Oh goodness, I think I have to apologize a thousand times for it taking me so long to update. Here it is though, the FINAL installment!! I'm very excited about it, even though it isn't the longest chapter; actually, it's probably the shortest chapter!! But it ends right where I have always planned it to end. If there are many of you that want another chapter, let me know and I will write one (I'd like to, but I'll only do it if others want to read it!). I planned for this to end right where the book adaptation by Kevin Ryan starts.

I hope everyone who has read this story from beginning to end with me has enjoyed reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it. I again apologize for the long wait- I really didn't mean for it to take me so long. I just wanted it to come out just right for the ending to land nicely.

I look forward to hearing your replies on this, and you may see me soon beginning a new story! For the last, and sadly, final time: I do not own the characters, just the plot!!

Dracula's Brides

Chapter 12: Make Three Into One

A new night had just begun when Vladislaus summoned his three beautiful brides to him. They whispered together excitedly as they drifted down the grand, medieval hallways and once or twice they stopped to peer outside the windows. When they finally reached the library Vladislaus has already made himself comfortable in a luxurious red velvet arm chair at the end of the room. Rising to meet his brides he whispered three words,

"I found him," it came breathlessly to the room and echoed in silence but was soon joined with the laughter of Aleera, Marishka, and Verona. They rejoiced at the news and ran to their master.

"It is come, the moment we all held so passionately to our hearts!" screamed Marishka gaily.

"Our children, our blood, to finally rise with us in the night!" Verona applauded joyously.

"My master's dream to be finally fulfilled!" Aleera cackled devilishly.

"Before we awaken our children, we must realize: we cannot go on without each other." Vladislaus pronounced, glancing at Aleera, "each of you must remember these things: each of you are equal-not even Verona surpasses you two because you are the same essentially. Each of you will get time with me- no more fighting." Aleera giggled, but he gave her a stern look and silenced her. "Aleera- each of you has a piece of my power, if any of you die I will die-part of me at least not completely-" he said pointedly, "so you cannot hurt your sisters just because they are smarter than you. I need this power to complete our plans for our children." Aleera looked puzzled, "by no means are you to endanger the lives of your sisters- is that perfectly understood? I want no more jealous actions from you." he stared straight into her eyes coldly.

"Yes, master," she forfeited.

"Now," he pronounced clapping his pale white hands almost as if her words had not been heard. "The news you have waited for has come,"

Verona jumped to the edge of her seat and he could see her thing pale legs protruding from her dress shaking nervously causing the dress to ripple and bounce to form light, airy waves.

Marishka bobbed her head back and forth impatiently as if in time to a piece of music in her mind. Her brown curls were bouncing lightly with her.

Aleera rubbed her stomach and watched her master keenly.

"His name is Victor Frankenstein," he paused to hear them all whispering the name in awe." I met with him a few nights ago and he is to move into a nearby castle, close to the village, and begin work on a machine to give life to our young." Though, he thought to himself, he doesn't know it yet.

"Can a mortal really conquer the mystery of life, master?" Aleera questioned, "Should we not find another, more... suited?"

"Our master knows what is right Aleera," Marishka snapped "leave it be."

"Frankenstein is very worthy of this duty," Vladislaus went on without seeming to hear them again, "I have inspected his past works, saw his dreams, his passion is in fact to find the secret of life- what more can you want in a mortal?" Aleera bowed her head towards him and said,

"I was mistaken then." Her words trailing off as she saw Verona smile at her calmly.

"I must leave you for the night so feed, talk, sleep, do what you will for the night." Vladislaus continued, "I am going to see how our dear Victor is getting used to our lands and customs. Until the job is done I will not stop watching his every move. Understand this my brides," he warned, looking each straight in the eyes, "to do this without failure we need to work together- be as one. Our lives will revolve around this man, this mortal, until it is done."

"We understand Vladislaus," Verona purred reaching out to her daughters, "We will not fail you." She finally grasped Aleera and Marishka hands in her own tightly.

"Never!" Aleera chimed in glancing favorably in Verona's direction, "I will be a good sister and daughter."

"Very well then my dears" Vladislaus cooed, "I shall be off at once!" he went towards them all gathering them at once into a tight embrace. After kissing each one passionately he ran off into the night.

As the brides stood to watch him go, they grabbed hold on to each other, their shadows forming into one giant shape.

Verona, Marishka, and Aleera stood not alone, but as one, watching their master fulfill their dreams.