Code: Lyoko


Okay, in an attempt to be more diverse, I'm trying my hand at a Code Lyoko fic. Now I don't know a whole lot about Code
Lyoko. The last new episode I saw (at least I think it was new, it's hard to tell) was the one where they materialized
Aelita but had to send her back to Lyoko because Xana has implanted a virus in her or something along those lines. Anyway,
this is my interpretation of a sort-of-second season. If any of you know more about Code Lyoko than I do (which is probably
all of you), feel free to speak up. I won't accept any flames or insults, but I will take constructive criticism.
Well, with that said, enjoy.

Oh yeah, one more thing, I don't own Code Lyoko


Jeremie's Diary: August 20th

It's hard to believe that summer vacation is almost over. At the risk of sounding like a nerd, I actually can't wait
until I get back to school. This summer, my parents took me on a vacation to the coast. They said they wanted to
get me away from computers. I hope Aelita isn't too upset at me. I know I said I would promise to look for a counter-
virus for her this summer but my parents sprung this surprise vacation on me.

I hope Yumi, Ulrich, and Odd are doing all right. Ulrich and Odd had to stay at school and Yumi's just a day student.
I noticed Yumi and Ulrich getting pretty close. Don't get me wrong, we've all gotten close since we were introduced to
Aelita, Xana, and the incredible world of Lyoko. But those two seem to have gotten really close. Sometimes I see them
holding hands when nobody's looking or walking through the courtyard with their arms around each other's waist. In a
way, I'm actually jealous. I wish I could do that same thing with Aelita.


Jeremie sighed as he put away his laptop. He was almost back at school. A new school year was about to start and
Jeremie was excited. A new year meant new classes, new people to meet, maybe even make friends with. But more
importantly, Jeremy was excited to see Yumi, Ulrich, and Odd again and talk to Aelita. Jeremy was in a great mood and
he doubted that anything could change that. Heck, Xana could turn the whole school into chickens and even that
wouldn't dampen his mood.

"We're here, Jeremie," his father announced as their Lexus pulled up to the gate of the school. Jeremie took his
stuff and exited the car.

"Bye, Mom, Dad, I'll e-mail you guys sometime tonight." He ran through the gateway before his parents could go
through their extremely long list of reminders.

The first familiar face that Jeremie spotted was Jim, the P.E. Coach. Jeremie recalled how Jim single-handedly fended off
a barrage of Xana's monsters when he used the scanner to materialize them. It was just too bad Jeremie had to use the
past-reverse program to erase his memory of the experience. But he did develop a new respect for the burly man since
then. Jim was overseeing the new students as they moved into their new rooms. "Ah, Jeremie, welcome back."

"Hey, there, Jim, are these the new students?"

"Yup, a new bunch of slackers who think they can challenge the almighty Jim!" Jim pounded his fist into his palm. "I'll
show them!"

"They won't know what hit 'em," Jeremie said with a sly smile. "Hey Jim, have you seen Yumi, Ulrich, or Odd."

"Well, I don't know about Yumi or Ulrich, but Odd was heading over to the cafeteria last I checked."

"Why am I not surprised," Jeremie cracked. "Thanks, Jim!"

Jim was right on the money. Odd was about to enter the cafeteria. When he saw Jeremie, he let out a whoop and dropped to
both knees, hugging Jeremie's legs. "JEREMIE! Thank you, thank you, thank you, finally I'm no longer alone!"

"Get a grip, Odd, I haven't seen you this emotional since Jim threatened to take away your video game."

"It's Yumi and Ulrich! They're acting so chummy it's sickening." Jeremie burst into laughter. It was then that the
subject of Odd's complaint came around the corner. Both of them were wearing karate gis and black belts. They were
talking and laughing very animatedly.

"Hey, guys," Jeremie greeted.

"Jeremie!" They both ran up to him. Yumi gave him a little hug and Ulrich bopped his shoulder. "How was vacation?"
Yumi asked.

"All right, but it's sure great to be back."

"Aelita was asking about you a lot," Ulrich commented. "She probably thought you were taken by Xana or something."

Jeremie pushed his glasses up partly to hide his blush. "My parents didn't allow me to bring my laptop on vacation.
They made me leave it at home." He decided to change the topic. "So how did the exhibition match go? Did someone win?"

"She did," Ulrich said painfully.

"Don't feel so bad," Yumi said placing an arm around her friend. "You're just out of your league."

"Sorry I wasn't there."

"Don't worry," Ulrich said holding up a sleek-looking cell phone. "I took pictures."

"So your parents finally got you that camera phone you've been pestering them for?"

"Yup. And I've got tons of pictures, including one of Yumi laying on the floor."

Now it was Yumi's turn to blush. "That was a trick punch."

"The Judge didn't think so," Ulrich commented. The boys laughed with Yumi joining in a few seconds later.

"Hey Jeremie, better contact Aelita before she blows a circuit worrying about you," Odd suggested.

"Oh yeah, thanks, Odd, see you guys at dinner."

"Bye," the three called.


He was watching them, he always was watching them, looking for an opening, seeing what he could do to stop them once and for all. And for two of the humans, he had the perfect idea. And perhaps, if this worked, he could make other preparations.


It was evening and Ulrich and Odd were just hanging out in their room. Odd was petting Kiwi and Ulrich was tossing a
soccer ball up and catching it with his hands. Odd noticed that his roommate was unusually quiet.

"I'm going to do it," Ulrich announced.

Odd and Kiwi turned to look at him. "Make sure you use the bathroom," Odd reminded him.

Ulrich gave him a glare. "No, not that. I... I want to tell Yumi how I feel about her."

"Man, I don't think you need to tell her anything," Odd cracked laying down using Kiwi for a pillow (much to Kiwi's
chagrin). "The way you two act, I'm surprised you haven't started picking out curtains." Ulrich glared at him again,
wishing he hadn't told Odd. Odd got up again. "But hey, if you feel that strongly about it, do it, man. You two have
been beating around the bush long enough, I think it's time you plow through."

"But..." Ulrich paused. Kiwi took this opportunity to jump from Odd's bed to Ulrich's. Ulrich pet him. "What if...
what if she doesn't feel the same way. I could really screw things up if I get it wrong."

"Dude, you're thinking too much," Odd said. "To me, romance is like swimming. You can waddle around in the shallow end
all you want, but you're not really swimming until you go into the deep end."

Ulrich had to admit, Odd made a good metaphor. However... "Like you're one to talk, you don't have someone that you like

Odd acted like he was struck in the chest. "Ouch, I don't know what hurts more, that comment or one of Xana's Tanks."
The two laughed hysterically.


"Hey, Aelita," Jeremie called as he booted up his computer. "It's me, Jeremie. Are you there?"

Immediately, the red-head appeared on his screen. Her eyes looked greatful to see him. "Jeremie, oh thank goodness. I
was afraid that Xana had captured you."

"Actually, it was my parents," Jeremie said with a smile. "They captured me and hauled me on a vacation."

"From the way you talk, it didn't sound like they captured you."

"It certainly felt like it. So, speaking of our favorite computer virus..." Jeremie's tone had what Aelita had come to
recognize as sarcasm. She tried it herself a couple of times but it just didn't feel right.

"Well, I've felt a few pulsations, but nothing significant. Looks like even Xana's on vacation."

"Fine by me," Jeremie agreed. "The longer he remains dormant, the better it is for all of us." Jeremie tried to hold
in a yawn. "Well, I better start on trying to find an antivirus."

Aelita gave him that smile that Jeremie loved so much. "You look tired, Jeremie. You should rest. Don't worry, I'll
still be here."

Jeremie wanted to reach out and touch her shoulder, but obviously that was impossible. Instead, he smiled and said,
"You're right, Aelita. I'll see you in the morning." Jeremie shut down his computer and climbed into bed. His last
consciousness thought was: How can we be so close, yet so far?


The next day, all the students were required to go to the nurse for yearly examinations. Yumi hated it. She would
rather go see her own doctor but it was school policy.

"Hello, Yumi," the nurse greeted. "How was your summer?"

"Okay," Yumi said indifferently. She and the nurse made small talk as the nurse performed her examination.

"Well, Yumi, you seem to be in good health, I just need to give you a hepititis shot." Yumi groaned. She hated shots.
Her arm would feel sore for days. She lifted her left arm out of her shirt. As the nurse scrubbed Yumi's arm with
alcohol, neither of them noticed a strange black smoke come out of a socket and went into the needle that the nurse
was going to use. "Now, this won't hurt a bit." The nurse positioned the needle at the top of Yumi's wrist and pressed
the liquid in it into her bloodstream.

Suddenly, Yumi began convulsing in pain. She grunted as she felt something take ahold of her. Something that felt...
evil. Yumi fell to the ground and pulled herself into a fetal position.

"Yumi! Are you okay?" Just as quickly as it started, it stopped and Yumi stood up, her back to the nurse. "Yumi, I'm
sorry, I didn't know the injection would do that."

"It's all right," Yumi droned.

"Even so, perhaps it's better if you stay here so we can re-examine..."

"I'm fine!" Yumi snapped. The nurse recoiled in fear. There was something... sinister in Yumi's voice. Yumi left.
Once she was outside, she took her cell phone and called Ulrich. "Ulrich, it's Yumi. I need to see you... ten minutes,
at the manhole."


Ulrich hurried through the forest. Yumi sounded so solumn over the phone, he hoped it wasn't anything serious. On the
other hand, this was his chance to tell her how he feels.

He saw her standing by the manhole. Her head was lowered in what looked like mourning. "Yumi, what's wrong? Your call
sounded urgent." Yumi was quiet. "Is it a Xana attack?"

"In a manner of speaking," Yumi replied as she raised her head to face Ulrich.

Her eyes were glowing red.

"Yumi!" Ulrich gasped. Without any warning, Yumi rushed at Ulrich and kicked him in the stomach. Ulrich fell against a
tree. Ulrich rolled away before Yumi could follow through. He got up and backed up blocking Yumi's kicks and punches.

"What's going on here?" Ulrich demanded to know.

"At last," the creature that was controlling Yumi said. "After all the times you have defeated me, I will get my

"All the times..." The final piece of the puzzle clicked. "Xana!"

"What's wrong, Ulrich-dear," Xana-Yumi said mockingly. "Aren't you happy to see me?" Xana-Yumi got under Ulrich's
defenses and slugged him in the stomach.

{I can't believe Xana would do something like this,} Ulrich said, "I have to warn Jeremie and Odd!" Ulrich took out his
cell phone but Xana-Yumi kicked it out of his hand. It landed on the grass far away from Ulrich. Yumi-Xana fired off
a reverse punch-jab combo which Ulrich blocked. {It's like Xana's enhancing Yumi's abilities.} Yumi leaped up and
attacked the side of Ulrich's head with a kick. Ulrich fell to the side, fortunately, near his cell phone.

{Somehow, I have to warn the others. They have to shut down the tower in order to free Yumi. But I can't do anything
without having Xana counter it. Maybe... wait, the camera! If I take pictures and send them to Jeremy, he can get Odd
and Aelita on the case.} Ulrich quickly snapped off a bunch of pictures. One was of Yumi in the middle of a kick, another
was of Yumi coming at him with a punch. Again, Xana-Yumi kicked the cell phone out of Ulrich's hand. The camera was
able to snap two more pictures. One was of Ulrich and Yumi grappling. The other was the ultimate action shot. Xana-
Yumi side-kicking Ulrich so hard that he actually flew in an arch before crashing to the ground.


"Jeremie!" Aelita cried. Jeremie looked towards the screen that showed Aelita.

"Aelita, what's wrong?"

"It's Xana, he's woken up!"

"Are you sure?"

"Positive! I can see the activated tower in the distance. He's not even trying to hide it! Please hurry!"

"All right, Aelita, hang on." Jeremie looked around to make sure nobody heard their conversation. Then he closed his
laptop and ran from the library. He tried dialing Ulrich and Yumi's cell phones but neither of them answered. "That's
strange," he muttered. "Where could they be? I hope Odd isn't busy too."

Fortunately, Odd wasn't. He was lounging in his room when Jeremie burst in.

"Jeremie, what's wrong?" Odd asked.

"Xana's woken up! We need to get to Lyoko!"

"Okay. Come on, Kiwi!" The two humans and one dog hurried out of the dorm.

And ran straight into Jim.

"Now just hold it right there, you two," Jim said. "Where do you two think you're going?"

"Jim, this isn't a good time," Jeremie said as he tried to go around Jim. But the big guy blocked him.

"You two up to no good, I see."

"Jim, this is a matter of life and death," Odd protested.

"Yeah, I bet. Look, the two of you have to get back to your rooms right now!" Kiwi barked attracting Jim's attention.
When Jim turned to look at the dog, Kiwi grabbed onto Jim's pant leg. "Hey, let go you four-legged fleabag!" Kiwi let go
then ran around and grabbed Jim's other pant leg. Kiwi pulled Jim in circles until the big man lost his footing and fell

"Good boy, Kiwi," Odd congratulated. Kiwi barked and ran to join the two children. The two used the back entrance to the
sewers. Once there, Odd grabbed his skateboard and threw it down on the ground. Jeremie followed with his scooter.
"Hey Jeremie, what about Yumi and Ulrich?"

"I couldn't reach them."

"Knowing those two lovebirds, they're probably making out somewhere."


Ulrich struggled to stand. His plan to signal Jeremie and Odd fell. Now, it appeared that he would have to fight Xana-
Yumi. Ulrich remembered the exhibition match they participated in the other day. Yumi wiped the floor with him, and now
that Xana was powering her up, Ulrich couldn't help but wonder if this is how he would fall.

"All right," he said dropping into a defensive stanse. "Kid gloves are off!" Xana-Yumi chuckled and came at him with a
kick. Ulrich blocked it with both of his hands then threw her leg up causing Xana-Yumi to fall on her back. Ulrich moved
in to punch her lights out... but he couldn't. Despite the glowing red eyes, that was still Yumi, still the person he
cared about. He couldn't hit her.

Xana-Yumi backflipped to her feet and fired off a barrage of kicks.


Jeremie and Odd ran inside the abandoned factory, swung down the ropes and into the elevator. There was no time for
prelude. Jeremie stopped at the control room while Odd continued down to the scanner room. As Odd waited for Jeremie to
power up the scanner, he heard Jeremie's voice say, "I'm sending you to the desert region, Odd. Aelita's already there.
Hook up with her and shut down that tower."

"You got it, Chief," Odd said.

"Don't call me Chief," Jeremie retorted. "Transfer... Odd." Odd entered the scanner. "Scanner... Odd." Jeremy
uploaded Odd's avatar. "Virtualization!"

Odd materialized in a vast desert. Just like Jeremie said, Aelita was waiting for him.

"Hey, Aelita," Odd greeted. "Good summer?"

"It was until Xana woke up. I found the tower. But there's a team of blocks guarding it."

"At least we know it's the right tower." The tower was across a rock bridge a thousand yards from where Odd materialized.
But three block monsters were guarding the bridge. Aelita and Odd hid behind a rock as they assessed the area.

"Do you have any ideas?" Aelita asked.

"I have one, but we need a distraction," Odd said.

"I can do it," Aelita volunteered.

"Be careful, Aelita."

"Thanks, Jeremie, I will." Aelita ran from behind her hiding spot. Immediately, the blocks began to converge on her
location. Meanwhile, Odd leaped onto the rock and fired three of his arrows. To the surprise of Aelita and the boys,
all three struck their target and the blocks were destroyed.

"Well, that was easy," Odd commented.

"Um... Odd, think again." Odd turned around and saw more blocks along with several crabs coming up on them from behind.


Ulrich was thrown to the ground again. Still, he struggled to get up. It was time to use his last card.

"Yumi, I know you're in there. You have to fight him. Yumi, it's me, Ulrich. Remember? Remember all the fun times we
had? Remember that we fight Xana, to stop him from destroying Aelita? Remember what happened to us in Lyoko? What we
almost shared? I care about you, Yumi." Xana-Yumi stopped and for a moment, Ulrich thought his words have broken through.
Then she chuckled and delivered a powerful uppercut. Ulrich felt himself lose consciousness.

Xana-Yumi chuckled. Then her eyes glazed over and she fell unconscious as well.


"Odd, you're down to twenty lifepoints," Jeremie reported. "And you're almost out of arrows to boot."

"Tell me some good news, why don't you?" Odd cracked as he fired another arrow. "Aelita, get to the tower!"

"Right... huh?" Aelita looked up at the tower as it suddenly went dim.

"What's wrong?" Odd asked without looking at her.

"The tower just deactivated," Aelita said.

"That's strange," Jeremie commented. Usually Xana fights so hard to keep Aelita from the towers. But not only did he not
put up any resistence, but he abandoned the tower."

"Maybe he realizes he can't stop us," Odd said blowing on his fist and rubbing it on his chest.

"No," Jeremie said. "It's something else. But what..."


Yumi moaned and opened her eyes. She was in the forest near the manhole that they use to get to the factory. "What...
how did I get here?" Yumi tried to remember what happened. She was in the nurse's office, getting a shot, then...
nothing. Perhaps she had an allergic reaction to it.

She then saw Ulrich laying prone on the ground. "ULRICH!" Yumi ran up to him and took his head in her lap. "Ulrich,
what happened? Who did this to you? Ulrich, speak to me!" Ulrich's shallow breathing told her that he was still alive.
But the bruises and bloody lip showed her that his injuries were serious. Yumi quickly looked around for some sign of the
culprit and spotted Ulrich's cell phone. "Ulrich's phone. Maybe he took some pictures of his attacker." Yumi accessed
the picture gallery on the phone.

And almost dropped the phone in shock as the pictures of her attacking Ulrich appeared on the screen. "No... it can't...
it can't be... but... it is... I attacked him... I attacked Ulrich." Yumi felt tears swell up in her eyes. She fell to
her knees. "Ulrich... forgive me."

It was then that Jim came barreling through the bushes. He heard sounds of physical contact and came to see what was going
on. He looked from Yumi to the fallen Ulrich. "Yumi, what happened here?"

Yumi quietly closed the cell phone so that Jim wouldn't see the photos. "I... I don't know, Jim, I just... heard screams
and came running. I saw him laying there and..." Yumi's voice broke up as she placed the phone in her back pocket.

Jim stared at Yumi. She was hiding something, he could tell it. But... he couldn't worry about that now, Ulrich needed
medical attention. He decided to let Yumi off the hook this time. "Come on, let's get Ulrich to the Infirmery."

Yumi nodded and followed behind Jim, crying all the way.


"Xana knew what he was doing from the beginning," Jeremie said as he spoke with the others in his room (Aelita and Kiwi
were also there). Yumi had unconsciously show them the photos. "He knew that Ulrich wouldn't risk attacking Yumi
and that made him an easy target."

"Xana left the tower so that we wouldn't shut it down and use the time-reversal program to undo the damage he's done,"
Aelita continued. "Once he was sure his job was completed, he left."

Jeremie took over. "Xana knew he couldn't attack us outright, so he decided to break our spirits. Once we were defeated
from the inside out, he'd be free to do whatever he wanted with us."

"It was all just a set up by Xana to break us down," Aelita finished.

"Fortunately, Jim didn't find out the truth," Odd said. "All he knows is someone attacked Ulrich. Obviously, the
Principal's going to look into this."

"These photos are the only evidence of the attacker," Jeremie said. "I'll erase them."

Odd nodded, then noticed Yumi sitting on Jeremie's bed, her legs pulled up against her chest, her arms wrapped around them.
"Hey Yumi, you've been quiet. What do you think of all this?" Yumi was quiet, she just stared ahead.

"Odd, I think Yumi needs some time to be alone," Aelita said. "She probably still feels guilty over what she did to
Ulrich. Perhaps someone should take her home."

"I will," Jeremie volunteered.

"All right," Odd agreed. "See you tomorrow, Jeremie. Bye, Aelita!"

"Bye, Odd," Jeremie and Aelita said. Aelita then said, "Jeremie, I'll leave too."

"Okay, Aelita, bye." As Aelita's face disappeared from the screen, Jeremie went over to Yumi and offered her his hand.
"Come on, Yumi, I'll take you home." As if in a trance, Yumi allowed Jeremie to take her hand. Jeremie lead her home.
Yumi's parents weren't upset with her, not when Jeremie told them the truth behind Yumi's stunned state: that she
witnessed a friend of hers seriously hurt. They nodded a thanks to Jeremie and put her to bed.

But Yumi didn't fall asleep. In her mind, she could hear four words: I care about you.