Disclamier: I, WD-chan, don't own Inuyasha and co. I'm just borrowing them and making them go through hell for your enjoyment.


WD: Because I'm at sort of a slump for my other stories, I'll give you something else to read, it has a lot more humor. Hope you enjoy! I got the idea of turning Sesshou-chan into an animal after reading Striking Falcon's work....err....I can't remember the name of her story.....but Sesshou gets turned into a dog....go read it, it's a great story.

==Chapter 1: Why You Shouldn't Piss A Miko Off==

Inuyasha sniffed the air and swore, he had smelled the scent that he couldn't stand.


"What's the matter Inuyasha?" Kagome asked, looking around. Sango, Miroku and Shippou looked around as well.

"He's coming." Inuyasha growled. They had been looking for Shikon Shards when Kagome had sensed one towards the west, so they followed it and found themselves at the boundary of the Western Lands. Inuyasha was a bit reluctant to go into his brother's territory until Kagome had convinced him otherwise.

"What are you doing on my lands half-breed?" Inuyasha's thoughts were shattered as his older brother came into view.

"Looking for shards, there's one in your lands and I want it!" Inuyasha growled.

"You mean this shard?" The shard hunting group gasped as Sesshoumaru held up a Shikon Shard.

"How did you get that?!" Inuyasha asked, or yelled rather...

"Some youkai was attacking my villages-"

"So you defended a bunch of humans? You, Sesshoumaru? Hater of humans? I can't believe you would come to the rescue of a bunch of humans!" Sesshoumaru frowned at his younger sibling for the insult.

"Foolish half-breed, of course I protected the village. I will not have some youkai rampant on my lands, much less one that needs the help of the Shikon Jewel. Anyone that needs the help of the Jewel is openly admitting that they are weak." Sesshoumaru said.

"Give me the Jewel Shard!" Inuyasha ordered his brother, hand ready to draw Tetsusaiga.

"Inuyasha, he may be a cold-blooded killer but we are on his lands." Kagome said.

"Correct human" Sesshoumaru said calmly, looking at the miko "you are on my lands and will go by my rules."

"Shut up!" Inuyasha yelled at his brother. The hanyou turned to Kagome and sighed. "Please stay out of this Kagome, Sesshoumaru won't listen to a thing we say." Then he drew Tetsusaiga and ran towards his brother, who easily dodged his wild swing, drawing his own sword in the process.

"You shouldn't have trespassed on my lands little brother." Sesshoumaru said coldly while blocking Inuyasha's attack.

"You shouldn't have gotten in my way older brother." Inuyasha replied, attacking him again. The sound of the brother's battle could be heard throughout the Western Lands, ringing like bells. Inuyasha brought Tetsusaiga down to slice Sesshoumaru's head open, but the Taiyoukai was too quick for the hanyou.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome cried out, watching as Sesshoumaru side-stepped Inuyasha's overhead chop and thrust Toukijin into Inuyasha's gut. The hanyou's eyes widened quite a bit when Sesshoumaru withdrew his sword.

"Don't think I'm down yet." Inuyasha said, using Tetsusaiga to steady himself.

"I'm sure if I put enough holes in you, you'll stay down." Sesshoumaru said coldly.

"I'm not that easy to kill!" Inuyasha said, attacking Sesshoumaru again. Once again Sesshoumaru side-stepped and brought his sword across Inuyasha's side, ripping a large gash into his side.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome cried again, Sango and Miroku decided it was time to interfere. Sango threw her huge boomerang at Sesshoumaru, who dodged it. Inuyasha fell on his face, Tetsusaiga lay nearby. Sesshoumaru landed by his little brother, who tried to get up and found that he couldn't, as Sesshoumaru was holding him down with a foot.

"Sesshoumaru....you bastard." Inuyasha growled from the ground.

"You're pitiful Inuyasha." Sesshoumaru replied.

"Stop! Please stop!" Kagome ran to Inuyasha and looked up at Sesshoumaru.

"Kagome?...." Inuyasha attempted to get up, only to get pushed down by Sesshoumaru.

"Please stop this Sesshoumaru!" Kagome asked again.

"You will take the hanyou and leave my lands." Sesshoumaru said coldly.
"Thank you." Kagome said, helping Inuyasha to his feet. "Come on Inuyasha." They hadn't gone 50 feet before-

"Inuyasha." Inuyasha turned and glared at his brother who was addressing him.

"What do you want now?!" The hanyou growled. Suddenly Sesshoumaru threw something into the air and Inuyasha caught it by reflex. There in his palm was the Shikon Shard.

"Take the shard and go, I have no use for it." Sesshoumaru said.

"I...ummm..." Inuyasha was pretty much lost for words.

"Stay off my lands half-breed." The Taiyoukai said, then he turned and left.

"That was oddly nice of him." Sango said.


Sesshoumaru continued his walk around his lands, stopping every so often to make sure his brother had left. He stopped by the village he had saved and the humans all bowed to him.

"Thank you for saving us Sesshoumaru-sama, please take this kimono for Rin as our thanks." The village chief said, presenting Sesshoumaru an expensive and beautiful kimono. Rin had followed him around his patrols and enjoyed visiting the villages that were on the Western Lands.

"Keep it until Rin is by again." Sesshoumaru said, continuing his walk. He'd send Rin over on Ah-Un to get it and make sure it fit.

The corpse of the youkai that had attacked the village was quickly dissolving thanks to his poison. Sesshoumaru felt something...odd...in the air and followed it's trail to find an old woman kneeling beside a flower about 5 miles from the village.

"What are you doing here woman?" Sesshoumaru growled, he did not like people to be within 10 miles of his home. The village he was at was the closest village to his home, no one was allowed beyond the village boundaries.

"Just looking at the flowers, beautiful aren't they?" The old lady said. She hadn't turned to face him or even bowed to him!

"You are out of the village boundaries and within the boundaries of my home." Sesshoumaru informed her.

"I don't live in the village. I'm not part of the Western Lands."

"Then you will leave now."
"I think not." The old lady said. Sesshoumaru was startled, even if he didn't show it.

How dare someone disobey him!

"Who do you think you are human?" Sesshoumaru growled angerly.

"Just a simple miko Sesshoumaru. Know that your life is about to change." The old woman stood up and faced him.

"How do you know me human?" He asked, if he were in his dog form, his hackles would have been raised.

"I've watched you Sesshoumaru, in fact I watched you almost kill your own brother. I don't think that your father would be proud of you."

"You are nothing more than a disgusting human." Sesshoumaru growled at her and went for Toukijin, but before he could do anything the old woman mumbled some words and suddenly he couldn't move his arms or legs.

"Wench, what have you done?" Sesshoumaru asked calmly, but his eyes danced with fury.

"A simply binding spell." The old woman said "and now Sesshoumaru...."

There was a sudden blast of white light and Sesshoumaru closed his eyes at the brightness. He heard the woman laugh and felt himself being thrown somewhere.


"Kagome! Wait!" Inuyasha cried.

"SIT!" Kagome said angerly. Inuyasha fell to the ground and growled when the spell wore off.

"What did you do that for? You stupid girl!"

"SIT! You're such a idiot Inuyasha! Even after I saved you from Sesshoumaru!"

Sango, Miroku and Shippou watched the two fight like a tennis match, heads turning to whomever was talking.

"What are you talking about? You didn't save me!" Inuyasha said.

"If I hadn't told Sesshoumaru to stop he would have killed you!" Kagome yelled back.

"I can take care of myself!" Inuyasha yelled at the miko. Kagome growled and took a step towards the hanyou.

"You think you can take care of yourself but you can't! If it weren't for me you couldn't even find the Jewel Shards!" Kagome yelled.

"You're the one who broke it! And I've saved you more times than you can count!" Inuyasha yelled back, his ears twitching.

"SIT!" Kagome yelled. Inuyasha was able to meet the grass once again as he landed on his face.

"Kagome-chan, maybe you should take go back to your time and relax, we can wait for you." Sango said, putting her hands on Kagome's shoulder, hoping to cool the miko off.

"And we'll keep Inuyasha from barging in on you." Miroku said, taking out a couple seals. "We'll seal him into a hut for a couple days or so." The monk whispered to the miko.

"Kagome...." Shippou looked up at his mother figure with puppy eyes.

"Yes Shippou-chan?" Kagome asked, falling for the old I'm-so-cute-see- my-puppy-dog-eyes? look.

"I ran out of crayons....." Shippou said sadly "and I wanted to make a pretty picture for you and-"

"Don't worry Shippou-chan! I'll pick you up some more crayons so that you can make lots of pretty pictures." Kagome said, hugging the fox kit.

"When do you think you'll be back Kagome-chan?" Sango asked.

"Two days or so." Kagome said, climbing over the well edge.

"Hey wait!" Inuyasha said, getting up from his recent 'sit'.

"I'll be back in a couple days Inuyasha." Kagome said, disappearing into the well.


Sesshoumaru blinked and jumped up, looking around for the miko.

'What the....' He thought, looking around. Surrounding him were huge buildings, even taller than his home, a sudden noise made him look towards it's source. Hundreds of brightly colored metal things were flying over a non-dirt road at high speeds. Then it hit his nose.

The smell over thousands and thousands of humans.

Sesshoumaru watched as humans clad in weird kimonos were climbing into the metal things and flew off. Sesshoumaru took a step foward and then stopped as he noticed something.

His left arm was back.

He looked down and if he could have gasped, he would have.

His whole arm was covered in white fur.

Sesshoumaru looked at his body in surprise, his whole body was covered in white fur. Large ears twitched on his head and a tail flicked behind him. Sesshoumaru found the nearest water puddle and gasped again....if he could have that is....

Sesshoumaru, Taiyoukai of the West, had been turned into a white cat.

==End Chapter==

WD: I'm so mean.