Shout outs:

Indigofaery: Thanks.

michelle: Thanks, you'll have to wait and see. Also, Auron is not bad, just controlled against his will.

Elf3748: Well, even though there's no more possessed Rikku, she's still in this chapter.

Paine-171229: Thanks.

Disclaimer: I own the game, but not the actual characters and settings and such.

Final Chapter: Moments of Truth


A long and very large chain appeared from high in the sky, and descended towards the balcony at a quick speed. The end of the chain, an anchor shape, disappeared beneath a cluttered mist of black and red energies, and instantly tightened as it gripped something. With slight trepidation, the fighters watched as the chain started to pull upwards and reveal what it had attached to from the ether. A grotesque and towering body of the Aeon slowly emerged from the gathering of magic; it's eyes darting around the surroundings. Its eyes told of seemed perpetual pain and sorrow, as it struggled against the chain that bound across its body. The Final Summoning gave it an odd look, recognizing it as a threat, and raised his sword. Yuna looked up at the unexpectedly summoned Aeon, realizing it was none other than the Aeon she'd first encountered during a battle with Seymour.


The frightening Aeon did not even take a glimpse toward Yuna, as it kept its focus on the Final Summoning. Despite whether it would follow Yuna or not, the summoner stepped up next to the giant behemoth next to her, and beckoned Anima to attack with the wave of her staff. Thankfully, it followed her, and dealt its Pain spell, blasting the other Aeon with a damaging attack. The blast caused the Final Summoning to waver, but it retaliated by striking its opponent with a swift arc of its powerful blade. Hardly fazing, Anima repeated its attack, filled with torment and angst, converting it to a stunning burst of powerful energy. The other Aeon succumbed more this time, due to its weakening state. Yuna watched from the balcony, as the two powerful Aeons continued to clash vigorously.

Something had to be done, and judging by how much damage Anima had taken, she was prepared to summon its Overdrive. And she did just that, calling upon the great beast's hidden powers deep down inside its dark self. Yuna linked herself with all the dark images, torment, and anguish to finalize the act. After a moment of concentration, Anima started to conjure up Oblivion by calling its powers as well as its counter part beneath the ether. In a momentum of the start of the assault, the world around everyone was drawn into a dark and dreary area with Anima's lower hidden half struggling at its chains. Once the bounds broke, the creature beneath the tormented Aeon flailed its fists mercilessly in a barrage of powerful blows that dealt the Final Summoning quite a lot of punishment. Blow after blow, the blasts lighted up the area around, sending residue of magic into the air. The Overdrive lasted about half a minute, before everyone found themselves back on the balcony. Anima started to fade away, as the Fayth that held it together as a spirit started to part, while the Final Summoning watched in silence. It too was fading fast, now defeated.

The energy drained out of Yuna while she countless souls apart of the two powerful Aeons floated around her, causing her to crumble to the ground with he staff slipping from her grasp.

"YUNA!" Tidus bellowed from behind her, as he dashed up to his fallen love. He quickly lifted Yuna up in his arms, hugging her closely and protectively. After giving a warm smile, Yuna turned back towards the myriad of souls, noticing Shuyin and Lenne starting to fade as well. They looked happy and glad that they were together, even if they were going to be heading to the Farplane. With one look, Yuna was quickly reminded of herself and Tidus, and not just because of the similarities in the two couples physically. Their emotions were bonded with each other, their feelings of love mutual. Yuna rested her head against Tidus' chest quietly while she concentrated with the remaining ounce of summoning power still available, sending all the souls to the Farplane. Silently she picked up her staff; slowly twirling it despite she was still cradled in Tidus' strong arms.

While she did, the Final Summoning started to disappear and evanesce into a greater amount of souls, while simultaneously, the whole world started to shudder. Everyone fell to their feet while it seemed the entire Zanarkand setting started to shatter. A wild and uncomfortable sensation gripped the adventurers, while in front of them; a blast of inverted energy blew outwards. They were swept up in the current of it, and suddenly disappeared from the balcony.


Oddly, as it seemed, the group of fighters appeared inside the same room they had disappeared from, before fighting the Final Aeon. Strange as it was though, they all noticed how the room was shaking violently and falling apart. The magic holding them disappeared, allowing them to drop onto the ground. The first person they noticed was none other than Lulu, who was giving everyone an exhausted and apologetic gaze. Having used her new art of magic to bring them back, her weary form started to fall towards the ground.

"Lu!!!" Wakka screamed, as he hit the ground running, despite the ground itself was shuddering violently. He reached Lulu and quickly helped her up onto her feet and supported her. Finally noticing how the whole room was collapsing with them still in it, the large group of fighters took off into sprints. Neither Cammy nor Seymour was in the room, but the dire situation of being crushed inside the building was more important to the group. Corridor led to crumbling corridor before they finally reached a half broken set of stairs with the main doors only yards after the end of the stairs. Tidus and Gippal sprinted farther in front, slamming their bodies into the doors to open them for everyone else to dash through. Once outside of the building, the group made a sudden but silent realization of where they were. Judging by the vast area, like an underground city, and by the structures and walls, they all figured it out from personal experience or stories.

They were trapped in underground Bevelle, otherwise known as the levels of the Bevelle Palace. Between Yuna, Rikku, and Paine; having been down on some of the lowest levels before, had a nagging feeling that they could be on the lowest level that they'd ever been on under Bevelle. And right now, it seemed like the whole underground lair was starting to break apart, with them trapped at the bottom end. A strong panic rose in the group, while a feeling of dread plagued their minds. All except Yuna, who already knew what had to be done, and she was going to do it.

Yuna stood between everyone, twirling and whirling her staff like a regular routine, despite the turmoil surrounding her and her friends. All that was left of her energy focused on the one summoning, turning her sheer will and determination into a magical essence. It felt so close to her, the power of the summoning, as her old ally appeared in the sky above her.

Dark, mysterious, and formidable, the summoned Aeon descended through the air with powerful wings. Yuna looked up with a tired expression, as Bahumut closed the gap between them with a thrust of its wings. The forceful gust knocked all the fighters off the ground, giving enough room for Bahumut to fly below them. The Aeon crashed against the ground as it straightened out, but Yuna and all her friends landed on its back safely. Knowing that the Aeon would know what to do, Yuna drifted off against Tidus' body. With a mighty blast of Flare magic energy, Bahumut ascended into the air with its carries hanging on in between its wings on its back. The Flare blast demolished the ceiling, allowing the Aeon and fighters to continue upwards. Keeping up the attack, they started to ascend more and more floors while the underground lair started to shudder even more violently.

Gippal and Rikku embraced each other tightly against the side of Bahumut's right wing, feeling the effects of the rough ride. Thankfully, they'd all avoided any scattered debris, but the pressure of cutting through the air as fast as they were while vertical put them in an uncomfortable position. Bahumut was moving fast enough for them to keep from falling off, but they all had to grasp tightly against the Flare elemental Aeon to keep from being blow away by its speed. Paine and Baralai huddle against each other, while Nooj held Leblanc. Her henchmen, Ormi and Logos, were clinging to each of Bahumut's legs to stable themselves for the flight. Wakka made sure to keep an unconscious Lulu in his strong arms, whispering words of an old Besaid song they'd heard as children to calm himself.

At the front of the group, Tidus held a weary Yuna against his chest with his strong arms wrapped around her. Behind them, Auron and Kimahri, being most of the strongest warriors, were able to keep themselves glued to Bahumut's back. Nobody had any idea how many levels they'd passed, but they all knew time was running short. Rikku looked up through her whipping blonde locks, keeping her head against Gippal's broad chest. The walls were starting to cave in, but she knew they had to be closed to the surface. The farther and farther they went, Bahumut's Flare beam that provided their battering ram, started to decrease under the strain of the flight. Souls of the Aeon's spirit started to appear along its body, flowing along and scattering about. The souls of the Fayth mixed with the souls trapped in the underground Bevelle Palace, reminding most of the fighters of the Farplane because of the great amount of souls. Bahumut's beam drained until it could hardly blast through the ceilings. The fighters tensed up with trepidation, as the blast disappeared after blowing through one more ceiling.

Above them, a mysterious and bright aura flowed through the air, and as Bahumut became transparent in its weakened form, the group reached the aura. A tingling sensation overcame them, as they were teleported out of the underground lair. The Bevelle Palace finally caved in, causing the upper building above it to shudder and crack some. The room to enter the now demolished underground levels felt the blunt of the damage, instantly breaking apart and cracking along the floor and ceiling. In a flash, Bahumut and the group appeared along the unraveled floor, all wearing blank expressions. They suddenly dropped onto the floor, falling through the Aeon's evanescing form, which then broke into a cascade of the Fayth's souls. The souls beneath the floor flowed up through the cracks until the room was overflowing with souls. Pyreflies started gathered up in the room as well, causing everyone's attention to move along the broken room.

Yuna took a deep breath and stood up to finalize all the rebellious spirits with a proper sending. She ignored the priests and soldiers of Bevelle that rushed into the room in awe, instead focusing on the task at hand. Her staff spun rapidly in arcs and circles while she danced along the room, moving gracefully and briskly. Scattered about in the room, her friends as well as the priests and soldiers watched her with silent emotion. Yuna continued twirling about despite the feeling of fatigue gradually overwhelming her. The sending continued for another minute, and then with it all finished, Yuna collapsed into Tidus' strong arms.


"Hey sleeping beauty, you awake yet?"

A soft yawn escaped Yuna's mouth as she stirred a bit under soft and silky covers, feeling much better than she had during the sending. A tanned hand gently touched her cheek, which caused her to dreamily gazer to the side. Her eyes first swept along the room, which was graced with beautiful paintings and colorful pieces of furniture scattered about. The bed she lay in seemed quite larger than a king sized bed, yet it had silk drapes from the bar above the bed as well as silk covers that kept Yuna warm and gave her comfort. Lying next to her with his head resting against his head in a horizontal position, Tidus watched her with a dazzling smile, clad in only bright blue boxers. Yuna drew her hands over his muscular, tanned bare chest, as she looked into his sea blue eyes that always mesmerized her.

"Aren't you cold?" She asked kindly, shivering a bit despite the warm sheets around her body. Tidus shook his head, then drew Yuna closer and into his arms for more warmth. Looking into her blue and green eyes, he gave her a slight kiss on the cheek.

"Are you?" Tidus moved his strong arms around Yuna's back, pulling her even closer against his chest.

"Nope, not anymore," Yuna answered quietly, closing her eyes and leaning her head on his broad shoulder. They stayed in the position for a few moments, enjoying each other's embrace, before Yuna drew back and stepped lightly of the bed. Tidus' gaze followed her, as she strolled over to the balcony at the side of the room. As she pushed open the glass doors, a rush of cool yet refreshing air caressed over her. Tidus moved off the bed and joined her outside on the balcony as well, neither of the two exchanging words for a couple of minutes. Once Yuna had finished admiring the sights of the colorful and bustling city of Bevelle beneath them, she drew back towards Tidus.

"I guess it's over now."

Tidus draped his arms around Yuna and nodded in agreement. "I think it is to, Yuna, but I'm just glad I found you."

"Yes, thank you, and it's because of you and Gippal that everyone band together to destroy this evil plot. It's a sad ending though, how Isaaru and his lackeys were all lost, but I suppose they should not have tried to take control over such a strong power. At least Lenne and Shuyin can finally relax together in the Farplane. I just hope everyone can recover from this wild ride Tidus, I really do hope things can go back to normal."

"So do I," Tidus agreed, and drew Yuna in for a kiss and a hug, knowing that once again, Spira had been saved. Yuna knew though that others would try to defy and take control over the land, but thankfully, she had strong friends and allies. So right now, she decided that she would just enjoy the moment with her love. As the kiss finished, she spotted Gippal and Rikku arguing on the street below. It made her smile, despite their animosity, since she knew they truly cared for each other.

Once they finally settled down, Yuna gazed back at Tidus with a soft glance, wrapping her arms around his broad back. It felt good to have no troubles, and she really did want to feel the relaxation more often.

Now she could, with Spira saved once again, and all her friends safe and happy once again.


A/N: Well, that's it people. I wanna thank everyone who read and reviewed, and also those who read but didn't review. THANK YOU people so much! I hope most of you enjoyed this story, and thanks again!