The Boy who Lived
By Jerle Shannara
Chapter 15: A New Beginning
"Will you stop that?" Darryl demanded in annoyance, glancing up from the magazine he was reading. Harry, who had been pacing back and forth for the better part of fifteen minutes, paid him no mind.
"This isn't easy for him." Sheila reminded him gently. "From what I heard you were just as bad if not worse."
"It really doesn't get any easier." Leo observed. "I imagine I'll be doing the same thing if and when Piper and I decide to have more kids." Darryl cast Harry another annoyed glance.
"Will you sit down?" he demanded. "You're making me nervous and I'm not even the one whose wife's expecting."
"That," Sheila observed mildly, "would be a miracle."
"Sit the hell down!" Darryl demanded of Harry once more. Cole, who had been standing by the waiting room door, came over and gently took Harry's arm.
"Come on." He said. "Let's go grab a bite before Darryl blows his top." He gave the other a smirk.
"But what-" Harry began.
"Come on." Cole repeated. "I'm sure they'll send someone when there's something to tell."
"Mind if I come?" Piper asked. "If I stick around here I'll likely take Harry's place and then Darryl will probably strangle both of us." She grinned. "Besides, I was thinking about grabbing another cup of coffee."
"Oh what the hell?" Darryl burst out suddenly, getting to his feet. The four of them headed for the cafeteria.
"Jesus!" Darryl exclaimed, staring at the two large chocolate muffins Harry had bought. "I swear my blood sugar just went up 20 units just looking at those." Cole grinned, stuffing a handful of French Fries into his mouth.
"Whoa." Piper said suddenly. "Get a load of that." She pointed at a nearby table, where sat three very familiar figures. Darryl glanced over and began to laugh. Cole gave him a questioning look, then saw where he was looking.
"Talk about irony." He said. Harry glanced over and his eyes widened.
"Now there's a sight I never thought I'd see." He remarked. Seated at the table was none other than Severus Snape, former Potions professor at Hogwarts. What had drawn the incredulous looks and Darryl's laughter however, was the sight of Snape's two companions, who were none other than Cho Chang and Kyle Brody. The fact that they were together at all was astonishing enough, but they appeared to be holding hands as they spoke quietly with Snape.
"I thought he died during the last battle with Voldemort." Piper remarked.
"We all did." Harry said. "But apparently Dumbledore's Phoenix got to him before Nagini's venom could finish him. He's apparently been in hiding ever since." He sighed. "I never knew how brave ne really was, to defy Voldemort and keep it hidden for so many years." He grinned. "I could have ended up being his son if things had worked out between him and my mom. Now that I know him better from his memories I realize it might not have been such a bad thing."
"The question is whether or not he would feel the same." Piper said.
"Methinks we won't have long to wait." Cole remarked. Sure enough, the three were making their way toward their table. Severus, they saw, looked apprehensive. Kyle and Cho gave him reassuring smiles.
"Would there be room for anymore at your table?" Severus asked, his voice very different from the way Harry remembered it. Gone was the cruel, sarcastic tone with which he had taught his classes.
"I think there might be room for three more," Darryl replied, "that's if your friends would care to join us." As it happened, they did.
"I hear you've been busy." Severus remarked to Harry once he and his companions were seated. "By all accounts we have you to thank for the fact that we no longer need to hide our existence." Harry blushed.
"I had help." He said.
"Be that as it may," Severus replied, "we all owe you." He paused. "I could not help overhearing a comment you made a few moments ago. I have had some years to consider certain choices I've made." He hesitated. "The greatest gift in honor, I think, would have been having you for a son." Harry's jaw dropped. So too did those of the others.
"Thanks." Harry finally managed.
"I've got a question." Darryl said, as much to ease them past a potentially awkward moment as out of a genuine desire for an answer. He glanced at Kyle before continuing. "When did you change your tune?" Kyle grinned.
"When she tracked me down and showed me their history." "It was impossible for me to hold onto hate once I'd learned the truth. It helped that the ones who really murdered my parents have finally been dealt with."
"He still won't give me an answer as to whether or not he'll join us though." Cho teased.
"That's a big decision." Kyle replied with a grin. "Besides, I'm not sure I'd make a good Avatar. I think maybe I'm just a bit too reckless."
"That can be outgrown with time." Severus assured. "Mr. Potter here has definitely had his moments of recklessness. I suspect it came from his father." To Harry's surprise, no bitterness infused Snape's voice at the mention of James Potter.
"I'll consider it." Kyle said to Cho. "I just want to be sure I'm really ready before I do it."
"What brought the three of you here anyway?" Cole asked.
"Did you think we'd miss the birth?" Kyle asked.
"Because if you did," Cho chimed in, "you'd have been wrong."
"She's resting now." Leo said a few minutes later. A young nurse had fetched Piper and the others from the cafeteria.
"Is everything all right?" Harry asked. Dr. Roberts smiled warmly.
"She and the babies are just fine." He paused. "It did help," he acknowledged, "that we've got a magical healer on staff now."
"When can we see them?" Phoebe asked.
"That depends." The doctor replied. "Paige is sleeping now. "As for the little ones-" He turned to display the bassinette he'd been holding. Within it, wrapped snuggly in blankets, were two very small people. The boy was a mirror image of Harry, minus the scar. The girl was almost identical save for her hair, which was closer to the color of Paige's. Harry couldn't take his eyes off them. Leo, for his part, wore an almost foolish grin on his face. Piper and Phoebe crowded forward but found their way barred by Severus.
"I think Mr. Potter should be first to hold them." He said. "They are his children after all." He paused, then with only a hint of sardonic amusement he added, "That is once he manages to turn his brain back on." Darryl laughed. Sensing Harry's condition, Dr. Roberts made is way over. Darryl came over and with surprising gentleness lifted first the girl, then te boy out of te bassinette and placed them in Harry's arms. Darryl noted the wonder in his friend's eyes and the shimmer of tears.
"Have you decided on names?" Cho asked.
"Yeah." Harry replied bemusedly.
"Well?" Severus asked. "Out with it, Potter." Harry seemed to give himself a mental shake.
"This is Lily." He said, holding the girl up for all to see. Phoebe and Piper approached and gazed down at their new niece.
"Does she have a middle name?" Phoebe asked.
"Luna." Harry said without hesitation. He and Paige had discussed this subject extensively over the past months. The name Lily had been obvious since Paige had wanted to honor arry's parents' sacrifice. Thhey had chosen the middle nae of Luna because of Harry's friend Luna Lovegood, whom Paige had met on several occasions and whom she found highly entertaining.
"Let me guess, "Leo said, "James?" He indicated the boy. Harry nodded.
"James Sirius." Harry hesitated. "And if we have anymore kids and we have another boy it'll be Albus Severus." Snape's eyes widened.
"Is that necessary?" he asked, trying for his old impatient tone and failing extravagantly.
"I believe it is." Harry replied. "After all, he'd be named after two of the bravest men I've ever known." Severus turned away quickly as though he was washing his hands of the matter in disgust. He was not confident, however, that the display was fooling anybody. Potter's decision had touched him and he suspected they all knew it. Indeed, Lieutenant Morris laughed.
"You're not fooling anybody." He said.
A few minutes later Harry stood beside the bed where Paige lay. She was quite obviously exhausted but a quiet joy seemed to emanate from her. Harry gazed down at her as he remembered all that had happened since he had come here.
"Penny for your thoughts?" Harry started at the sound of the voice. Glancing down he saw that Paige had awakened. She siled at is reaction. "Try not to have a heart attack or anything." She said. "That would be inconvenient." Harry laughed.
"I was just thinking about all we've been through." He paused. "And about how lucky I am to have you in my life."
"I've been thinking the same thing." Paige said. "Are my sisters going absolutely wild over the new arrivals yet?" Harry laughed.
"Yeah." He replied. "They've already started on me to hurry up and produce another one."
"Whoa whoa hold on a sec." Paige said. "Maybe in a few years I'll be willing to consider that but right at the moment-" She left it hanging. Harry grinned.
"That's pretty much what I said as well." He agreed. He leaned down to kiss his wife. "I'd better go." He said. "Dr. Roberts said I could be in here for a few minutes only." He grinned suddenly. "Just be glad it's not Madam Pomphrey from the Hogwarts hospital wing."
"Not yet, I suppose you mean?" came a very familiar voice.
"I spoke too soon it seems." Harry said with amusement. "How'd you get here? And why? Not that I'm not glad to see you but-"
"Did you think I was going to let anyone else tend to your wife?" Poppy Pomphrey demanded.
"I see what you mean." Paige muttered to Harry, her lips twitching with suppressed amusement. Then she made a shooing motion towards the door. "Get back out there before the others get any ideas. I'll be fine." Smiling in spite of himself, Harry turned and walked from the room.