshoumaru was bombarded with more smells as he looked around the house. The miko took him to the kitchen and placed him on the counter.

"I wonder what kind of cat food Snowball likes?" Grandpa asked, Kagome shrugged while opening a can of cat food and putting it in front of Sesshoumaru.

'Disgusting.' Sesshoumaru thought. 'Even the prisoners in the village jails get better than this.' The Taiyoukai finished, smelling the food one more time and turning away.

Buyo gladly ate the can of cat food.

"Well…maybe he'll like this brand better." Kagome said, opening another can of cat food and placing it in front of Sesshoumaru. He sniffed it once and turned away again, and once again, Buyo greedily ate what Sesshoumaru did not.

"Should we try the next can?" Kagome asked, her mother nodded and the miko opened yet another can of cat food.

"Well…this is the last brand." Kagome said, she opened the can of cat food and placed it in front of Snowball.

'Well….at least it smells better than all the others.' Sesshoumaru thought while sniffing the can of cat food. He took a small taste and surprisingly, found it adequate. He took another bite, then another, and then decided that was enough.

"Figures, he eats the most expensive cat food." Kagome said, watching the white cat eat.

Once again, Buyo ate what Sesshoumaru failed to finish.

Sesshoumaru turned to leave and explore his surroundings, and fell. Grumbling to himself, he remembered that he only had three legs to work with, so he got up and tried again.

He continued to fall, trying to get used to his handicap, although he didn't want to consider it that. It was a lot easier getting used to having no left arm when he was human, but having no front paw made everything quite a bit difficult.

"Poor Snowball. He can barely walk." Kagome said, watching the cat fall again and again as it tried to get used to only having three legs.

"It'll get the hang of it." Souta said, turning away from the cat to play some video games. Kagome's grandfather and mother left as well, having other things to do, only Kagome stayed, to make sure that the new cat could walk alright.

Finally Sesshoumaru started walking without falling every five steps, carefully, as not to lose his balance; he walked out of the kitchen and into the family room. He was greeted by Souta, who was just starting his video game.

'What is that?' Sesshoumaru thought to himself as he watched the flashing lights and little people inside this box fight each other. Sesshoumaru continued to watch, trying to figure out what could be making the people fight.

"I bet you've never seen one of these, huh?" The little boy said, finally noticing Sesshoumaru watching him. "It's called a Playstation 2. You use this," the boy pointed to his controller, "to make stuff happen."

Sesshoumaru flicked an ear at the boy, as if ordering him to continue.

"And the TV, that's this box," Souta said, pointing to the large black box, "shows you lots of stuff, like moving pictures." The boy finished, not caring if the cat could understand him or not.

'A TV…..I wonder what kind of pictures it plays? And how it makes these pictures move?' Sesshoumaru would figure that out later, right now, he wanting to see the rest of his new surroundings.

"I'll show you around the rest of the house as well." The boy from before said, suddenly, Sesshoumaru was picked up roughly by the young boy. Sesshoumaru tried to fight, but the boy's clumsy hold acutely had a good grip on him.

'Fine, I will play your foolish game.' Sesshoumaru thought, his ears flat against his head in annoyance.

"First stop is the refrigerator. It keeps food cold so that it lasts longer." Souta said, holding the white cat up to the tall, white box.

'Maybe this boy can be useful.' Sesshoumaru said to no one, after all, the kid was teaching him about these strange new things around him, Sesshoumaru's ears relaxed a little.

"And this is the microwave, it heats food up." Souta continued, putting the cat up in front of the black box with numbers on it. The boy continued walking around the house, showing the new cat around and explaining things to the newcomer as thought Snowball was a young child who knew nothing.

Then the boy took the cat outside and looked around for stuff to show the little white feline.

Suddenly a car zoomed past the shrine at a very high speed, the boy jumped and Sesshoumaru's ears instantly went back to being plastered on his head.

"It's okay, that's just a car. They won't hurt you if you don't go out in front of them." The young boy said.

'Why anything would want to go anywhere near such a thing is beyond me.' Sesshoumaru commented, he vowed not to go near one of those car things, they were much too noisy.

"And this is the well." Souta said, opening up a pair of doors that lead to stairs. At the end of the stairway lay the old well.

'It's just a well.' Sesshoumaru thought, but even as he said this, powerful magic rose up from the well, making Sesshoumaru's nose itch.

"One day, Kagome fell into the well and was thrown back in time, over 500 years ago. Then she met Inuyasha and now they both can travel through the well to our time and the past." Souta said, looking at the well.

"Souta! What are you doing?" Someone called out. The boy turned and was looking into the eyes of his older sister.

"I was just showing the cat around." Souta explained, showing Kagome Snowball.

"I don't think Snowball cares about the well or your video games. In fact, he really shouldn't be out here, he's still healing." Kagome said, taking Snowball from Souta.

Sesshoumaru grumbled in annoyance at the change of holders, the boy had been useful, this girl however….she had yet to prove himself.

'But maybe I can use that old well to get back to my time.' Sesshoumaru thought, thinking a long while about it before settling down for a nap, the drugs from the vet's still had a bit of an affect on him.

End Chapter

WD: Yay!

Reviews: Thanks to all who reviewed and waited for me to update. Thanks to all who reviewed and didn't wait for me to update.