Sweat trickled down Kagome's face as she heaved her hoe up in the air, then brought it back down again in the soft dirt that would serve of her food giver. Her older sister Kikyo, who was pregnant, dropped seeds into the ground as to much work might damage her baby.
Kikyo used this time to her best advantage. "Oh my poor back." she said with a slight sneer in her voice. "Tis a good thing that I don't have to work such hard work like you, sister. Heaving that heavy stick all day." Kagome growled softly in the back of her throat in anger. Kikyo was bragging. Bragging about being let off her fare share of the work! How horrible she was!
"Then again... My Lord Arata would never let me work so hard with his first born being made." Again she was bragging. Bragging about how she was married to the lord of the land.
Kagome fought so hard not swing her sharp bladed hoe at Kikyo's stomach, ending the child's life at once. But she chided her self for such a thought. The baby had no fault in this. Kagome just prayed it wouldn't adapt Kikyo's aloofness and way of life.
"Kikyo. Kagome. Come home with me. Your mother and I have some news to tell you." Kikyo and Kagome followed their father home, eyeing each other with wary glances.
Once inside their hut, Kikyo and Kagome could tell it wasn't going to be good news. Their father sat down next to their mother, his arm over her shoulder, tears cascading down her face.
"Kagome." she said quietly. "Kikyo. Your' brother was killed in a battle, trying to unite the lands around us." Kikyo and Kagome stilled. Kikyo's face went into shock, and tears formed in Kagome's eyes and fell down her cheeks to her lap.
"What about the money we receive from Huang in the army?" Kikyo asked.
"After we receive the last of his pay check that he's being sending us, the money will stop." Their father said with quilty face. "There's only one way that we can receive money, as the crops have been falling us in the past few years."
"What is it Papa?" Kagome asked, Kikyou leaned foreword slightly eager to see what was going to happen.
"Now we have thought long and hard for this, and the choosing was difficult. But with Kikyo's baby, and marriage, we thought it only right to choose you, Kagome." Kagome paled, something didn't seem right.
Three strangers walked into the house, heavily armored, with large swords tied to their hips with elegant obis'. The three strangers had black hair that was tied back with high ponytails, their hair going down to their waist. On their chest plate, was a large blue demon dog. The men where heavily tanned and the first one had one purple stripe against his left cheek with honey brown eyes. The second one had a blue star one his forehead with no stripes, with shocking blue eyes, with a silver rim around the blue. And the third one had a yellow sun, with 2 bright blue stripes on each cheek, with see green eyes, that seemed to pierce into your very soul.
"Mama? Papa?" Kagome asked, her face changing fear. "What did you do?"
"Where is this Kagome you promised us?" the first one spoke stepping foreword. Kagome's mother slowly pointed at Kagome, standing. The last two came over, grabbing Kagome by the upper arms, and hauled to her feet. The first came over and studied her shaking form.
"Mama? Papa?" she sobbed. Kikyou looked at the men with shock. Her eyes widened as she looked at the men's hands. They where not ordinary hands. They had claws on them. But their aura was well kept. Even she couldn't feel it.
"Youkai." She whispered in shock.
"Kagome I'm so sorry." Their mother sobbed.
The first youkai ripped a large bag from his obi, and throwing at Kagome's parents. "There is the gold be promised. It should last you two years. We shall send the money ever year on this date. If she runs away a months pay with be taken away, and she shall with whipped." he said coldly. Kagome's heart rammed in her chest, and they forced her out the door. Kagome fought to get our of their grip, but their sharp nail's stopped her from going anywhere. Kagome bit the hand of the third one, only half hearing his yelp of pain. The second let his grip fall at the sudden yelp, and Kagome ripped apart, and made a run for the forest.
She didn't get far.
The first one had chased after her, tackled her to the ground, and pinned her. Kagome tried to spit out the dirt from her mouth, as he held her head down.
"I wouldn't try that again if I where you," he whispered harshly in her ear. "If you weren't promised to the young Lord Sesshoumaru, then I would have you my self. You're a pretty face, and I wouldn't mind seeing that silky long hair tossed about on my pillow." Kagome went rigged listening to his words.
Lord Sesshoumaru?
She had heard of him. The first born son of Lord Inu-Taisho Lord of the West. Supposedly, he had taken over once his father had died.
But what Kagome shaking and rigid, was the fact that Lord Sesshoumaru was no ordinary Lord. Oh, no, on the contrary.
Lord Sesshoumaru was a youkai. A cold hearted one at that. He killed ruthlessly, and was rumored stronger then his father. Kagome didn't want to find out.
Though the samurai's unsaid threat was too great. He had threatened to rape her.
"Get up." he said gruffly, he grabbed her arm and brought her back. "You run in front of me, and you in the back. She's riding with me." Kagome looked back toward the village. Her family was watching helplessly, as the youkai picked up Kagome and placed her on the demon horse in front of him.
"Mama! Papa! Kikyo! Help me! Please!" she screamed at him. "Don't do this to me! Please!" the youkai chuckled as they started to canter off.
"Mama! Papa!" Kagome started to sob.
Kagome had fallen asleep and leaned again the youkai. "Stop here." the youkai ordered. "Let's make camp. We don't want to over exhaust her. Sesshoumaru will be angry."
Kagome woke a little bit when she felt someone pulled her off the horse, and carry her. Soon she found her self in a male's lap, being held tight to his chest.
"What I don't get, is why Sesshoumaru wants the human girl. He can have any female youkai... And I have seen even some male youkai lusting over him! But he goes for the human female? It doesn't make sense." the third one spoke.
They must think I'm asleep
The second one nodded. "Yeah!"
"Are you two blind?" the male holding her snapped. "Did you not see her sister? That was the miko Kikyo! This is her little sister!"
"Kikyo?! The miko?" The two gasped
"Yes, you fools! Kagome is her younger sister. Also a miko."
"But that's even worse! Sesshoumaru taking a human miko to his bed?"
"Idiot!" the youkai snarled. "The pups would be far more powerful. Can you imagine youkai pups with the power of a miko?" he laughed. "Their power would be enormous."
"But the pups would turn out hanyou!"
"Wait no! My father told me something of this. If the miko and youkai are powerful enough, the miko energy would mix the one the one of the youkai, and the pups would be youkai as well! And of course naturally, the life span of the human would be extended to a life span of a youkai. But that is widely known knowledge."
"Quiet fools!" the youkai cried. "She's waking up." Kagome slowly opened her eyes and looked around. The youkai where setting up camp, while the demon horse transformed into something frail looking, like a baby cult, that was just born.
"Let me go. Please. I won't run off." Kagome whispered. "I swear it." the youkai men laughed.
"Oh I know you won't run off! There barrier won't allow it." the youkai grinned at her. Kagome looked around her. She saw the light blue sheen of the barrier they put up. She smirked, closing her eyes, she melted the barrier.
"Simple child's play." she whispered, as youkai looked around, with a slight frown. He grinned, as he put up a stronger one, which would have taken Kagome a day to brake through.
"So it was." the youkai laughed. "I told you, men! She is powerful!" he let Kagome climb off his lap, and he readied a fire.
"I bet you are hungry. I shall make us something."
"Why do you want me?" Kagome asked.
"You will know soon enough."
"Can you atleast tell me your names?"
"I'm Katsuhiko. This is my two right hand men," he pointed to the second youkai. "Huang and over there is Kenji." he pointed to the third when he spoke the other name. Tears welled at the name of Huang.
"What is it?" Huang asked, when he saw her crying at him. "What I do?"
"My brother was named Huang. He died in the war." Katsuhiko nodded.
"Oh yes. That stupid new war, that the young human samurai's made up, to unite the villages."
"I say that war will never prove worth the blood and death." Kenji spoke. "The humans love the drama, and could never truly find peace." Kagome remained silent. She nodded her thanks when Katsuhiko handed her meal, and listened to their whispered talk.
"What mother and father sells of their youngest child, like that?" Huang whispered.
"Apparently they do. They needed the money. And that practice isn't that rare with the humans." Kanji spoke.
"Can you imagine selling off your youngest daughter to some stranger lord to produce pups?" Huang asked with a smile. Kanji parked a laugh.
"Even if I wanted too, my mate would throw a fit at the mere thing of me even thinking that. I'd rather keep my head, thank you very much!" The group laughed, not aware of Kagome trying to hold back her son, until a strange choking noise came from her throat.
"Damnit." Katsuhiko put down his finished meal and picked up Kagome effortlessly, placing her on his lap. He rubbed her back, and rocked back and forth trying to comfort her. Kanji and Huang shared a knowing glance, but remained silent.
Kagome's felt her eyes droop, in Katsuhiko's warm embrace. It wasn't long before she fell asleep.
"What is it?" Katsuhiko asked as Huang and Kanji had yet to say a word to him in an hour.
"I wouldn't get to close if I where you." Huang said softly. "She's all ready promised to Lord Sesshoumaru." Katsuhiko glared at them.
"I'm not getting to close! The girl was crying! Sesshoumaru would have our throats if he found that Kagome was taken and dealt with poorly. Huang and Kanji only nodded.
"Yes, Katsuhiko. Just be careful." Kanji said. Katsuhiko nodded. They of course where right. Every one would have to be careful with her once the reached the castle.
Yay!! I have finally returned!!!
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