A cherry blossom on my sand
I stayed quite on the cornerDoing nothing but wait
Who would pass the ending silence?
That my sand contains.They were scared of my eyes
They saw evil lurking in
But no one knows the sand.
No one ever will.Who would dare to come?
Inside my empty soul
And search in the deepest corners
Where no light ever shone.Everything was impossible
Until my light came
It though me how to live my life
Even if storms block my way.She gave me life for my soul
She erased the fear and gave me trust
She exchanged the lies for truth
She change my despair to hopeShe formed my hatred to love,
What more do I want?
Maybe for her to stay with me forever,
She was a cherry blossom on my sand.
Kyutiekyutkyut: hey people, this is my opening poem. Hope you like it. I'm
really not a good poem writer, but I love to start a story with this poem..
Pls review!!!!