Author's Notes: Insert usual disclaimer about not owning the show nor the characters nor anything involved with the show for that matter...As for whether or not my other story (The Ties That Bind) has happened or not in this universe, I honestly dunno yet...I may mention it, and I may not. Anyway, enjoy!


Semper Fi?


Chapter One: In the Air Tonight...


Stepping out of the fast food restaurant, Danny McCoy sighed and rubbed the weariness from his eyes. The tall, brown-haired man just stopped to get a bite to eat after working overtime at the Montecito Resort and Casino, where he worked as a security guard. However, Danny was more than the average security guard as he was also the protégé of "Big" Ed Deline, the president of day-to-day operations at the casino. An ex-CIA operative, the grim-faced, older man wasn't exactly the warmest person in the world, and expected nothing but the best from his employees. Unfortunately for Danny, nothing he ever seemed to do ever earned Ed's total approval. Tossing his bag away in a nearby trashcan, Danny smiled as he thought about how the old curmudgeon always found some mistake (no matter how trivial) with Danny's work and always felt the need to correct him about it. Laughing to himself, Danny knew that he wasn't completely innocent in all of this, as he would often do things that he knew would antagonize Ed. The love-hate relationship between the two men was exactly what made them such a good team, arguably the best two-man team in Las Vegas.

Glancing at his yellow and black Camero, Danny snapped out his thoughts immediately. A woman about his age dressed in a dark, spaghetti strap, short dress was admiring the vehicle. As an early morning breeze tossed her short brown with blonde streaks hair around, she slowly ran a hand down the hood of the car. Realizing that it was probably just one of the local hookers looking for a good time, Danny sighed and headed over. He would put a stop to this soon enough.

"Can I help you?" Danny asked. The woman turned to look at him, and Danny knew right away that this was no hooker. She couldn't be! She was way too pretty, in Danny's opinion. As her brown eyes looked slowly up and down at him, a seductive grin found its way to her face.

"That depends." she purred back at him as she leaned up against his car. "Would you happen to be Danny McCoy, who works at the Montecito?"

"That's me." Danny nodded, wondering why that mattered.

"Then, I'm in luck." the woman replied, her smile not fading. She looked at him approvingly. "Usually my assignments aren't this good-looking."

"Assignments?" Danny asked, stepping back slightly. "What are you…"

"Don't make this hard." the woman begged as one of her arms disappeared behind Danny. Feeling something reach under his shirt and touch his back, Danny simply stared at the woman in front of him. Her smile faded a little bit as Danny felt a sudden jolt of electricity hit him. Crying out in pain, he fell to the ground instantly, barely conscious.

"What did you…" he groaned as his vision started to blur.

"Be more careful in the future." the woman warned, kneeling down next to him. Some sort of stun gun clenched in one of her hands, and the other reaching into his pants pocket. She pulled out his car keys and cell-phone, which she prompty stuffed in her own pocket. "Or your love of women will be your undoing."

Simply staring in wonder at her, Danny could feel himself slip into a welcoming darkness. Rising to her feet, the woman sighed and motioned to a nearby van. Two burly men came out of it, and picked the lifeless Danny up.

"Hey, it's me." the woman said into her cell-phone as she watched the men put Danny in the passenger seat of his car. "I've got McCoy."

To be continued...