A/N: O.o I get the weirdest reviews

Disclaimer: I do not own Amy, Cream, or any other Sonic related character. I own Joseph and
this fic.


What if I said here forever? What if I never remember who I am? Will this be permanent? Will I get my memory back? These questions swerved in my mind that morning like a fly flying inside my head. Most of the time that I was kept inside these four walls, I was thinking about a lot of stuff. I must have liked to think a lot. I must have been a very smart fellow with a huge imagination.

Outside the window, I could see the branches of a nearby tree dancing to the wind. It calmed my nerves, almost forgetting about the pain on my body. I must of loved nature very much. I must have been a hippie of some sort.

Noon came with Amy bring with her a first aid kit. Slowly, she unwrap my bandages from my injured leg first. I had a good look of it. I almost fainted seeing the site. The injury was below my knee, and covered with blood. A huge cut that was about a foot long was found. It almost looked like a knife almost cut deep into my leg.

She was really gentle, the way she cleaned off the blood. For some reason, I really enjoy her company. I would feel guilty for any guy who didn't know a girl like her. Amy then took a small towel and poured in a little rubbing alcohol. Amy carefully, and cautiously, wiped the big cut with the moist towel. I winced, wishing that the stinging pain would stop. She was giving me short glances about every few seconds, but I didn't show any sign that I was in small pain.

After she was done, she took out a newly fresh bandage roll and wrapped it around my wounded leg. She put it under a soft, feather pillow to make it feel comfortable.

Next, Amy unwrap my bandage wrapped around from the top of my waist covering up to the bottom of my chest. I was a little frightened, but I didn't want to give Amy a hint of my fear. I wanted her to think that I could stand a little bit of bloodshed. For some reason, I really wanted to impress her.

She slowly and very carefully she took the bandage off. I saw it. It was a pattern of bloody slash marks. It looked like it was made from an animal with sharp claws. Have I been fighting with a badger of some kind? As she cleaned off the blood, she started a conversation. "So, are you okay?"

"Well..." I had to admit, I was a little mixed up then. "Besides all the pain, and the blood, and me wearing almost nothing (I saw her blush a little at that time), I seem okay. Thanks for asking."

"No problem," she said quickly, with her light blushing still placed on her cheeks. After wrapping new bandages on my leg, she got all of her items and as soon as she said, "The doctor will come in about an hour, Joseph", she left while closing the door on her back.

I was left alone again with myself in the quiet room. As I stare at the ceiling, I grew drowsier and drowsier. Sleeping would past by the time. What else is there to do while you can't move from your bed? I aloud myself to fall asleep, and asleep it was

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------

I found myself in the forest, walking! Yes, walking! I felt like I wasn't in pain at all. I felt great! But that didn't last long.

The wind was brushing through my quills as I was walking the forest as it was getting darker, and darker, and darker. I found myself running. I was running so fast, like if someone was following me. But who? But What? I ran and ran, until, I heard something.

Sounded like a river.

Close by!

At the end of the darkness, I saw a full moon reflecting the water on the river I heard before. It was glistening so beautifully, and I wanted to stare at it all night, but then, I heard something.

What was that?

It sounds like...


Yes, it was singing! A voice was singing from a distance.

The River never shows no mercy
The River never shows no mercy

I wanted to turn and find the source of the song, but I couldn't move at all. I was stiff. For some reason, I couldn't move anything in my body.

The next thing I knew, my stiff body wasn't on land anymore! Water was all around me. I was drowning! I was suffocating! The current was too strong! I... I...

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------

"Joseph! Joseph! Wake up! Speak to me! JOSEPH!"

I had awoken to find Amy shaking me, crying out my name and telling me to wake up. As soon as she saw me awake, she hugged me tight (A little too tight, I may add) and she cried out, "its okay, Joseph. It's only a nightmare."

"Yeah I know," I said as soon as she stopped the hugging, "But, what was going on with the shaking?"

"You were yelling out help in your sleep," Amy said. "You gave me quite a scare, there."

Noticing we weren't alone, I asked who the man behind her was. "That's the doctor, Joseph. I told you about him an hour ago, remember?"

Duh! How could I forgotten? She already told me that the doctor was going to come. He was a tall, paled skin man who looked like he was between his late 30's and early 40's. His straight, black hair was tidied up, and his thick, black glasses made him look more like a doctor. He was carrying a black bag with him the whole time.

"Well," he said, his voice being a little deep, "Let me take a look at these cuts." After he got Amy out, he removed the bandages and saw carefully the cuts.

I really hoped that he will help me get back on my feet. I didn't want to spend most of my life, lying down on the bed with nothing to do because of the unbelievable pain on my body. I wanted to go out to have fresh air. I wanted to know who I am. I didn't want to guess, I just NEEDED to know.

"Tell me," he said as he examined me, "does it hurt when you move?"

"Yes," I responded, "very, very much"

"Okay," the doctor said, placing back the bandages as he smiled. I could tell that he liked giving smiles away and that he was a very happy guy.

"Well, doctor," I asked, "Am I going to be okay?"

"Well, it's just some animal slashes as all," he said this like if it were a fracture wrist. "You probably need to stay in bed until you're able too move which is about like 3-5 days. After that, you're going to be on crutches for 3 weeks because those scratch marks on your leg looks worst then on your chest."

As he was standing up and getting his bag, he said, "Tell me, how did this happened?"

"I... I don't know, I... have amnesia" I responded back slowly.

The doctor looked at me a little funny with one eyebrow up and another down. It was intimidating me, making me wish he leaved. Finally, he left the room without saying a word.

As I stare at the ceiling, I thought if the doctor believed me or not. He did look like I was making that up on my own. I know that if I was in his shoes, I would think of myself as crazy. It maybe crazy, but it's true. It wouldn't be fair to make something up like that, right? I mean, making believe that you have amnesia would really hurt the ones who believed you.

And what about that dream? What was that about? That song... I think I herd it before... But I forgot. Who told it to me? Was it something from a book? What it a something I picked up?

The River never shows no mercy

What does that mean? I let out a sigh, hoping that I didn't have anymore of those dreams again.


A/N: Now, when I mean I get the weirdest reviews, I meant that as a compliment. And who the hell is Sweet Cuppin Cakes? What's his problem? Well, don't worry. It'll get scarier in later chapters, I promise. That is, as long as you keep with the reviews!