Disclaimer: I don't own. Sorry.

Warning: Not edited. O.o

Turn One: From the Beginning

Dear Diary...

Ryuichi stared at the words for a moment, teeth chewing on lip in thought, and then, he scribbled them out with the lustrous pink crayon poised between his slender fingers, wanting something more original to proclaim his personality.

He didn't want to be boring; boring was old, and Ryuichi wasn't either.

Hi! I'm super singer extraordinare, Ryu-chan, and my job is to fill you up with pretty things! I should ask, first, though. That's what Tohma and Noriko and K and Shuichi tell me. Being bad is naughty, and Ryuichi doesn't like to be naughty.

Ryuichi felt his hand slip, fluffy rabbit ears covering his vision momentarily, and the crayon slid across the clean, empty paper, decorating it with waxy flavor.

Kumagoru says 'hi', too! Kuma-chan is my friend. Do you have friends? Are they out there with other paper-friends, getting colorful?

I like colors. Colors are fun.

What's your favorite color? I like blue and green and purple and gold and pink...they're shiny. Black and white are icky because they're not shiny like any of the others, and I think they're stupid. Kumagoro tells me that it's not nice to say something is stupid. He's right. I shouldn't be mean. Kumagoro also tells me that I should introduce myself. I forget sometimes, but Kuma-chan is always there to help me remember.

Where should I start? Kumagoro says from the beginning. It's always wise to listen to your friends. Wise and nice. Being nice is warm and fuzzy...like Kumagoro. I'd let him give you a hug, just to see, but Kumagoro hasn't decided if he likes you or not.

Silly bunny.

I'm Sakuma Ryuichi, and I like to sing and color. (You already know that, but Kuma-chan didn't see the first part. Now he's smacking me with his ear. It's soft. It's sad that he doesn't like you...yet.) I'm losing focus, again. Thanks for reminding me, Kuma-chan.

I'm Sakuma Ryuichi, and I like to sing and color. I like to do other things, too. I like to dance, especially when the music is fast and fun. I could twirl and spin forever, fall down and not care if I got hurt though others might. Kuma-chan says he would care, and Kuma-chan doesn't lie.

What else do I like?


I like chocolate and candy and all of those other yummies in the world.

You don't know what a yummy is?

Yummies are...

Kumagoro says that yummies taste good. That they are sweet and sticky and need to be licked off because they leave messes.

I think Kuma-chan is just being a pervert.

(Itai, Kuma-chan! You don't have to hit me.)

Kumagoro says that I'm being a pervert. Maybe I am. Dunno. Perverts are naughty, and I don't want to be naughty.

Oh, oh!

I like drawing, too. Noriko-chan says that they aren't pretty, that a kid could do better, but I like to do it anyway. It's fun, and I can make the white shiny. Kuma-chan draws sometimes, too. I'll have him make you a picture when he likes you, and then you'll have another friend.

I have lots of friends. Friends can be yummies, too, but not the kind you eat. (No, Kuma-chan, I'm not being a pervert. Don't make me put you on the couch...) All of my friends are different, different shapes, different colors, different smells, but I like them all the same. Well, maybe.

I'll make a list for you.

1. Tohma:

He's pretty nice when you get to know him, but he can be weird, too. I like his hat, though. He lets me wear it, sometimes. Tohma's really smart. Smarter than Kumagoro. (Don't laugh, Kumagoro! You know it's true!) He owns NG-Records, the big, shiny building I'm allowed to sing in (I dance there, too, but don't tell Tohma. SHH! It's a secret!), and he lets me visit whenever I want. That's why I like Tohma. He talks to me all the time, and he even brings Kumagoro presents. Kuma-chan says that he likes Tohma, too. I think everyone likes Tohma, but Kumagoro says that isn't true. No one can be liked by everybody.

(What do you know, Kuma-chan?)

2. Noriko:

Nori-chan is even nicer than Tohma is! Plus, she plays the keyboard. Tohma used to play, too, but now he bosses everyone around. That's no fun, but Noriko is. Noriko has purple hair. I tried to have blue hair once, but the dye accidentally got on the carpet, and I got in trouble. Nori-chan made me feel better about it, though. She said my hair was pretty, and she even let me help with hers, sometimes. I don't see Nori- chan much, anymore, but she calls to say 'hi' all the time. She lives with her family (her husband is nice, too!) and has to take care of them, but she doesn't forget me or Kumagoro. Kuma-chan likes to run away and sit on Nori-chan's lap when she visits, but she doesn't mind. Noriko likes Kumagoro just as much as she likes everyone else.

3. K:

K is a lot of fun. He has guns, and they're not the fake, plastic ones that you can buy at the store with those red arrow things that stick to the window. I tried to play with one once, Kuma-chan was the robber and I was the policeman, but I got it taken away after I broke both Noriko and Tohma's keyboards. It wasn't my fault Kumagoro was hiding there...honestly. Anyway, K has LONG blonde hair (Kuma-chan likes to hide in it sometimes), and he's American. I like speaking English with him. He knows lots of naughty words. K used to be my manager, but Tohma asked him to manage someone else that needed him more than me. I understand. K always makes time for me though. He even let's me sing with his band, sometimes. You would like K. He's very sneaky.

4. Shuichi:

Shuichi is the most colorful person I know besides Kumagoro. He has pink hair and violet eyes and dark skin. He's a rainbow. Shuichi is a good singer, too. He sings for a band called Bad Luck. It's fun to be around him, and Kuma-chan likes to be with Shuichi, too. Kumagoro says that Shuichi reminds him of an angel since he floats, but I think he's a fairy because he shines and sparkles. (Floats? Kuma-chan, Shuichi doesn't float. Silly bunny...) K is Shuichi's manager now, and that's cool since I can see both of them at the same time. Shuichi lets me sing with him, and we make lots of pretty music together. I like Shuichi a lot. He knows how to make me feel better when I'm sad, and Kumagoro likes to sit on his head.


You've already met Kumagoro, and he's one of my bestest friends (I don't care if that's not a word, Kuma-chan).

I have more friends than that, so many that I lose count sometimes, but Tohma and Noriko and K and Shuichi are my favorite. They are yummy because they are lots of fun, and they don't care that I forget to act my age, either. You want to know how old I am? Kumagoro says that it's rude to ask that question when you don't know me, but he's just being silly. What does he know?

I'm...I think I'm 31.

That's what Tohma says, and I believe him because he's smart and knows WAY more than Kumagoro although Kumagoro knows lots of interesting things. He can sit on his head for hours and not even have a headache when he falls over like I do if I copy him. Lucky Kumagoro.

But enough of Kuma-chan. He can write in you later...if you want him to. My doctor says that I have to fill you up so I can remember stuff.

Do you know what a doctor is? I don't know the terms Tohma and Noriko and Kumagoro use, but my doctor is fun. Her office is VERY shiny, and she even likes pink. That makes her okay in my okay-book. You don't know what an okay-book is? I'll tell you about that later. They're fun, too.

Anyway, my doctor is really nice. She gives me lots of yummies when I come to visit, and she talks to me about things Kuma-chan and I like to talk about. Sometimes, though, it isn't fun. She tries to make me leave Kumagoro with the nice secretary-lady so we can have a "one-on-one" talk. I don't like to go anywhere without Kumagoro so I tell her he's sick, that I have to take care of him. I don't think she believes me. Kuma-chan says that she doesn't, and I agree. I don't care, though.

I wouldn't give up Kumagoro for anything.

I hope you and Kuma-chan became the bestest of friends, too. Then, we could have lots of fun and yummies together. If you get dirty, you can take a bath with me and Kumagoro. Bubbles are silky and tickle your nose when you count to ten under the water, and they're skishy.

Skishy. Skishy. Kuma-chan doesn't like how I make up words, but I have lots of them, and I know he doesn't really care. Kumagoro makes up words, too. Na No Da is his favorite.

Na No Da. That's fun to write.

Kumagoro is telling me that I really haven't put anything important in you, but what does Kumagoro know? My friends are important to me. So are yummies, though they aren't as special as my friends. Drawing is important. So is singing.

See, Kumagoro. I wrote about important things...


Kumagoro means something other than my friends and yummies and drawing and singing.

Is writing okay?

Kumagoro says that it isn't, but I want to talk about it anyway. I like to make up songs and write them down. I sing them sometimes, too, but you already know how much I like to sing. Writing's fun because I can make up whatever I want, and no one cares. Everyone likes the stuff I write. Even Tohma and Kumagoro say it's good. That makes me want to write more. I can write one for you. I think it will be fun.

Did you know that Shuichi's boyfriend writes, too? Oh, yeah. Shuichi has a boyfriend. Does it bother you that they're both guys? I don't care, and Kumagoro doesn't care, either. We're happy for Shuichi. His boyfriend makes him sing fun songs, but sometimes, it's not fun. Said boyfriend can be a BIG jerk. Even worse than when Tohma gets mad. Maybe he doesn't like his blonde hair. That would make anyone upset. Like the time I dyed mine orange. I looked like a carrot. Not fun. Shuichi's boyfriend isn't fun either. He smells like smoke and beer. Icky. I think Shuichi smells nicer. Strawberries and cream. Kuma-chan and Ryuichi LOVE strawberries. I think you would like them, too. Kumagoro will have to remind me to buy some next time we go out. Or, maybe Shuichi can come visit, and he can write something pretty in you. That would be super fun!

What else?

Should I start from the beginning now? Kumagoro says I'll put you to sleep. Maybe. I'm not all that exciting. Kuma-chan is funner. (Yeah, yeah, I know that's not a word, either, Kumagoro.) Hmm...

I was born on a sunny day. At least, I think I was. I don't know. My parents would know, but I don't see them anymore. I think they hate me. Do you miss your parents? Are they with your paper-friends, waiting for you to come home? Mine probably don't know what I look like anymore. Oh, well. Kumagoro and Tohma and Noriko and K and Shuichi are my family now. They make me happy. I'll try not to make you sad. That would be BAD.

Birthdays are fun! Lots of people think it's special to be born on a holiday, but I don't like my holiday. April Fool's Day. Kuma-chan likes my birthday, though. He says I can be extra sneaky because I was born then. I don't like being sneaky. Besides, K is much better at it than me.

Have you ever had birthday cake? I like chocolate. It's another yummy I'm allowed to have, but only on certain days. I wish my birthday was every day, but Kumagoro says that selfish. He says that a year has lots of days so that everyone can have at least one to themselves.

I have to share mine with everyone.

It's not fair. I know, Kumagoro, life isn't fair. I'd change it if I could. Special Ryuichi World. It would be a fun place full of shinies and yummies and skishy things. No one would be sad. Kumagoro told me that his home is like that. You didn't know? Kuma-chan wasn't always my friend. I didn't even know him, but I'm glad he came to save me. You want to hear the story? Kumagoro says to tell you another time because we have to leave soon to sing in the shiny building. More fun! Shuichi will be there. Maybe we can make up a song and sing it! I'll bring you, too, and then you can meet him. I know he'll like you.

I have to put you away, now. Don't be sad. You won't be lonely for very long, and Kumagoro can keep you company; I think he's starting to like you. I promise to fill you up with more pretty things later.

Cross my heart.

Hope to die.

Stick a needle...ouch! I don't like needles. Whoever made that rhyme probably never had a shot.

Oh, I know.

I promise to fill you up with pretty things. Cross my heart. Hope to die. Flowers flutter. From the sky.

That's sounds nicer and prettier and shinier.

I forgot...I like shiny things, too.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"SHUICHI!" A body flung itself from the dark, wrapping around the petite singer sitting quietly in a fold-up chair, and they fell to the ground, heads smacking together.

"S-Sakuma-san?" Shuichi pushed at the other singer, rubbing the back of his skull. "When did you get here?" Ryuichi grinned, Kumagoro lying haphazardly between them from the fall.

"I just came, Na No Da! Kumagoro drove me in his car. Vroom." Ryuichi mimiced driving, every sound a vehicle should and should not make spillling from his mouth. "Next time, Kumagoro will drive Shuichi, too, Na No Da!" Shuichi stood, running skinny finger through mussy locks of pink, making parts of it stick out like he'd been electrocuted, and he smiled weakly, almost tired.

"That would be fun." Sounds filled the room, K's deep voice setting off Ryuichi's radar, and the older vocalist turned, staring at Shuichi when he squeaked. He appeared worn out, different somehow, and his eyes were dull, ringed with lack of sleep.

"Shuichi-" Ryuichi was cut off.

"Am I seeing things? Are you actually on time today, Shuichi?"

"Very funny, Hiro," the other pouted, arms crossing to further enhance the act. "I-" The redhead poked at his friend, a curious expression on his face.

"Is everything alright? You seem-" A mischievous glint swam in his eyes, and Ryuichi got up from the floor, bouncing over to see what the guitarist was talking about.

He didn't see anything.


"You had a little too much fun last night, didn't you?" Hiro suggested, elbowing Shuichi in the side, and Ryuichi thought it was cute to watch the other's face match the color of his hair.

"No, I-"

"Don't lie, Shuichi."

"I-I'm not." There was a silence, and suddenly, Shuichi began to cry, tears falling freely from his empty eyes as he sobbed, collapsing into a heap on the ground. Ryuichi had seen Shuichi cry plenty of times, it wasn't normal if he didn't do it at least once a day, but Hiro's body language told him that it was serious. The redhead was kneeling next to the singer, fingers tilting his chin up.

"What's wrong?" A string of words mingled with the harsh sobs, and all Ryuichi could understand was 'kicked out.'

"I'll shoot him!" K announced, cocking back the hammer on his gun before firing it at the ceiling. Kumagoro clapped his hands from his seat on Ryuichi's arm. Shuichi shrieked and moaned.

"No. Don't," he begged, still crying. "H-he didn't do it. It was my fault."


"Please, don't. Hiro..." Shuichi sniffled. "I didn't mean to. I swear I didn't."

"What are you talking about?" The guitarist's eyebrows arched, questioning, but the other merely shook his head, hiding his face in his arms.

"Fine. Be that way." Hiro stood, promptly exiting the room in a huff, an overzealous K following him, rambling off something in English that told Ryuichi some poor soul was about to get assassinated, and the elder singer flopped onto the cold tiles next to Shuichi, Kumagoro finding his way on top of the other's head.

"Kumagoro says not to cry, Na No Da. He'll give you a kiss if you stop," Ryuichi chirped, thinking to help, but Shuichi shrugged his hand off his shoulder, his crying increased.

"Tell Kumagoro that I don't want any kisses. I...I don't want anything," he cried, shaking harder, and Ryuichi dug into his pants pocket, searching for the candy he'd stashed there. He pulled pieces of lint out and sighed in defeat. Kumagoro must have eaten it.

"Don't be sad, Shuichi." He thought for a moment. "Oh, I know." Ryuichi pulled the pink, fuzzy diary from its hiding place in the pocket of his jeans, and he gently smacked Shuichi with it. "Here. Fill it with some of your pretty things, Na No Da!" Violet eyes blinked up at him, tears glistening at the edges.

"What is it?"

"My new friend! Ryuichi and Kumagoro write in it...Shuichi should write in it, too."

"What-" Shuichi wiped at the liquid streaking his face, trying to understand. "What do you write in it?"

"Lots of things, Na No Da. Gimme!" He snatched it from Kumagoro, he was always trying to take things, and opened it up. The pink crayon he'd used earlier rolled out, smacking the ground and breaking in half. "Look what you did, Kuma-chan! That was my favorite one, Na No Da!" He mock scowled at his unmoving bunny before grinning at Shuichi. "Hi! I'm super singer extraordinare, Ryu-chan, and my job is to fill you up with pretty things," he read, prompting Shuichi to continue with the point of his finger.

"I should ask first, though...I...Sakuma-san...I shouldn't be reading this." The pink haired singer shoved it away.

"Why not, Na No Da? I want you to fill it up with lots of pretty things, too! Shuichi always has lots of pretty things to write!" Shuichi pulled his legs up, wrapping his arms around them.

"It's yours. I can't."

"Don't make me have Kumagoro punish you, Na No Da!" Ryuichi glanced at the plush rabbit. "What's that, Kuma-chan? You want to punish Shuichi?"


"Okay." Ryuichi grabbed Kumagoro by the ears, raising him up and slamming him down on Shuichi's head in one fluid motion, and Shuichi cringed, cradling his aching skull.


"Keep my new friend safe, Shuichi, Na No Da!" Ryuichi ordered, jumping up onto his feet, Kumagoro dangling from his fingers. Shuichi stared at the diary balanced on his knees, wondering.

"Sakuma-san, I-"

"We'll see you in a little while, Na No Da!!" And, Ryuichi leapt out the door, leaving the pink-haired singer alone with his "new friend."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Ryuichi-san, where are you going?" Tohma's voice was quiet and solemn in the dimly lit corridor of NG-Records, and the singer spun around, smiling generously at the blonde standing next to a door.

"Ryuichi and Kumagoro forgot something, Na No Da." Tohma nodded.

"I'll wait for you. Don't be too long."

"We won't." Ryuichi glanced down at the rabbit stuffed unceremonially into his pocket. "Come on, Kuma-chan. We can't leave our new friend all alone!" Shuichi had returned the diary to him when they'd eaten lunch together, his face no longer stained with tears despite the fact he still looked tired, and Ryuichi had accidentally left it in Tohma's office when he'd gone to visit him, the pale pink hue of the journal brightening its dark interior. He reached the office in record time, the wooden door creaking open as he walked in, searching for it with his eyes, and he recovered the colorful pages in an excited hug, oddly missing the thing that had already began to fill in the holes of his famous but lonely life. "Kumagoro and I are sorry for leaving you here by yourself," he apologized, wriggling the bunny from its safe place. "Did you have fun?"

Ryuichi stepped out into the hallway, habitually closing the door behind him as he went, and he flipped through it, giggling at the pink crayon scribbled over it.

Kumagoro had made a mess in it.

He stared at the last line, wondering if he could make a song out of it.

I forgot...I like shiny things, too.

Something caught his attention then, something that hadn't been there before, and in neat, carefull orginized kanji he read:

I like shiny things, too. Do you want to be my friend?

Ryuichi continued to stare at it, puzzled. He hadn't written that. Kumagoro hadn't written in it, either. The bunny stared up at him, silent and unaware of the ghosts that now haunted them both.